

FormID: 01008D47 VHCVicenza 10 0 All great houses are run on there Kitchens. I will need a good housekeeper and cook to ensure Verona House is everything it can be. Harding has suggested I look at hiring his own housekeeper, Vicenza.
__どんな家にも台所が必要だ。Verona Houseにも、家事の切り盛りが上手な婦人を雇う必要がある。Hardingは、Vicenzaを家政婦として雇ってはどうかと提案してきた。
FormID: 01008D47 VHCVicenza 20 0 Vicenza has offered to come work for me for nothing, and I have accepted her terms. She will live at Verona House, and will prepare food, and If I wish carry out the weekly shopping tasks.
__私が条件を受け入れると、Vicenzaは無報酬で働くと言ってくれた。彼女はVerona Houseに住み込みで働き、食事の提供と、頼めば毎週買いだしに行ってくれる。
FormID: 01008D47 VHCVicenza 30 0 I have decided to let Vicenza go. She has made it clear she would welcome the chance to return and work at Verona House at at any time. However, Vicenza is a popular member of the town. One of their own. It's likely that my decision will not endear me to the populace.
__私はVicenzaを解雇した。機会があればいつでも喜んでVerona Houseに戻り、働いてくれるだろう。しかし、Vicenzaは街では有名な人気者の1人だ。民衆は私の決定を快く思わないだろう。

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Last-modified: 2008-06-13 (金) 01:11:43