

FormID: 020038C8 aaaJNFDSPITeleportSpell Messagebox 5 0 Teleport
FormID: 020038C8 aaaJNFDSPITeleportSpell Messagebox 5 1 Cancel
FormID: 020038C8 aaaJNFDSPITeleportSpell Messagebox 5 2 Black Moon
FormID: 020038C8 aaaJNFDSPITeleportSpell Messagebox 8 0 Teleport
FormID: 020038C8 aaaJNFDSPITeleportSpell Messagebox 8 1 Cancel
FormID: 020038C8 aaaJNFDSPITeleportSpell Messagebox 8 2 Black Moon
FormID: 020038C8 aaaJNFDSPITeleportSpell Messagebox 8 3 Dwemer Transporter
FormID: 020039D4 aaaJNFDSPIDancingGirlScript Messagebox 3 0 Space Cake is far too wasted for conversation.
FormID: 020041E6 aaaJNFDSPIAttackImpCaptainScript Messagebox 7 0 The Battle is won and Blackhorn is safe once again. The Imperial Navy Warship has been destroyed by Cannon Fire. All that remains is a burning wreck!
__戦いに勝ち、Blackhornは再び平和を取り戻した。Imperial Navyの軍艦はカノン砲で破壊された。残骸が燃えて沈没している!
FormID: 020041F6 aaaJNFDSPIAttackSwitchScript Messagebox 11 0 Blackhorn is under attack, an Imperial Navy Warship has sailed into the Harbour!
__Blackhornが攻撃を受けている、Imperial Navyの軍艦が港湾に侵入してきた!
FormID: 02004237 aaaJNFDSPICannonSwitchNullScript Messagebox 2 0 Firing the Cannons here is inadvisable Captain, it could damage the ship and harm the crew
FormID: 02004987 aaaJNFDSPIAttackSwitchScript3 Messagebox 11 0 Off the coast of Blackhorn the wreck of the Imperial Navy Warship has been swallowed by the eternal swell of the Abecean Sea. Mayhap news of this defeat will lessen their tenacity
__Blackhornの海岸から、帝国海軍の軍艦がAbecean海に永遠に飲み込まれました。 この敗北のニュースは彼らの不屈の精神を砕くでしょう。
FormID: 02007EBA aaaJNFDSPIHighSeaImpCaptainScript Messagebox 13 0 The Battle is won, The Imperial Navy Warship has been destroyed by Cannon Fire. All that remains is a burning wreck!
FormID: 02007EBF aaaJNFDSPIHighSeaCannonSwitch1Script Message 3 0 The Cannons have no more charge
FormID: 020086E4 aaaJNFDSPIHighSeaDoorScript Messagebox 93 0 Aharr, the open sea. The salty air and the sound of the waves is the true home of a Pirate. Three more days and we be nearing port me Hearties
FormID: 020086E7 aaaJNFDSPIHighSeaTransitDoorScript Messagebox 96 0 Arr we be in safe waters Captain.
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 130 0 We are already at the Cape Yakudra Dock Captain
__船長、俺たちはCape Yakudraのドックに既にいます
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 136 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 187 0 You don't have a hideout yet
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 192 0 We are already Docked at the Hideout Captain
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 23 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 6 0 You have less than 6 crew, setting sail could damage your ship
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 74 0 We are already at the Blackhorn Dock Captain
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Message 80 0 Your Ship is crippled and can't set sail in this condition. Seek out the services of a Shipwright
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 11 0 To where do you wish to Sail Captain?
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 11 1 Cancel
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 11 2 BlackHorn Town
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 11 3 Cape Yakudra
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 9 0 To where do you wish to Sail Captain?
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 9 1 Cancel
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 9 2 BlackHorn Town
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 9 3 Cape Yakudra
FormID: 02008F41 aaaJNFDSPISextantControls Messagebox 9 4 Hideout
FormID: 02008F8B DSPIMapBlackHorn Messagebox 11 0 This Map can teach you the power to Teleport to The Black Moon, do you wish to learn?
__この地図はBlack Moonへのテレポートを教えてくれます、魔法を覚えますか?
FormID: 02008F8B DSPIMapBlackHorn Messagebox 11 1 Arr
FormID: 02008F8B DSPIMapBlackHorn Messagebox 11 2 Nay
FormID: 02008F8B DSPIMapBlackHorn Messagebox 5 0 This Map can teach you the power to Teleport to The Black Moon, do you wish to learn?
