

FormID: 0200DC57 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TPurchase 0 Y'argh, thanks me matie, i can now retire.
FormID: 0200E223 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TProof 0 So he wants proof does he?
FormID: 0200E223 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TProof 1 Gah, theres only one thing I could give...
FormID: 0200E223 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TProof 2 here, take me cutlass, probably won't be needing it anymore anyway.
FormID: 020105BC DSPI01AShipforSale GREETING 0 Avast ye landlubber, pray tell me what ye be doing in Blackhorn? If yer 'ere on business I'm selling me Ship, The Black Moon,
__待ちな新入り。あんたがなんでBlackhornにいるか教えてくれるかい?商売で来てるんなら、Black Moonという船を売っているんだが。
FormID: 020105BC DSPI01AShipforSale GREETING 1 perhaps ye be here to buy?
FormID: 020105BE DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TPurchase 0 Ahh yes, the Black Moon was once a feared pirate vessel.
__そうさ、かつてのBlack Moonは泣く子も黙る海賊船だった。
FormID: 020105BE DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TPurchase 1 Alas its time to swallow the anchor, my pirating days are over,
FormID: 020105BE DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TPurchase 2 Half me crew is dead, the rest abandoned ship, and I find myself lacking in gold.
FormID: 020105BE DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TPurchase 3 I must now sadly sell her, to get myself out of this mess...
FormID: 020105BE DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TPurchase 4 She is a mighty ship, and I will part with her for no less than 5000 septims.
FormID: 020105C1 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchYes 0 It would appear you lack the gold landlubber.
FormID: 020105C1 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchYes 1 Come back to me when you are serious.
FormID: 020105C2 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchYes 0 Excellent. Take this Map, it'll help you navigate back here to Blackhorn. I had a special enchantment put on it too! The Black Moon is now yours.
__素晴らしい。地図をやろう、Blackhornに帰ってくるときに役に立つぜ。特別なエンチャントを付けといたからな。Black Moonはいまからお前の物だ。
FormID: 020105C2 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchYes 1 She was once owned by the fearsome Khran the Butcher.
__この船はかつて、泣く子も黙るKhran the Butcherのものだった。
FormID: 020105C2 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchYes 2 Many believe he may have concealed a Map to his long lost treasure on the Black Moon, though I never found it
FormID: 020105C2 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchYes 3 Alas the ship is without a crew, you can fix that over at the Bilge Monkey,
__船に船員はいないぜ、必要ならBilge Monkeyに行ってみるといい、
FormID: 020105C2 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchYes 4 where you'll likely find damsels that cause distress and fellows of dubious character floating about.
FormID: 020105C4 DSPI01AShipforSale GREETING 0 Ahh ye return landlubber, have ye changed yer mind about buying the Black Moon?
やや、帰ってきたな新入り、考え変わってBlack Moonを買う気になったかい?
FormID: 020105C5 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01PPurchNo 0 Weigh Anchor then landlubber.
FormID: 02011E68 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01THunters 0 Thanks for ye help me eartie!
FormID: 020177AD DSPI01AShipforSale GREETING 0 Ahoy there Matey.
FormID: 0201CE42 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TInfo 0 Argh! ye be a landlubber for sure. What ye be wantin to know?
FormID: 0201CE46 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCaptain 0 A Captain's life be rife with pleasures and pain
FormID: 0201CE46 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCaptain 1 Ye be in charge of hiring the crew, and repairing the ship.
FormID: 0201CE46 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCaptain 2 Ye be needin to see Brogar Halfhand, he knows more about ships than any other man.
__Brogar Halfhandに会ったほうがいい。彼は船のことなら他の誰よりも知っている。
FormID: 0201CE46 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCaptain 3 and he's capable of repairing and adjusting yer fine vessel.
FormID: 0201CE46 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCaptain 4 As the Captain though, ye get the greatest share of the loot, and command the respect of the crew
FormID: 0201CE46 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCaptain 5 and most importantly ye be deciding when to go sailing the high seas for booty!
FormID: 0201CE47 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCrew 0 Theres only one place ye be headin to find salty sea dogs,
FormID: 0201CE47 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCrew 1 the Bilge Monkey, run by Acantius Tildus, a fine gentlemen
__Bilge MonkeyはAcantiusがやってるよ、気持のいい男さ。
FormID: 0201CE47 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCrew 2 He'll help ye find some filthy scoundrels to crew ye ship
FormID: 0201CE47 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCrew 3 The Black Moon needs at least six buccaneers to take her out to sea,
__Black Moonが海に出るには6人以上の海賊が必要だ、
FormID: 0201CE47 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCrew 4 though she holds as many as eight.
FormID: 0201CE47 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCrew 5 It'll likely cost ye about 60 septims in advance wages to hire someone
FormID: 0201CE47 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoCrew 6 Though dependin on who your first mate is, the price might go up or down.
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 0 Ahar! I see the passion in ye eyes!
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 1 Ye need at least six crew members to help take this ship out and transfer the ownership of some goods.
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 10 Just make sure ye remember to get the Cargo Manifest for Heldokti...
__そうそう、HeldoktiのためにCargo Manifestを手に入れる。これだけは忘れるな...
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 2 Tell ye first mate when ye be ready to sail,
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 3 Ye'll find yourself some fat little merchant ships, ripe for the plunder!
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 4 Inside the cabin the merchants keep a cargo manifest, detailing whats on board.
__キャビンに入ったら、cargo manifest(積荷目録)を取って中身を確認するといい。
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 5 Once ye have finished ye lootin' ye make for port,
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 6 Theres no finer a lady than Heldokti when it comes to moving ye hard earnt loot,
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 7 though Acantius' brother runs a trade shop, for any items ye may have acquired in ye travels.
__そうそう、Acantius' brotherがやってる店では旅の助けになる品を売ってくれるよ。
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 8 I warn ye though, those filthy bilge rats known as the Imperial Navy are out on the seas,
FormID: 0201CE48 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01InfoLoot 9 Filthy dogs, likely to give good people such as ourselves trouble. Be sure to run the blighters through, for me.
FormID: 02038E7F DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TInfo 0 Gah ye be a landlubber fer sure,
FormID: 02038E7F DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TInfo 1 here take this book, me own personal Guide to Pirateering
FormID: 02038E7F DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TInfo 2 damn thing that got me into this mess,
FormID: 02038E7F DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TInfo 3 it contains all ye need to know, but ask ye questions anyway.
FormID: 0203992E DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TWhyQuit 0 Because of Count Ragoud, damn his eyes, thats why...
__Ragoud伯爵(Count Ragoud)だ、いやらしい奴の目、それが理由だ...
FormID: 0203992E DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TWhyQuit 1 Gah, I helped some scholarly fellow write a book about pirates
FormID: 0203992E DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TWhyQuit 2 here, ye can have this spare copy, anyway...
FormID: 0203992E DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TWhyQuit 3 the Navy doesn't approve of the book, the filthy blighters,
__海軍(Navy )の連中がな、この本を気に食わねーんだと、汚らしい糞野郎どもめ。
FormID: 0203992E DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TWhyQuit 4 Count Ragoud thinks he can make himself look good if he brings them me head
__Ragoud伯爵(Count Ragoud)は、自身の名誉のために、奴らを俺に差し向けた。
FormID: 0203992E DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01TWhyQuit 5 So he's gone and hired himself some bounty hunters
FormID: 02039E83 DSPI01AShipforSale DSPI01WhyBye 0 Arr it is, so either buy me boat or be off with ye.

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Last-modified: 2010-03-10 (水) 00:39:39