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原文 Edit

<FONT face=5>I've been dreaming of the day when you would ask me out to dinner in Anvil. I've made this list of everything we'll need. <br><br>

*Dinner Reservation at The Counts Arms.<br>
*Formal Wear for the occasion.<br>

<div align="center">Your True Love,<br>
<div align="center">Eyja

訳文 Edit

<FONT face=5>私はいつかあなたがAnvilでのディナーに誘ってくれる日を夢見てきました。必要な物を書き出しておきます。<br><br>

*The Counts Armsのディナーの予約。<br>

<div align="center">あなたの恋人<br>
<div align="center">Eyja

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Last-modified: 2010-03-22 (月) 09:57:50