

!-- hud_reticle.xml -->

!-- DarN Version 1.1 -->

rect name="HUDReticle">

	<!-- this rect is actually menu level -->
	<_offset_x><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_sex" /></_offset_x>
	<_offset_y><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_sey" /></_offset_y>
	<_sev><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_sev" /></_sev>
	<_gzoom><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_zoom" /></_gzoom>
	<_chv><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_chv" /></_chv>
	<_3chv><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_3chv" /></_3chv>
	<_ehbv><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_ehbv" /></_ehbv>
	<_mm><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_menumode" /></_mm>
	<_settings_mode><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_settingsmode" /></_settings_mode>
	<_sehover><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_sneakhover" /></_sehover>
	<_chhover><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_chhover" /></_chhover>
	<_he><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_he" /></_he>
	<_ha><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_gfx_hudalpha" /></_ha>
	<_txt_ha><copy src="sibling(HUDMainMenu)" trait="_txt_hudalpha" /></_txt_ha>
	<_3p><copy src="hudreticle_reticle_activate" trait="_in3rdperson" /></_3p>
	<!-- <_combat><copy src="hudreticle_enemy_health" trait="alpha" /><gt>0</gt></_combat> --> <!-- DarN TODO -->
	<visible> &false; </visible>
	<stackingtype> &does_not_stack; </stackingtype>
	<alpha>	0 </alpha>
	<locus> &true; </locus>
	<depth> -10 </depth>
		<copy src="screen()" trait="width" />
		<div> 2 </div>
		<copy src="screen()" trait="height" />
		<div> 2 </div>
	<menufade> 0.25 </menufade>

