

FormID: 010077D3 VHM000 10 0 I must now track down the remaining Night Hunters and slay them. Only when they are all dead can I hope to collect my reward. I should have no illusions about what I am doing. This is murder! I must avoid detection if I am to complete my task.
__残っているNight Hunterたちを捜し出して、彼らを殺さなければ。Night Hunterたちをすべて殺せば、私は報酬を受けられる。自分のしていることに迷ってはいけない。これは殺人だ!完遂するまで見つからないようにしなければ。
FormID: 010077D3 VHM000 20 0 I have killed the Night Hunter's. Now I must wait for Vulna to contact me regarding my reward. He advised me to wait in Verona Bay for his agent to contact me.
__Night Hunterたちを殺した。Vulnaが私の報酬に関して連絡してくるのを待たなければならない。Verona Bayで彼の代理人が私に連絡するのを待つように言っていた。
FormID: 010077D3 VHM000 30 0 I have spoken to Vulna's agent. She has given me the reward. She seemed to suggest, I may be in danger!
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 10 0 Fante, a former Skingrad guard has been implicated in the events at the Rolling Dice. A bounty has been placed on him and his gang. I have been advised to collect any rewards from the Imperial Commerce office in the Market District. I should probably talk to Jug Potter in the Rolling Dice tavern to see if he has any information that might help me.
__Fanteという元Skingrad衛兵はRolling Diceである出来事に巻き込まれた。懸賞金は彼と彼のギャングに掛けられた。Market DistrictのImperial Commerce officeからどんな報酬も仕入れるように忠告された。何か情報があるかどうか確認するためにたぶんRolling Dice tavernでJug Potterと話すべきである。
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 20 0 Jug has pointed out three possible camps which he overheard the gang mention they had used in the past. It is possible they have returned to them now they are on the run. When I have killed a member of the gang I can collect my reward from the Imperial Commerce Office in the Imperial City.
__Jugは漏れ聞く3つの、過去に一味が使っていたと聞き及んでいるキャンプを示した。ギャングを殺せばImperial Commerce officeで報酬を受けられるだろう。
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 30 0 I have located Fante's northern camp. Orum Gra-Gubam and two of the gang have been using this as a base. They are worth a total bounty of 1500 G.P.
__Fanteの北キャンプの場所を見つけた。Orum Gra-Gubamと2人のギャングが、ベースキャンプとしてこれを使用している。彼らは1500G.Pの懸賞金の価値がある。
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 35 0 I have located Fante's central camp but it has clearly been abandoned for some time
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 40 0 I have located Fante's southern camp. Fante and three of the gang have been using this as a base. They are worth a total bounty of 2500 G.P.
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 45 0 I've killed a member of the gang. I can collect my reward from the Imperial Commerce Office in the Market district during normal office hours.
__ギャングのメンバーを殺した。Imperial Commerce officeで報酬を受けられるだろう。
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 47 0 I've killed all the gang member. I can collect my reward from the Imperial Commerce Office in the Market district during normal office hours.
__ギャングを壊滅させた。Imperial Commerce officeで報酬を受けられるだろう。
FormID: 0105C3B3 VHM001 50 0 I have killed all of Fante's gang and collected the bounty owed to me.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 20 0 I have been asked to cleanse the Convent of the Night Brethren, To do this I will need to complete a number of tasks.
__Night Brethren修道院を浄化しなくては。それにはいくつもやらなくてはいけないことがあるだろう。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 30 0 I have been asked to ensure the remaining sisters can gather safely in the Mother Superiors house. To do this I must eliminate all twelve members of the Night Brethren inside the convent.
__残っているシスターがMother Superiorsの家で安全に集まることにができるように頼まれた。そのためには修道院の中でNight Brethrenのメンバー12人すべてを排除しなければならない。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 31 0 I've killed all the members of the Night Brethren who have occupied the sanctuary. I now need to ensure the sisters arrive safely at the sanctuary
__Night Brethrenのすべてのメンバーを殺した。シスターたちが安全に到着するのを確実にする必要がある。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 40 0 I have completed the first task. the Brethren are slain, and the remaining sisters have gathered inside the Mother Superior house. I need to go find Kilvanen and discover the next task.
