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<font face=5><br>Taffer -<br>
Looks like we've got some competition, in the form of a gang of bandits operating just south of Kvatch. They're doing a brisk trade as smugglers of priceless artifacts. However, while their motives may be similar to our own, their methods are strictly amateur - attacking convoys, threatening shop owners, and the like. I want you to show them how a true thief operates. Infiltrate their hideout in Belletor's Mine, scoop up anything valuable, and get back to me.<br>
- Basso<br>
P.S. Don't stoop to their level. A skilled thief such as yourself should never rely on violence.

訳文 Edit

<font face=5><br>Taffer -<br>
Kvatchの南にはびこるbanditの一団がアーティファクトの密売を盛んに行ない、我々の商売の邪魔をしているようだ。奴らの目的自体は我々と似たり寄ったりだが、貨車を襲ったり店の経営者を脅しつけたり、手口が素人丸出しだ。お前には、奴らに真の盗賊の手際というものを見せつけてやって欲しい。Belletor's Mineのアジトに侵入し、金目のものをごっそり盗み出したら戻って来てくれ。<br>
- Basso<br>

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Last-modified: 2008-11-03 (月) 19:09:01