

FormID: 020290D4 TNNecromancerLines INFOGENERAL 0 Distant chatter
FormID: 020297A8 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 0 The Arcane university always had stupid rules, I mean, whats all this about not defending my self when a guard attacks me ? What am I supposed to do,
FormID: 020297A8 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 1 stand there and let them kill me. And as for the Provocation argument, how do they expect me to get the guard angry enough to attack me,
FormID: 020297A8 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 2 of course i had to provoke him.
FormID: 0202EC53 TNNecromancerLines Necromancyisevil 0 They all say that, nobody ever says how Evil the Mages Guild were for burning my little Nyssa to death. And they cheered as she burnt, I hate them.
FormID: 0202EC54 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 0 I saw one of the Mages that was cheering when they booted us out of the Guild this week, he hurried off when he saw me coming.
FormID: 0202EC54 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 1 Good job too, if he got in my way I do not think i could have controlled my temper.
FormID: 0202EC56 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 0 They killed my Nyssa for no other reason than they wanted us to leave. They could have just asked but they wanted to lock us up
FormID: 0202EC56 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 1 even though we had commited no crime. We get bodies from the prison, all legal, already dead. We use these bodies to find cures for
FormID: 0202EC56 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 2 common illnesses but because we worked with the dead, they branded us Necromancers. We are healers, we may not use magic as a healing power
FormID: 0202EC56 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 3 but we are healers. Some council decision in the Arcane University decided who will live and who will die and it cost my daughter her life.
FormID: 0202EC56 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 4 For that I will never forgive them.
FormID: 0202EC57 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 0 I am hoping to find a way to heal serious burns so that we may heal Nyssas body. Unfortunately nothing seems to be working
FormID: 0202EC57 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 1 and in previous attempts we nearly lost her soul for ever. I was very upset but Davinus did get some good results and that cheered me up.
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FormID: 0202EC59 TNNecromancerLines INFOGENERAL 0 Distant chatter
FormID: 0202EC5A TNNecromancerLines Necromancyisevil 0 Is it evil to want my Daughter back ? Was it evil to burn her to death in the first place ? Think, we loved her, Battlemages killed her,
FormID: 0202EC5A TNNecromancerLines Necromancyisevil 1 who was evil and who was not ? Far too many people tar all Necromancers with the same brush, Necromancy is a large area of study and no all of them
FormID: 0202EC5A TNNecromancerLines Necromancyisevil 2 involve murder and grave robbing. Just because a few bad apples spoilt it for the rest of us, we all have to live with the stigma they create.
FormID: 0202EC5B TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 0 We are making slow but sure progress with Nyssa, we found a couple of herbs that seem to heal burned mortflesh
FormID: 0202EC5B TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 1 and will be experimenting with it during the next month.
FormID: 0202EC5C TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 0 I blame them for the death of our daughter. If Traven had not banned Necromancy, the Battlemages would not have burst in to our room and attempted to
FormID: 0202EC5C TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 1 arrest us. Our daughter would be alive and we would be able to continue our medical studies without needing to put up with the abuse we had to suffer
FormID: 0202EC5C TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 2 with towards the end. Our daughter Nyssa was only young, they burnt her death using fireballs. There was no need, she was child.
FormID: 0202EC5C TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 3 I was horrified and all we could hear was the guilds other Mages cheering the Battlemages on.
FormID: 0202EC5C TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 4 A crewl blood sport and free to view if you were a member of the guild.
FormID: 0202EC5C TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 5 They are evil and we hate them, we return to Cheydinhall to from time to time to put the fear of Akatosh in to them.
FormID: 0202EC5C TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 6 One day we will burn that place down.
FormID: 0202EC5D TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 0 We are hoping to find a way to bring Nyssa back to us. We revived her but she is a mindless Zombie, she trashed her room and tried to kill us both,
FormID: 0202EC5D TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 1 so we put her in the basement. We think that if we can get her vital organs working again then her natural body functions will work,
FormID: 0202EC5D TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 2 after that we can restore her soul. We have her soul in a soul gem somewhere around here and once her body is healed,
FormID: 0202EC5D TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 3 we will attempt to merge her soul with it and restore our family.
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FormID: 0202EC5F TNNecromancerLines INFOGENERAL 0 Distant chatter
FormID: 0202EC60 TNNecromancerLines Necromancyisevil 0 Is it, I had no idea. Really, when did that happen ?