__この地図はBlack Moonへのテレポートを教えてくれます、魔法を覚えますか?
FormID: 02008F8B DSPIMapBlackHorn Messagebox 5 1 Arr
FormID: 02008F8B DSPIMapBlackHorn Messagebox 5 2 Nay
FormID: 02009559 DSPIMQ01Script Message 12 0 You are awoken by nearby footsteps...
FormID: 02009C6F DSPIHideoutLootControlScript Message 19 0 Lohan's Luck has returned, your share of the loot has been deposited
__Lohan's Luckが帰ってきた、略奪の分け前は保管されている
FormID: 02009C6F DSPIHideoutLootControlScript Message 29 0 Fury of Kyne has returned, your share of the loot has been deposited
__Fury of Kyneが帰ってきた、略奪の分け前は保管されている
FormID: 0200AD09 aaaJNFDSPIDaeglinNo Messagebox 1 0 I have been drugged by this fetcher Daeglin, I can only wait and see what happens to me.
__fetcher Daeglinのせいで、意識が朦朧としてきた、自分に何が起こっているかを、ただ見守る事しかできない。
FormID: 0200AD10 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor2Script Messagebox 7 0 Have ye finished looting the enemy ship?
FormID: 0200AD10 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor2Script Messagebox 7 1 Yes
FormID: 0200AD10 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor2Script Messagebox 7 2 No
FormID: 0200AD10 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor2Script Messagebox 9 0 You have not killed all the enemy crew yet, have ye finished looting the enemy ship?
FormID: 0200AD10 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor2Script Messagebox 9 1 Yes
FormID: 0200AD10 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor2Script Messagebox 9 2 No
FormID: 0200ADD1 aaaJNFDSPIFireFirstMate Messagebox 0 0 I have relieved my First Mate of Duty. I can always re-hire them, but there will be other options.
FormID: 0200ADD2 aaaJNFDSPIFireFirstMate Messagebox 0 0 I have relieved my First Mate of Duty. I can always re-hire them, but there will be other options.
FormID: 0200ADD3 aaaJNFDSPIFireFirstMate Messagebox 0 0 I have relieved my First Mate of Duty. I can always re-hire them, but there will be other options.
FormID: 0200AED3 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor3Script Messagebox 7 0 Have ye finished looting the enemy ship?
FormID: 0200AED3 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor3Script Messagebox 7 1 Yes
FormID: 0200AED3 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor3Script Messagebox 7 2 No
FormID: 0200AED3 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor3Script Messagebox 9 0 You have not killed all the enemy crew yet, have ye finished looting the enemy ship?
FormID: 0200AED3 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor3Script Messagebox 9 1 Yes
FormID: 0200AED3 aaaJNFDSPIFightDoor3Script Messagebox 9 2 No
FormID: 0200B6BE aaaJNFDSPIErechSummonDUPLICATE000 Message 2 0 You have summoned the Cursed Crew.
FormID: 0200B6C0 aaaJNFDSPIErechBanishDUPLICATE000 Message 2 0 You banish the Cursed Crew.
