

FormID: 0200DA71 aaaJNFDSPICannonChargeContainerScript Messagebox 5 0 This Converter is used to extract the energy from Welkynd Stones to power the Cannons. Each Stone will supply 50 percent of power
__このConverterは、カノン砲(Cannons)を動かすためにWelkynd Stonesからエネルギーを抽出するのに使用されます。 各ストーンは50パーセントのエネルギーを供給するでしょう。
FormID: 0200DA71 aaaJNFDSPICannonChargeContainerScript Messagebox 5 1 Open Converter
FormID: 0200DA71 aaaJNFDSPICannonChargeContainerScript Messagebox 5 2 Convert
FormID: 0200DA71 aaaJNFDSPICannonChargeContainerScript Messagebox 5 3 Nevermind
FormID: 0200E204 aaaJNFDSPIPaintJNFScript Messagebox 5 0 Blessings of Jedininjafuq upon ye. The extremely handsom guy in the painting offers you a book to help you through this Mod
FormID: E0200204 aaaJNFDSPIPaintJNFScript Messagebox 5 1 Accept
FormID: 0200E204 aaaJNFDSPIPaintJNFScript Messagebox 5 2 Decline
FormID: 0200E22F DSPIWreckDoor Message 5 0 You have not yet found your equipment.
FormID: 0200E23E aaaJNFDSPIPirateResurrectTrigZoneScript Message 5 0 Your Crew numbers %.0f
__クルーの数 %.0f
FormID: 0200E27E aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZoneScript Messagebox 8 0 Captain, Castaway off the Port Bow. You should go to the Bow to speak to him
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Message 28 0 The Castaway gives his thanks, he will rest below deck untill we reach port
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Message 33 0 The Castaway gives his thanks, he will rest below deck untill we reach port
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Message 37 0 The Castaway and his raft have been swallowed by the Sea, may Davy Jones take his soul
__漂流者といかだは海に飲み込まれた、海の悪霊(Davy Jones)が彼の魂を受け取るだろう。
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Messagebox 14 0 Captain, the Castaway has offered all the gold he has in exchange for passage to the next Port
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Messagebox 14 1 Accept
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Messagebox 14 2 Decline
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Messagebox 9 0 Captain, the Castaway has offered 500 Septims and some information that may be of value to you in exchange for passage to the next Port
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Messagebox 9 1 Accept
FormID: 0200E283 aaaJNFDSPITransitParleyMaroonedTrigZone2Script Messagebox 9 2 Decline
FormID: 0200E28D aaaJNFDSPIIncineratorScript Messagebox 5 0 This Enchanted Container can destroy any item you no longer have use for
__このEnchanted Containerはもう要らないアイテムを破壊してくれる
FormID: 0200E28D aaaJNFDSPIIncineratorScript Messagebox 5 1 Open Container
FormID: 0200E28D aaaJNFDSPIIncineratorScript Messagebox 5 2 Incinerate
FormID: 0200E28D aaaJNFDSPIIncineratorScript Messagebox 5 3 Nevermind
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Message 103 0 %.2f X
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Message 49 0 Set to Normal sight
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Message 52 0 Set to Night-Eye
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Message 55 0 Set to Detect Life
__Detect Lifeをつける
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Message 58 0 Set to Night-Eye and Detect Life
__Night-EyeとDetect Lifeをつける
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Messagebox 42 0 While in 1st person view, hold 'Alt' and use the mouse wheel to zoom in or out. Select Function
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Messagebox 42 1 Normal
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Messagebox 42 2 Night-Eye
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Messagebox 42 3 Detect Life
FormID: 0200EA77 aaaJNFDSPITelescopicMonacle Messagebox 42 4 Both
FormID: 0200F2C8 aaaJNFDSPILootingTrigZoneScript Messagebox 12 0 Ship Ahoy Captain, moving in for the attack. From where would you like to direct the battle?
FormID: 0200F2C8 aaaJNFDSPILootingTrigZoneScript Messagebox 12 1 I'll lead the charge
FormID: 0200F2C8 aaaJNFDSPILootingTrigZoneScript Messagebox 12 2 From the back
FormID: 0200F2C8 aaaJNFDSPILootingTrigZoneScript Messagebox 8 0 Ship Ahoy Captain, moving in for the attack. From where would you like to direct the battle?
