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You've saved my life Captain, for this I can not thank you enough. I've heard of you, stories of your exploits are told in Taverns in every port Town. You're becoming quite the famous Pirate Captain! I've also heard that you were Press Ganged into Slavery by that gutter snipe Daeglin. I've no love for him or his Press Gang, far too many of my friends have been whisked away in the night never to be seen again. If you should seek revenge I can gladly tell you the whereabouts of his lair. He and his Bandits currently reside in Belletor's Folly, a small cave on the road to Kvatch. Do with this information what you will. However, If you should choose to end his foul existence you would be doing the world no small favour. Please take this Gold as a small thankyou for saving my life. My wife thanks you and my children thankyou.

訳文 Edit


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船長、あなたは私の人生を救って頂いた、、私は感謝し尽くすことができません。 あなたの功績の話はあらゆる港町の酒場で聞いています。 あなたはかなり有名な海賊船の船長になっています! また、私は、あなたがDaeglinに狙われて奴隷にするため誘拐されたと聞きました。 奴は血も涙も無い男で、多くの友人が遠くに行き、二度と帰ってきません。あなたが復讐の機会を求めるなら、私は喜んで彼のねぐらをあなたに教えます。奴と仲間は今、Kvatchに向かう途中のBelletor's Follyという小さい洞窟に住んでいます。この情報で、あなたがすることをしてください。もし、彼の醜い存在に終止符を打つなら、遠慮はいりません。私の命を救って貰ったお礼に、少ないですがお金をお受け取りください。妻も子供も感謝しております。

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Last-modified: 2010-03-12 (金) 22:51:58