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<div align="left"><font face=1>The Crimson Ark - Captains Log<br>
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 10rd<br>
<div align="left">Got a good deal on the last lot of slaves. We'll drop in near Anvil and pick up a fresh lot from Daeglin. He has promised ripe pickings!<br>
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 13th<br>
<div align="left">That moron Harknir fell asleep at the wheel again, the ship suffered damage scraping a reef. He may be the best at steering whilst awake, but the fool keeps getting into the rum... Quite special rum it is too, certainly be worth something to somebody. Shame to waste it on these Sea Dogs when a few bottles of Mead keeps them just as happy. I should upgrade the locks on the grog chest.<br>
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 20th<br>
<div align="left">Limped into Anvil... the cost of repairs has been taken out of Harknir's pay. Caught him snooping around the rum again... why hasn't So-rakka fixed the locks yet?<br>
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 27th<br>
<div align="left">Daeglin has almost a full load for us, and has promised us one more, Daeglin's Press Gang promised unusual talents with this one . No one will miss them. Had a Parley with a passing ship on the way out of Anvil, apparently that old sea dog Mecios Carcasdis is selling his ship; The Black Moon, it's a fine vessel, I'll have to pay him a visit when we dock at Blackhorn.<br>
<div align="left">Woke up with the ship rocking crazily in a storm, I'm going to check on Harknir.<br>

訳文 Edit


<div align="left"><font face=1>The Crimson Ark - 航海日誌<br>
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 10rd<br>
<div align="left">奴隷の最後の奴は、いい取引になった。 我々はAnvilの近くに少し立ち寄り、Daeglinから新鮮なブツを入手する予定だ。彼は十分な分け前を約束してくれた!<br>
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 13th<br>
<div align="left">Harknirの馬鹿野郎は舵を取りながら眠っていて、船は暗礁に乗り上げ被害を受けた。起きていれば操縦のうまい奴だが、馬鹿野郎はラムに夢中になりやがった...特性のラム酒にも手を出しやがって。人によっちゃあ価値がある代物だ。ハチミツ酒がありゃ幸せなくせに、ラム酒に手を出して、座礁させるとは、船乗りの恥さらしめ。ラム酒の箱の鍵を新しくしなければ。
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 20th<br>
<div align="left">やっとこさAnvilについた...修理費用はHarknirに払わせる。また奴がラム酒をのぞき回っているところを捕まえた...So-rakkaはなぜまだ鍵を直していないんだ?<br>
<div align="Left">Last Seed, 27th<br>
<div align="left">Daeglinは、我々の船にほとんどいっぱいまで詰め込んで、さらにひとつ付けたし、約束してくれた。Daeglinが強制徴収した奴は珍しい才能を持っているらしい。誰もがほっとかないだろうと。Anvilを出て、行きかう船と交渉したところ、老いた船乗りのMecios Carcasdisが彼の船を売りに出しているらしい。Black Moonは良い船舶で、Blackhornに着いたら彼を訪ねてみなければ。<br>
<div align="left">嵐で船が酷く前後に揺れている中、目が覚めた。Harknirを調べに行かなければ。<br>

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Last-modified: 2010-03-12 (金) 11:48:08