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<font face=5><br>Taffer -<br>
It's time for you to make yourself useful. I've received a tip that an artifact of exceptional value has fallen into the hands of some Marauders. The brutes probably don't even realize the item's worth, so I'd like you to redistribute it to someone who can appreciate it. Namely, me. The Marauders make their home in the ruins of Fort Alessia, near the southeastern bend of Red Ring Road. I shouldn't need to remind you to behave yourself in a manner approriate to a thief while you're on this job.<br>
- Basso

訳文 Edit

<font face=5><br>Taffer -<br>
お前に役立ってもらう時が来たようだ。とある非常に貴重なアーティファクトがMarauder達の手に落ちたとの情報が入った。どうせ奴らのような脳筋どもには豚に真珠だ。アーティファクトを奪い、その真の価値を理解する者に、他でもない私の元に届けて欲しい。Marauder達のねぐらはRed Ring Road南西の曲がり角近くにあるFort Alessiaだ。言うまでも無いが任務中は盗賊としての作法を忘れぬようにな。<br>
- Basso

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Last-modified: 2008-11-03 (月) 18:13:15