include src="darn\hudreticle_config.xml" />

	<rect name="hudreticle_reticle">
		<id> 1 </id>
		<locus> &true; </locus>
		<user1> &false; </user1>	<!-- true if crime to take action -->
		<user2> 200 </user2>		<!-- code set - alpha -->
		<user3> 0.25 </user3>		<!-- DarN 0.5 fade speed -->
		<user4> &false; </user4>	<!-- true = larger icon -->
		<user5> 0 </user5>			<!-- icon type -->
		<!-- These are the colors that the reticle should appear based
			 on whether the player is stealing mousedover item	-->
		<_red_stealing>   208 </_red_stealing>
		<_green_stealing>   0 </_green_stealing>
		<_blue_stealing>    0 </_blue_stealing>
		<!-- default crosshair image -->
		<image name="hudreticle_reticle_crosshair">
			<locus> &true; </locus>
				<copy src="parent()" trait="user5" />
				<eq> 0 </eq>
				<copy> 100 </copy>
				<onlyif src="HUDReticle" trait="_settings_mode" />
			<filename> <copy src="darnui_settings" trait="_t_crosshair" /> </filename>
				<copy src="parent()" trait="user2" />
					<copy> 255 </copy>
						<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_3chv" />
						<and><not src="HUDReticle" trait="_mm" /></and>
					<copy> 255 </copy> 
					<onlyif src="HUDReticle" trait="_chv" />
					<copy> 255 </copy>
					<onlyif src="HUDReticle" trait="_settings_mode" />
					<onlyif src="HUDReticle" trait="_chv" />
				<copy> 37 </copy>
				<div> 100 </div>
				<mul src="me()" trait="zoom" />
				<copy> 37 </copy>
				<div> 100 </div>
				<mul src="me()" trait="zoom" />
				<copy> 0 </copy>
					<copy src="me()" trait="height" />
					<div> 2 </div>
				<copy> 0 </copy>
					<copy src="me()" trait="height" />
					<div> 2 </div>
			<zoom> <copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_gzoom"/> </zoom>
			<rect name="element_backdrop">
				<visible> <copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_settings_mode" /> </visible>
					<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_chhover" />
				<include src="darn\settings_fader_box.xml"/>
		<!-- image to show when crosshairs is indicating a particular type of object -->
		<image name="hudreticle_reticle_activate">
				<copy src="parent()" trait="user2" />
				<eq> 0 </eq>
				<copy src="parent()" trait="user5" />
				<eq> 7 </eq>
				<copy src="parent()" trait="user5" />
				<eq> 10 </eq>
				<copy src="me()" trait="_isCrownIcon" />
				<add src="me()" trait="_isTalkIcon" />
				<add src="me()" trait="_in3rdperson" />
				<gt> 4 </gt>
				<copy src="darnui_settings" trait="_forceaicons" />
				<eq> &true; </eq>
					<copy src="parent()" trait="user2" />
					<eq> 0 </eq>
					<copy src="parent()" trait="user2" />
					<neq> 0 </neq>
						<copy src="darnui_settings" trait="_forceaicons" />
						<eq> &false; </eq>
			<zoom> <copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_gzoom"/> </zoom> <!-- DarN add -->
				<copy src="parent()" trait="user5" />
				<gt> 0 </gt>
			<filename> <copy src="darnui_settings" trait="_t_activateicons" /> </filename>
				<copy> 34 </copy>
				<div> 100 </div>
				<mul src="me()" trait="zoom" />
					<copy src="parent()" trait="user5" />
					<sub> 1 </sub>
						<copy> 3 </copy>
						<onlyif src="HUDReticle" trait="_he" />
							<copy src="parent()" trait="user5" />
							<eq> 10 </eq>
				<copy src="parent()" trait="_red_stealing" />
				<onlyif src="parent()" trait="user1" />
					<copy> 255 </copy>
					<onlyifnot src="parent()" trait="user1" />
				<copy src="parent()" trait="_green_stealing" />
				<onlyif src="parent()" trait="user1" />
					<copy> 255 </copy>
					<onlyifnot src="parent()" trait="user1" />
				<copy src="parent()" trait="_blue_stealing" />
				<onlyif src="parent()" trait="user1" />
					<copy> 255 </copy>
					<onlyifnot src="parent()" trait="user1" />
				<copy src="parent()" trait="user2" />
					<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_ha" />
					<onlyif src="me()" trait="_blocktalk" />
					<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_ha" />
					<onlyifnot src="me()" trait="_blocktalk" />
					<onlyifnot src="HUDReticle" trait="_mm" />
					<onlyif> <!-- DarN 1.3.1 adhere to 3p crosshair -->
						<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_3chv" />
						<and src="me()" trait="_in3rdperson" />
							<not src="me()" trait="_in3rdperson" />
				<copy> 34 </copy>
				<div> 100 </div>
				<mul src="me()" trait="zoom" />
				<copy> 32 </copy>
				<div> 100 </div>
				<mul src="me()" trait="zoom" />
			<x> <!-- DarN -16 -->
				<copy> 0 </copy>
					<copy src="me()" trait="width" />
					<div> 2 </div>
			<y> <!-- DarN -16 -->
				<copy> 0 </copy>
					<copy src="me()" trait="height" />
					<div> 2 </div>
	<nif name="hudreticle_enemy_health">
		<id> 2 </id>
			<copy src="darnui_settings" trait="_ehbscaled" />
			<copy src="me()" trait="_filename_"/>
		<visible> &true; </visible>
		<locus> &true; </locus>
			<copy src="me()" trait="user8" />
			<onlyif src="HUDReticle" trait="_ehbv" />
				<copy> 255 </copy>
					<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_ehbv" />
					<and src="HUDReticle" trait="_settings_mode" />
		<x> -1 </x>
		<y> -20 </y> <!-- DarN -20 -->
		<user1> 1 </user1>
		<user2> 0.0 </user2>
		<user8> 0 </user8>	<!-- code set - alpha -->
		<user9> 0.5 </user9>	<!-- fade speed -->
		<animation> Health_Bar </animation>
		<_filename_1> Enemy Health Bar\Health_Bar01.NIF </_filename_1>
		<_filename_2> darn\Health_Bar01.NIF </_filename_2>
	<image name="hudreticle_sneak">
		<locus> &true; </locus>
			<copy> 0 </copy>
				<copy> 98 </copy>
				<onlyif src="HUDReticle" trait="_settings_mode" />
		<id> 3 </id>
		<visible> &true; </visible> <!-- DarN overridden... -->
		<filename> <copy src="darnui_settings" trait="_t_sneakicon" /> </filename>
		<red> 255 </red>
		<green> 255 </green>
		<blue> 255 </blue>
		<zoom><copy src="parent()" trait="_gzoom" /></zoom>
			<copy src="me()" trait="user8" />
			<eq> 200 </eq>
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				<copy src="parent()" trait="_ha" />
					<copy src="parent()" trait="_sev" />
						<copy src="me()" trait="_visible" />
						<or src="parent()" trait="_settings_mode" />
			<sub> <!-- DarN conditional min 0 ... -->
				<copy src="me()" trait="user8" />
				<onlyifnot src="parent()" trait="_sev" />
		<width> <!-- DarN 64 -->
			<copy> 64 </copy>
			<div> 100 </div>
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		<height> <copy src="me()" trait="width" /> </height>
			<copy> 0.5 </copy> <!-- DarN 0 -->
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				<div> 2 </div>
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			<add> 200 </add>
			<copy src="screen()" trait="height" />
			<div> 2 </div>
			<sub src="me()" trait="height" />
				<copy> 16 </copy>
				<mul src="me()" trait="zoom" />
				<div> 100 </div>
			</add> <!-- DarN we're zeroed -->
			<add src="parent()" trait="_offset_y" />
		<user8> 0 </user8>	<!-- code set - alpha -->
		<user9> 0.5 </user9>	<!-- fade speed -->
		<text name="dbg3">
			<visible> 1 </visible>
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				<add> 10 </add>
			<y> 0 </y>
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			<font> 2 </font>
			<alpha> 255 </alpha>
			<string> <copy src="parent()" trait="user8" /> </string>
		<rect name="element_backdrop">
				<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_settings_mode" />
					<copy src="parent()" trait="alpha" />
					<gt> 0 </gt>
			<y> -5 </y>
				<copy src="HUDReticle" trait="_sehover" />
			<include src="darn\settings_fader_box.xml"/>


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Last-modified: 2010-06-10 (木) 20:33:18