FormID: 0200F2C8 aaaJNFDSPILootingTrigZoneScript Messagebox 8 1 I'll lead the charge
FormID: 0200F2C8 aaaJNFDSPILootingTrigZoneScript Messagebox 8 2 From the back
FormID: 0200F2C8 aaaJNFDSPILootingTrigZoneScript Messagebox 8 3 From the Crows Nest
__Crows Nest(マストの上)から
FormID: 0200FAAC aaaJNFDSPILockingChestScript Message 12 0 You need a key to unlock this.
FormID: 0200FAAC aaaJNFDSPILockingChestScript Messagebox 10 0 What would you like to do?
FormID: 0200FAAC aaaJNFDSPILockingChestScript Messagebox 10 1 Open
FormID: 0200FAAC aaaJNFDSPILockingChestScript Messagebox 10 2 Lock
FormID: 0200FAAC aaaJNFDSPILockingChestScript Messagebox 10 3 Cancel
FormID: 0201023D aaaJNFDSPIRowboat2Script Messagebox 3 0 Where do you want to go?
FormID: 0201023D aaaJNFDSPIRowboat2Script Messagebox 3 1 Anvil Dock
FormID: 0201023D aaaJNFDSPIRowboat2Script Messagebox 3 2 Blackhorn
FormID: 0201023D aaaJNFDSPIRowboat2Script Messagebox 3 3 Stay Here
FormID: 02010243 aaaJNFDSPIRowboat1Script Messagebox 3 0 Do you want to Row to the Smuggler's Dock?
__Smuggler's Dockに船を出しますか?
FormID: 02010243 aaaJNFDSPIRowboat1Script Messagebox 3 1 Arr
FormID: 02010243 aaaJNFDSPIRowboat1Script Messagebox 3 2 Nay
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 116 0 We are already at the Kvatch Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にKvatch Dockにいます船長。
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 122 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 167 0 We are already at the Skingrad Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にSkingrad Dockにいます、船長。
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 173 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 19 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 218 0 We are already at the Imperial City Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にImperial City Dockにいます、船長。
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 224 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 269 0 We are already at the Cheydinhal Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にBravil Dockにいます、船長。
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 275 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 320 0 We are already at the Bravil Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にBravil Dockにいます、船長。
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 326 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 371 0 We are already at the Leyawiin Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にLeyawiin Dockにいます、船長。
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 6 0 You have less than 6 crew, setting sail could damage your ship
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 65 0 We are already at the Anvil Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にAnvil Dock Captain
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Message 71 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 0 To where do you wish to navigate Captain?
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 1 Cancel
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 2 Anvil
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 3 Kvatch
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 4 Skingrad
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 5 Imperial City
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 6 Cheydinhal
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 7 Bravil
FormID: 020102A7 aaaJNFDSPINewMapTamScript Messagebox 8 8 Leyawiin
FormID: 020102A9 aaaJNFDSPITransitQuestScript Messagebox 99 0 Aharr, the open sea. The salty air and the sound of the waves is the true home of a Pirate.
FormID: 02010D24 aaaJNFDSPINewMapSIScript Message 116 0 We are already at the Crucible Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にCrucible Dock Captain
FormID: 02010D24 aaaJNFDSPINewMapSIScript Message 19 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 02010D24 aaaJNFDSPINewMapSIScript Message 6 0 You have less than 6 crew, setting sail could damage your ship
FormID: 02010D24 aaaJNFDSPINewMapSIScript Message 65 0 We are already at the Passwall Dock Captain
__俺たちは既にPasswall Dock Captain
FormID: 02010D24 aaaJNFDSPINewMapSIScript Message 71 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 02010D24 aaaJNFDSPINewMapSIScript Messagebox 8 0 To where in the Shivering Isles do you wish to navigate Captain?
__Shivering Islesのどこへ案内しましょうか、船長?

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Last-modified: 2010-03-11 (木) 00:18:58