

題名 Edit

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原文 Edit

*flipping to a random page, you see a typical entry*

Rose-patterend Cloth.....(5 Bolts)..


Leaf-patterend Cloth....(4 Bolts)..


Finely Woven Wool Robe....(3)
*the entries go on; nothing out of the ordinary*

訳文 Edit


Rose-patterend Cloth(薔薇模様の布).....(5反)..


Leaf-patterend Cloth(葉模様の布)....(4反)..


Finely Woven Wool Robe(きめ細かく編んだ羊毛のローブ)....(3着)

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Last-modified: 2010-05-21 (金) 01:50:32