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!-- SETTINGS ===========================================================================-->

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				<user2> Dark Elf </user2>		<!-- player race -->
				<user3> Thief </user3>			<!-- player birthsign -->
				<user4> Battlemage </user4>		<!-- player class -->
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												<!-- For values below:
												 <0 = Affected negatively by magic
												 0 = Not affected by magic
												 >0 = Affected positively by magic -->
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				<!-- Oblivion XP changes the following items:
					- stat_p1
						- stat_p1_health_layout
						- stat_p1_magicka_layout
						- stat_p1_fatigue_layout
						- stat_p1_level_value
					- stat_p2
						- stat_p2_strength_layout
						- stat_p2_intelligence_layout
						- stat_p2_willpower_layout
						- stat_p2_agility_layout
						- stat_p2_speed_layout
						- stat_p2_endurance_layout
						- stat_p2_personality_layout
						- stat_p2_luck_layout
						- stat_p2_icons
						- stat_p2_icons2 (NEW)
						- stat_p2_lines (DELETED)
					- stat_p3
						- KCAS_label (CHANGED TO ObXP_label)
					- stat_skill_template
						- temp_fill_bar (DELETED)
						- skill_prog* (DELETED)
					- stat_pop_background
						- stat_pop_text
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						To gain Experience Points (XP), you can, amongst others, kill creatures, gather Nirnroots, explore new areas or complete Quests.												
						To increase your Level, gather Experience Points (XP), which you can do in a number of ways. Once you have gained enough XP to increase your level, you can click on the Level entry to the left to go to the Level Up menu, where you will be able to pick the Attributes and Skills that you want to increase.
					<_levelprogress> 50 </_levelprogress>
					<_currentXP> Current XP </_currentXP>
					<_neededXP> Needed XP </_neededXP>
					<_restedXP> Rested XP </_restedXP>
					<_totalXP> Total XP </_totalXP>
					<_hourlyXP> XP per Hour </_hourlyXP>
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						<filename> Textures\Menus\Oblivion XP\stat_player_linesdui.dds </filename>
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							an input command, they defer to their parent. The following directions are for those times. -->
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!-- ******************************************** -->

!-- Level Progress Percentage -->

!-- ******************************************** -->

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!-- ******************************************** -->

!-- Level Progress Percentage -->

!-- ******************************************** -->

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							<mul> 75 </mul>
						<!-- This is a list pane, and is not a focus itself, but when the child elements don't know how to handle
							an input command, they defer to their parent. The following directions are for those times. -->
						<target> &false; </target>
						<xdefault> &true; </xdefault>
						<xlist> &xlist; </xlist>
						<!--xup> &last; </xup>
						<xdown> &first; </xdown-->
						<xscroll> <ref src="stat_p4_scroll_bar" trait="user5" /> </xscroll>
						<!-- faction items are inserted here in the code from template at the bottom of this file -->
			<rect name="stat_p5">
				<target> &true; </target> <!-- DarN cover settings -->
				<id> 50 </id>
					<copy src="StatsMenu" trait="user0" />
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					<string> Accomplishments </string>
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include src="vertical_scroll.xml" />

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						<!-- <sub src="me()" trait="user8" /> -->
						<sub> 20 </sub>
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												items minus the number of items visible. i.e. if your list has
												8 items and you can see 2 at any one time, this should be 6 -->
					<user3> 1 </user3>		<!-- When the scroll arrow is clicked on, this is how many items it will advance -->
					<user4> 24 </user4>		<!-- When the scroll bar is clicked on, this is how many items it will advance DarN 30 -->
					<user5> 0 </user5>		<!-- The starting position of the scroll bar (set this only once) -->
					<user6> 53 </user6>		<!-- A unique ID so that the scroll marker can be dragged around -->
					<!-- user7 --> <!-- current value -->
					<user8> 35 </user8>		<!-- How many items are visible at once DarN (6)-->
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						<!-- misc items are inserted here in the code from template at the bottom of this file -->
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Last-modified: 2010-06-10 (木) 20:33:58