

FormID: 02023EC3 DSPISkoomaQuest GREETING 0 What are you doing here?
FormID: 02023EC7 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISEWhatAboutyou 0 Good question that, do you know where here is?
FormID: 02023EC8 DSPISkoomaQuest GREETING 0 Back again eh?
FormID: 02023EC9 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISEBye 0 Like that is it? Fine.
__お好きなように? では。
FormID: 02023ECA DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISEDontknow 0 Here's obviously not there.
FormID: 02023ECD DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISEThere 0 Well I don't know, never been.
FormID: 02023ECD DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISEThere 1 But you can go...
FormID: 02023ECE DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISEleave 0 Same way you got here i guess or you could go there.
FormID: 0202441A DSPISkoomaQuest GREETING 0 Who are you, and how did you get here?
FormID: 02025ECA DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISA1Captain 0 I too am a corsair, though a lot of good that does us here.
FormID: 02025ECA DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISA1Captain 1 Perhaps you have heard of me, i am Alacanti of the Sea Spirit.
__おそらくあんたも俺について聞いたことあるだろう、俺はSea SpiritのAlacantiだ。
FormID: 02025ECA DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISA1Captain 2 Anyway, guess your stuck here as well now.
FormID: 02025ECB DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISA1Skooma 0 Ha ha, sounds familiar.
FormID: 02025ECB DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISA1Skooma 1 Ah well, welcome to your new home.
FormID: 02025ECB DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISA1Skooma 2 As far as i know theres no way out, so we're both trapped now
FormID: 02025ECC DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWhere 0 Don't know honestly, though i recognise that statue over there as Sheogorath.
FormID: 02025ECC DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWhere 1 My guess is some sort of daedric realm, don't know what the hell Ahrzinni puts in that skooma...
FormID: 02025ECF DSPISkoomaQuest GREETING 0 Guess its just the two of us now.
FormID: 02025ED1 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISALeaveTogether 0 What? How?
FormID: 02025ED2 DSPISkoomaQuest GREETING 0 You found a way to leave, and now your back?
FormID: 02025ED2 DSPISkoomaQuest GREETING 1 Tell me you've found a way to leave this place.
FormID: 02025ED4 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISAPotion 0 Gah, normally I wouldn't drink anythiing from that cat again,
FormID: 02025ED4 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISAPotion 1 But under these circumstances i guess i don't have much choice eh?
FormID: 02025ED6 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISNeedMore 0 Ahrzinni supposes for a small fee, Ahrzinni is always willing to provide.
__Ahrzinniはわずかな料金だと思う, Ahrzinniはいつも提供しても構わないと思っている。
FormID: 02025ED7 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISNeedMore 0 Ahrzinni thinks you do not have enough of the golden.
FormID: 0202696E DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISAKidding 0 If you know a way out of here please help me!
FormID: 02027970 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWho 0 My names Alacanti, i was first mate aboard the Sea Spirit
__俺はAlacanti、Sea Spiriの一等航海士だった。
FormID: 02027970 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWho 1 About three months ago we put in at Blackhorn Town,
__三か月前にBlackhorn Townにやってきたのさ、
FormID: 02027970 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWho 2 Word was out the Ahrzinni had developed a new brew of skooma,
FormID: 02027970 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWho 3 which the lads aboard the Sea Spirit dared me to try...
__Sea Spiritの悪ガキどもが、俺に挑戦してみろと挑発しやがるんで...
FormID: 02027970 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWho 4 Been trapped here since.
FormID: 02027970 DSPISkoomaQuest DSPISQWho 5 I guess the Sea Spirit will be long gone by the time I get back.
__Sea Spiritは俺が帰った時には、もう居ないんだろうな。

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Last-modified: 2010-03-14 (日) 23:27:53