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Your recent actions have bordered on the incompetent. The Night Brethren does not tolerate betrayal or failure by our agents. <br>

Events in Cyrodiil have forced us to bring our plans forward. The fall of the Septim line leaves a power vacuum that the Immortal One believes we can fill. The time is ripe for us to strike. However, our venture is not cheap. It is essential that you get hold of the funds you promised. You botched the deaths of your family. Allowing the girl to escape was foolish. Find her, kill her and make it look like an accident.<br>

However, before you do this you must find out where the amulet is. Losing this alone is enough to forfeit your life. It is only because of the accountant's intervention that you still live. <br>

We have sent General Jus to aid you in its recovery. Even though the amulet has not been activated, its loss compromises the security of Mirandahal and Anin Sullia. It must be found. Meet Jus at the abandoned prison.  She is keeping Vasquez under lock and key.<br>

Once you have the funds deliver them to the accountant near Bravil. Use the usual dead drop. Do not fail us again.<p>

Pacha Sark<br>
Bride of the Immortal One<br>


訳文 Edit

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Cyrodiilでの出来事が我らの計画を後押ししている。Septimの家系の没落は Immortal_Oneの思惑どおり、我らで満たす事の出来る力の空白を生んだ。機は熟した、攻めの時だ。だが、我らの事業は金がかかる。お前が約束した資金を手に入れることが重要だ。お前は身内を殺しそこねた。愚かにも娘を取り逃がした。探し出し、事故を装って殺せ。<br>




Bride_of_the_Immortal One<br>


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Last-modified: 2008-06-28 (土) 19:26:47