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<font face=5><br>Taffer -<br>
I've received a tip regarding the location of a forgotten treasure trove. It's supposed to be hidden away in Arrowshaft Cavern, to the northeast of Silverfish River. The cave has probably been taken over by imps, trolls, or other wild beasts, but that's not a problem, since you're not going to let them see you. This could turn out to be a lucrative job if you can pull it off.<br>
- Basso

訳文 Edit

<font face=5><br>Taffer -<br>
失われた宝物の在り処に関する情報を入手した。それはSilverfish River北東のArrowshaft Cavernに隠されているらしい。洞窟はimpやtroll、あるいは他の獣達に占拠されているかも知れないが、奴らに見つかりさえしなければ何の問題も無い事だ。首尾良く成功すれば、お前にとってもいい儲け話だと思う。<br>
- Basso

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Last-modified: 2008-11-03 (月) 18:23:57