__最初の依頼を達成した。Brethrenは殺され、そして、残っているシスターはMother Superiorの家の中で集まった。Kilvanenを見つけて、次の依頼を受けに行く必要がある。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 50 0 I have been asked to find the Mother Superior and return her safely to her home
__Kilvanenを見つけて、次の依頼を受けに行く必要がある。Mother Superiorを見つけて無事送り届けなければ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 51 0 I have been overcome by a feeling of dread. I hope nothing has happened to the Sisters.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 60 0 I will need to find the Reverend Mother, She lies somewhere in this hellish landscape.
__この地獄のような風景の中のどこかにいるReverend Motherを見つけなければ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 70 0 I have located the Mother Superior. I must now escort her safely back to the Convent. To do this I'll need to retrieve the Heartstone.
__Mother Superiorを見つけた。安全に修道院まで彼女をエスコートしなければならない。そのためにはHeartstoneを探索する必要があるだろう。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 80 0 We have returned from Oblivion. I have the Heartstone, but I must remember my duty to the Sisterhood. I should return the Mother Superior to her house.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 90 0 I have now returned the Mother Superior to her house. I should locate Sister Kilvannen who still has a final task for me to complete.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 100 0 There is a traitor in the ranks of the Sisterhood. I have been asked to investigate who! I will need to talk to the Sister's and search the convent premises. When I have enough evidence I can accuse the traitor. However, I must be certain as these Sisters live under the protection of Saint Alessia and Akatosh.
__修道会には反逆者がいる。それがだれなのかを調査するように頼まれた!しかしながら、彼女たちはSaint AlessiaとAkatoshの庇護を受けているはずだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 115 0 The Mother Superior is dead. I have failed in my sacred task to restore the convent
__Mother Superiorは死んだ。私は依頼を達成できなかった。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 110 0 I have falsely accused one of the Sisters. My presence is no longer welcome.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 116 0 One of the sisterhood is dead. I have failed in my task.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 153 0 I've spoken with Sister Parsona. She appears to be genuine in her remorse for attacking Sister Kilvannen's character. Parsona now seems at peace.
__Sister Parsonaと話した。彼女はKilvannenの品性を罵ったことを後悔しているようだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 156 0 I've discovered a diary written by Sister Olivia. It is clear that she is very unhappy with the decision to promote Kilvannen. I should speak to Olivia about this.
__Sister Oliviaによって書かれている日誌を発見した。彼女がKilvannenを出世させるという決定に不満であることは明らかだ。これに関してOliviaと話すべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 158 0 I've found a confession apparently written by Sister Ullrikah. In it she confesses to a life of crime and states she has left the convent without permission. I should talk to the Mother Superior and check this information out.
__自供がSister Ullrikahによって明らかに書かれているのがわかった。彼女は許可なく修道院から外出したという。Mother Superiorと話して、この情報を確かめるべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 155 0 I have learned from a conversation with Sister Dinala that Sister Carman, was not even considered for promotion. I should talk to Carman about this.
__Sister Dinalaとの会話からSister Carmanが出世のために不利な立場だったという。これに関してCarmanと話すべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 150 0 I have learned from a series of letters than Parsona was initially very unhappy about Kilvannen's promotion. However, she appears to have accepted the decision in the end. I should speak with the Mother Superior and Parsona to confirm this.
__ParsonaがKilvannenの出世に関して非常に不満であったことを一連の手紙から読み取った。しかしながら、彼女は、結局決定を受け入れたように見える。これを確認するためにMother SuperiorとParsonaと話すべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 151 0 I have learned from a conversation with Kilvannen that Sister Carman, was not even considered for promotion. I should talk to Carman about this.
__Kilvannenとの会話からSister Carmanが出世のために不利な立場だったという。これに関してCarmanと話すべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 154 0 I've spoken with the Mother Superior. She is convinced that Parsona is genuine in her remorse for attacking Sister Kilvannen's character. Parsona now seems at peace
__Mother Superiorと話した。彼女はKilvannenの品性を罵ったことを後悔しているようだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 157 0 Having spoken to Sister Olivia, it is clear she has some sort of grudge against the convent.
