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<font face=1><DIV align="center">Argonians of the Nibenay Basin<br>
By Chews-His-Quill<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/d_80x61.dds" width=80 height=61>earest reader, I am afraid this is not a book of adventure or triumphs, but instead of sorrow. Centuries ago, us Argonians were able to roam across the Nibenay Valley at will, going wherever we wished: there were not these borders the usurping Imperials claim to have created. How far we have fallen.<br>
For, indeed, over the past handful of generations, the Argonian population of Blackwood, and the Nibenay Valley, have been pushed to the side as Imperials have brought "progress" to the land. They build bridges over our beautiful waterways, not caring that it is so much easier to swim; they cut down the trees for firewood, not noticing that in doing so they destroy that which makes the land great.<br>
Perhaps most odious of all is their insistance on building upon everything the Argonians had already created. The Imperial city of Leyawiin, indeed, is being constructed on an ancient stronghold of the Long-Tail tribe, a place that, for years, brought Argonian pilgrims of uncounted numbers. For more on the Long-Tails, their language, and their odd alphabet, please see the first appendix.<br>
Unfortunately, it appears as though the push of the Imperials will only grow over time. Soon they will be trying to claim the Black Marsh as theirs; every self-respecting Argonian must guard against this.<br>
With luck, however, we will prevail over time.<br>
APPENDIX: The Long-Tail Tribe
The Long-Tails controled the Lower Niben for many generations, building great strongholds, deep caverns, and religious shrines. It is said that even as Leyawiin was being built, the last Long-Tail chieftan was able to infiltrate the work gangs and direct his fellow Argonians to cleverly hide some of the works of his tribe: whether this is true has never been found out.<br><br>
The Long-Tails were also well known for their innovation of putting their ancient language down in stone. While the spoken language itself is mostly lost, vesitages remain...
*what follows is an exhaustive list of various Argonian characters, carefully labeled and explained*

訳文 Edit

<font face=1><DIV align="center">Nibenay BasinのArgonian達<br>
<DIV align="left"><IMG src="Book/fancy_font/d_80x61.dds" width=80 height=61>earest reader(親愛なる読者諸氏へ)、残念ながらこれは勝利や冒険ではなく、その代わりに悲しみの本である。何世紀も前、我々Argonianは自由気ままにNibenay Valleyのあらゆる所を歩きまわる事が出来たのです。そこには簒奪者のImperial達が作ったと主張するこれらの国境線の有りませんでした。私達はどこまで落ちぶれてしまったのか。<br>
というのは、本当に、Imperial達は「進歩」とやらをもたらし、過去の小数の世代の、BlackwoodとNibenay ValleyのArgonianの人々を追いやったのである。泳ぐ方がずっと楽なのにも関わらず、彼らは美しい水路に橋を建設した。彼らは土地を豊かにするものだと気付かず、薪を取るために木を切り倒していった。<br>
残念な事に、Imperialsの押し付けは、まさに時間が経つに連れ増加するだけであるように思えわれます。彼らはすぐにBlack Marshを自分達の物だと要求するであろう。全ての心のあるArgonianはこれを警戒しなければならない。<br>
付録: Long-Tailの部族
Long-Tail達は何世代にも渡りLower Nibenを統治しており、偉大な砦、深き洞窟、宗教的な祠を建設した。最後のLong-Tailの族長は、囚人仲間に潜り込み、Leyawiinが造られるとすぐに、部族の造形品のいくつかを上手く隠すよう仲間のArgonian達に指示する事ができたと言われている。これが真実かどうかは、今の所、見つかっていない。<br><br>

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Last-modified: 2010-05-21 (金) 01:55:27