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Orders of Conduct to Occupying Legionnaires in Windfall
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Due to the sensitive nature of our mission I have deemed it relevant to issue a list of orders, and commands, to all Imperial Legion soldiers on peacekeeping duty in Windfall. These orders are to be followed at all times, in addition to the existing Orders of Conduct expressed in your personal Legion Handbooks. In any circumstances where these new orders conflict with pre-existing orders, priority will be given to any orders expressed in this directive.<br>
First and foremost remember you all are members of an Imperial peacekeeping force. There is no enemy in Windfall. There are no hordes of goblins or bandits awaiting you on a battlefield. We will be entering a city of the Imperium and therefore, I expect all Legionnaires to uphold a manner accustomed to such places. It is of the utmost importance that the Legion remains totally neutral to the political situation while in Windfall; many of you may have participated in various missions throughout Cyrodiil, at the request of a Count of another city and therefore owed them your duty. However Count Varo did not request aid, it has been imposed upon his city by the Elder Council and therefore you owe him no allegiance or duty, the same goes for the general public of Windfall. Put blankly you are there to ensure they don?t kill each other.<br>
Therefore while in Windfall follow and respect these following orders:<br>
1 - All Legionnaires must retain their patrols strictly to the Commercial District; under no circumstances must you enter any residential districts unless explicitly ordered to do so by a Legion Officer with signed confirmation by myself or my superiors, and only then enter with more than 8 men. Exceptions to this order are shown in Order 2.<br>
2 - The only circumstance a Legionnaire may enter any residential district without orders is if a criminal activity is underway within their sight and if no local law enforcement is nearby. Do not investigate any suspicious behavior beyond what you can actually see.<br>
3 - Avoid conversation with the public that goes beyond that allowed in your Orders of Conduct. In no way express a personal view on the situation in Windfall.<br>
4 - Do not accept any property from anyone in Windfall into your personal possession, or give any property to anyone in Windfall.<br>
5 - Avoid as much as possible any interaction with any Windfall Guards, this may give the general public the image we are working in conjunction with them.<br>
6 - Avoid conducting arrests unless absolutely necessary. For example if a brawl ensues, break up the combatants, and escort them toward their abode as far as allowed under Order 1.<br>
7 - While on patrol keep all weapons sheathed, do not present yourself as overly offensive or defensive.<br>
8 - Do not under any circumstance attempt to apprehend a felon with lethal force unless you reasonably believe your own life, or the life of another is in immediate jeopardy.<br>
9 - If asked by a member of the public to enter a residential district do not do so for any reason unless if the situation is covered by Order 2. In any other situation direct the individual to the nearest Windfall Guard subject to Order 1.<br>
10 - If asked to enter a residential district by a member of the Windfall Guard or of the Count?s staff refuse to do so.<br>
11 - While not on duty remain within the Legion compound. In no circumstances may you leave the compound unless you are on duty.<br>
12 - Intervene, without force, where any revolutionary activity (or activity likely to increase tension), such as the raising of posters occurs in the Commercial District.<br>
13 - All patrolling and sentry duty conducted by Legionnaires must ensure they remain within these 13 Orders.<br>
As these orders suggest you will be entering a city of particularly high tension, each side of the argument is always on the lookout for new evidence to get the upper hand over their enemies in Windfall. Do not become that evidence. Any Legionnaire who breaches the 13 Orders, or who is deemed unfit to conduct their duty will be immediately returned to their unit in mainland Cyrodiil.<Br>

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Last-modified: 2009-02-03 (火) 11:21:45