__Sister Oliviaとの会話から、彼女が修道院にある種の恨みを抱くのは、明確である。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 152 0 I have spoken with Sister Carman. While she is unhappy at being overlooked, she is also very committed to the Convent, and is unlikely to betray the order.
__Sister Carmanと話した。彼女は、自分が見下されていることに不満であるようだが、しかし、献身的である。裏切りそうには見えないが。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 159 0 The Mother Superior has confirmed that both Dinala and Ullrikah have left the convent in the past six months. I should talk to both Sisters about this infringement.
__Mother Superiorは、DinalaとUllrikahの両名が過去の6カ月の間に修道院から外出したと確認した。この違反に関して両方のSisterたちと話すべきである。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 164 0 I've discovered an unfinished letter which clearly implicates both Dinala and Ullrikah in a life of crime. It also suggests that Ullrikah wishes to stay in the order. Finally the letter hints that one of the sisters was seen in Bravil taking to a hooded stranger. I should talk to both Ullrikah and Dinala to see who this was.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 165 0 Sister Olivia has finally confessed that she has left the convent in the past six months. She met her brother in Bravil apparently.
__Sister Oliviaは過去の6カ月の間に修道院から外出したのを最終的にざんげした。彼女は明らかにBravilの兄弟に会った。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 166 0 The Mother Superior has suggested that both Parsona and Ullrikah have some sort of family connection with vampires. I will need to speak to them both.
__Mother Superiorは、ParsonaとUllrikahの両名に吸血鬼とのある種の血縁関係があると暗示した。それについて両名と話しべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 167 0 Parsona has told me her father took his own life when he became a vampire. However, I can't help feeling she has not told me the whole truth.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 169 0 Ullrikah's husband contracted an early stage of the disease and cured himself. It's clear Ullrikah has no sinister connections with the Night Brethren.
__Ullrikahの夫は、バンパイア病の初期症状にかかり、治癒した。UllrikahにはNight Brethrenとのどんな不吉な関係もないのは、明確である。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 160 0 I have learned from a conversation with Filymena that Sister Parsona has left the convent. I should speak to Parsona about this.
__Filymenaとの会話からSister Parsonaが修道院から外出したのを知った。これに関してParsonaと話すべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 168 0 Parsona has admitted that her father is a member of the Night Brethren. But she has also told me that Olivia's brother was also in the organization. I will need to speak to Sister Olivia about this.
__Parsonaは、彼女の父がNight Brethrenのメンバーであることを認めた。しかし、また、彼女が言うには組織にはOliviaの兄弟がいたという。これに関してSister Oliviaと話す必要があるだろう。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 162 0 Parsona has confirmed that she left the convent to visit her mother after her father's death. I am not sure if I believe her. She appears to be hiding something.
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 163 0 I have discovered a letter written to Sister Parsona. It states that Pasona's father is a member of the Night Brethren. I will need to follow this up with Parsona.
__Sister Parsonaによって書かれた手紙を発見した。これによると彼女の父はNight Brethrenのメンバーであるという。Parsonaにこれを追求する必要があるだろう。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 161 0 Parsona has confirmed that she left the convent to visit her father. It appears her father was a member of the Night Brethren. Parsona has disowned him and curses his name.
__Parsonaは、彼女の父を訪ねるため修道院を出たという。彼女の父がNight Brethrenのメンバーであったようだ。Parsonaは彼と縁を切り、彼を呪っている。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 170 0 Olivia's brother is in the Night Brethren. She clearly has some sympathy for their cause.
__Oliviaの兄弟はNight Brethrenにいる。彼女は明らかにそれらの大義に何らかの共感を持っている。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 220 0 I have correctly identified the traitor. The Mother Superior has acted quickly, banishing the spy to the plains of Oblivion. I should now speak to Sister Kilvannen for the last time.
__私は確実に反逆者を特定した。Mother Superiorの迅速に、反逆者をOblivionへと追放した。最後にKilvannenと話すべきだ。
FormID: 0105C3B4 VHM002 230 0 Sister Kilvannen has rewarded me with the Blessing of Saint Alessia. A powerful healing spell. My work here is done.
__KilvannenはSaint Alessiaの祝音と共に報酬を受け渡してきた。強力な治療の魔法だ。ここでの私の仕事は完了した。

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Last-modified: 2008-07-24 (木) 21:42:54