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For the eyes of Commander Denian only.
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     There have been rapid developments in Windfall which I&#65533;m afraid cannot wait until my next situation report. Violent clashes between both factions have escalated in frequency and severity and it is of my professional opinion that an uprising by the lower classes is imminent. I am certain the Windfall security forces and acting Count, Brend Varo, will be unable to effectively suppress any armed revolution and I ask for permission to abandon the policy of non-alignment and for an Imperial Directive which will allow me to take control of the Windfall apparatus of power, until such time that peace can be restored. Although attacks against the Legion have risen in recent weeks, I am confident that if the Legion assumes power, the lower classes will subside as their main objections are with the Varo regime and not with the Imperium. After meeting with Brend Varo it has become apparent he will not voluntarily step down from power, even temporarily, and therefore I ask for permission to use military force to apprehend and remove any obstructions to the possible mission. Once the mission has been brought to a conclusive close, the Legion will have control of Windfall. At that time, and with you approval, I will accept the responsibility of Imperial Governor of the island, until such time as alternative arrangements (if any are needed) can be made. I feel my experience and knowledge of the situation on the island places me in a good stead to effectively administer the settlement.<br>
     I must ask for a speedy reply to my requests, as I fear if the Legion does not take control of the already dire situation soon, the island could possibly be lost to the insurgents.<br>
Yours obediently,<br>
Captain Fracas<br>

訳文 Edit

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 次の報告まで待てない規模の急速展開がWindfallに起こっている。両派閥による激しい衝突は頻度と過激さを増しており、専門家として私の意見を述べさせてもらうと、それは下層階級による騒乱が差し迫っているということだ。 私は、Windfall治安部隊と伯爵代理のBrend_Varoでは武力革命を効果的に抑えられないと確信している。平和を取り戻すまでの期間中、私がImperial_Directive(帝国の指示)のためにどれほどまでWindfallの組織を扱ってよいか、そして非同盟の方針から身を引く許可について尋ねたい。Legionへの襲撃がここ数週間発生しているが、仮に私がLegionに就任すれば、その原因を排除することによってVaro体制の「Imperium(支配性)」を打ち壊し、下層階級の人間を鎮める自信がある。Brend_Varoと会ってわかったことは、一時的にせよ彼は権力から自発的に退かないだろうということだ。したがって、私はどのような障害にも対応できるよう軍の使用許可を求める。それら任務が完全に終われば、LegionはWindfallの管理をおこなう。作戦行動中、必要があれば代わりのものが手配されるまでImperial_Governor(帝国知事)の責任を認めてほしい。私には経験があり、島に関する知識は管理に役立つだろう。<br>
Yours obediently(敬具)、<br>
Captain Fracas<br>

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Last-modified: 2009-02-08 (日) 12:23:42