FormID: 0200B6C1 aaaJNFDSPICursedBootyScript Messagebox 4 0 Upon touching the Cursed Booty a fragment of the curse rubs off onto you. You learn that an ancient and powerful Lich has cursed several Pirate Ships and their Crew, they are on an eternal quest to seek wealth for their Master. Luckily the curse has no real hold over your will but you gain some new abilities. This Treasure is best left alone lest you become fully immersed within the Curse
__Cursed Booty(呪われた宝)に触れると、呪いの断片があなたの上に剥がれ落ちた。 あなたは古代の力強いLichが海賊船と船員に掛けた呪いを学んだ。彼らはマスターを探す終わり無き探索をしている。幸運にも呪いはあなたの意志を縛るものでは無かったが、幾つか新しい能力を手に入れた。完全に呪われてしまう前に、この宝はここに残して置くのが良いだろう。
FormID: 0200BF59 aaaJNFDSPIHighSeaSoldierEnableTrigZoneScript Messagebox 7 0 Ship Ahoy! We're under attack by the Imperial Navy, Arr
__気をつけろ!Imperial Navyの攻撃を受けている
FormID: 0200BFE9 aaaJNFDSPIErechEnableTrigZoneScript Messagebox 3 0 Shiver me Timbers, we're under attack by a Ghost Ship and her crew of Cursed Pirates
FormID: 0200D1A7 aaaJNFDSPIBlackSoulGemChestScript Messagebox 5 0 This Enchanted Container can convert empty Grand Soul Gems into Black Soul Gems
__このEnchanted ContainerはGrand Soul GemsをBlack Soul Gemsに変える
FormID: 0200D1A7 aaaJNFDSPIBlackSoulGemChestScript Messagebox 5 1 Open Container
FormID: 0200D1A7 aaaJNFDSPIBlackSoulGemChestScript Messagebox 5 2 Convert
FormID: 0200D1A7 aaaJNFDSPIBlackSoulGemChestScript Messagebox 5 3 Nevermind
FormID: 0200D1CB aaaJNFDSPIArrowQuiverScript Messagebox 4 0 Upon touching the Quiver you feel a great power course through you, you have gained a new spell
FormID: 0200D9BB aaaJNFDSPIPlayerImpPetScript Message 3 0 Parrot the Imp will wait here, if you leave him too long he will go back to your Cabin
__PArrot the Impここで待っている、長い間放っておくと彼は船のキャビンに戻るだろう
FormID: 0200D9BB aaaJNFDSPIPlayerImpPetScript Message 7 0 Parrot the Imp will follow you
__PArrot the Impは後ろから付いてきている
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Message 13 0 All Notes obtained in a Parley will be delivered to the Captain's Documents Chest in your Cabin
__情報を受け取った、あなたのキャビンのCaptain's Documents Chestに送られている。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 15 0 A MAP FOR SALE: Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with Information concerning a Map for sale. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__地図売り出し中: おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。 彼は、我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、売り出し中の地図に関する情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。 クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 21 0 A MAP FOR SALE: Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with Information concerning a Map for sale. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__地図売り出し中: おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。 彼は、我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、売り出し中の地図に関する情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。 クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 28 0 BLACK HORSE COURIER: Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with Information concerning a robbery at the Palace. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__BLACK HORSE COURIER: おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、強盗に関する情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 34 0 BLACK HORSE COURIER: Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with Information concerning a Vampire Nest. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__BLACK HORSE COURIER: おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。 我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、Vampire Nestに関する情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 40 0 BLACK HORSE COURIER: Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with Information concerning a new Watch Captain. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__BLACK HORSE COURIER: おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、new Watch Captainに関する情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 46 0 BLACK HORSE COURIER: Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with Information concerning the Waterfront raids. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__BLACK HORSE COURIER: おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。 他の船長と交渉した。我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、Waterfront raidsに関する情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 52 0 BLACK HORSE COURIER: Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with Information concerning Taxes. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__BLACK HORSE COURIER: おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、Taxesに関する情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA06 aaaJNFDSPITransitMapBHCParleyTrigZoneScript Messagebox 58 0 Ship Ahoy, Vessel off the Starboard Bow. The other Captain requested a Parley. He seemed interested in the news we had and has sent his Imp to our ship with their own news. One of the crew has taken the document to your Cabin
__おーい、船を右舷船首にやってくれ。 他の船長と交渉した。我々の持つ情報に関心を持っていたようで、見返りに、彼の持つ情報をImpを送って届けてくれた。 クルーの一人がキャビンにその資料を持って行きました。
FormID: 0200DA64 aaaJNFDSPITransitCannonSwitch1Script Message 3 0 The Cannons have no more charge
FormID: 0200DA71 aaaJNFDSPICannonChargeContainerScript Message 15 0 Cannons are fully Charged
FormID: 0200DA71 aaaJNFDSPICannonChargeContainerScript Message 24 0 Cannons can not charge beyond 100 percent, the remaining energy is wasted. Cannon Charge: %.0f Percent, Black Moon Log Book Updated
__カノン砲の充填率は100%以上です。使われてなかったエネルギーは無駄になりました。 Cannon Charge: %.0f Percent, Black Moon Log Book Updated
FormID: 0200DA71 aaaJNFDSPICannonChargeContainerScript Message 32 0 Cannon Charge: %.0f Percent, Black Moon Log Book Updated

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Last-modified: 2010-03-16 (火) 01:20:51