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 0 What, oh them, well I was stuck in the Cheydinhal branch talking to somebody or other about the last supply of bodies from the Imperial Prison
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 1 when suddenly Falcar rushed in and said Necromancer was banned from the Guild and I had to leave. It came as bit of a shock,
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 2 I had no idea there was even a debate on the matter. I spent so much time at the guild testing bottles of Vampire blood that the issue came and went
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 3 without me even noticing. They got very rude after that, called me all sorts of names, some were not even true.
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 4 I have never resurrected a Cow and I have certainly not done anything like they suggested to one. I saw Battlemages approaching as I left,
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 5 I wondered if they where calling for me or for somebody else. I did not want to stay and find out so I made my escape.
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 6 Cheydinhall did have more than its fair share of Necromancers though, so perhaps they were just sent to help Falcar, odd though,
FormID: 0202EC61 TNNecromancerLines TNMagesGuild 7 why would he warn me of their approach.
FormID: 0202EC62 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 0 Vampires, you know the night suckers, everybody hates them so nobody minds if I use them in my studies.
FormID: 0202EC62 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 1 The money I get from the Order of the Virtuous Blood helps a lot. In some circles I am known as Volgin the Mighty Vampire Slayer you know.
FormID: 0202EC62 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 2 I drain their blood and use it to try and reanimate dead tissue. Mostly without success but it is fascinating stuff,
FormID: 0202EC62 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 3 the way the blood oozes out of their bodies as the Vampire slowly dies. Have you seen a Vampire die slowly ?
FormID: 0202EC62 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 4 Those night eyes grow dark and you can feel them reaching out to your soul in a last ditch attempt to hang on to what ever they call life.
FormID: 0202EC62 TNNecromancerLines TNwhatareyouresearching 5 Quite remarkable really. I rather enjoy watching them as I drain their blood, it is kind of poetic don't you think ?
FormID: 0202EC63 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 0 Did you see the Battlemages enter the Cheydinall branch the night Traven banned Necromancy ?
FormID: 0202EC63 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 1 Several heavily armed warrior mages running in to the Guildhall like it was under attack or something.
FormID: 0202EC63 TNNecromancerLines tnkingandqueens 2 I got away from there as fast as possible, I think they might have been after me.
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FormID: 0202EC65 TNNecromancerLines INFOGENERAL 0 Distant chatter
FormID: 0202FA2E TNNecromancerLines TowerofDawn 0 Hello friend, now you are part of our little circle you might was well have the key to the Tower of Dawn.
FormID: 0202FA2E TNNecromancerLines TowerofDawn 1 It has been empty for a while so we have fixed the place up for you.
FormID: 0202FA2E TNNecromancerLines TowerofDawn 2 You will find it where Dawn breaks over Cyrodiil every day, or just go to Dark Fissure and look around the mountains in that area.
FormID: 0203AC61 TNNecromancerLines tnDavinus 0 That Davinus might see the light in his hour of darkness, I devised a ritual that will bring to him illumination and wisdom.
FormID: 0203AC61 TNNecromancerLines tnDavinus 1 Granted, in order that the ritual is effective, one must eat the eye of a Khajit...but...I already have a subject in mind for that.
FormID: 0203AC61 TNNecromancerLines tnDavinus 2 In return, he has used his contacts at the Cathedral to get me some preaching time. Ahem, if you will permit me.
FormID: 0203AC63 TNNecromancerLines tnvolgin 0 Volgin is Curdle's most favoured acolyte. He shares many of my deepest held convictions, such as the origin of magic.
FormID: 0203AC63 TNNecromancerLines tnvolgin 1 Yay, lend humble Curdle thine ear as he doth spake Volgin's words, [QUOTE]embodied or not, willpower remains. Or where else does magic spring from?
FormID: 0203AC63 TNNecromancerLines tnvolgin 2 His research backs me up, claiming that all vampires derive their powers from leaching off the will of the dead.
FormID: 0203AC63 TNNecromancerLines tnvolgin 3 Likewise are my theories of transformation, as order cometh out of chaos so do doth life cometh from decay.
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FormID: 0203AC68 TNNecromancerLines INFOGENERAL 0 Distant chatter

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Last-modified: 2009-09-16 (水) 23:29:22