

FormID: 0204F765 0HOD02DragonAlter01Script Messagebox 33 0 There is an alter here with an empty bowl in the center. I can barely make out some sort of ancient incense inside...
FormID: 0204F767 0HOD02DragonAlter02Script Messagebox 34 0 There is an alter here with an empty bowl in the center. I can barely make out some sort of ancient incense inside...
FormID: 0204F768 0HOD02DragonAlter03Script Messagebox 33 0 There is an alter here with an empty bowl in the center. I can barely make out some sort of ancient incense inside...
FormID: 0204F769 0HOD02DragonAlter04Script Messagebox 33 0 There is an alter here with an empty bowl in the center. I can barely make out some sort of ancient incense inside...
FormID: 0205085C 0HOD02PlaqueDiamondTrapScript Messagebox 3 0 One word is written: GREED.
__一言、 GREED(貪欲)と書かれている。
FormID: 0205085C 0HOD02PlaqueDiamondTrapScript Messagebox 5 0 A single set of Runes adorns the plaque.
FormID: 0205349A 0HOD04LastPortalScript Message 13 0
FormID: 0205349A 0HOD04LastPortalScript Message 14 0
FormID: 02059A4C 0HOD02DublinMiddleScript Message 9 0
FormID: 02059A4C 0HOD02DublinMiddleScript Message 10 0
FormID: 02059A4C 0HOD02DublinMiddleScript Message 19 0
FormID: 02059A4C 0HOD02DublinMiddleScript Message 20 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 6 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 7 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 13 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 14 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 20 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 21 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 30 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 31 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 40 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 41 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 73 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 74 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 80 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 81 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 87 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 88 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 97 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 98 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 107 0
FormID: 0205A140 0HODTranslationScript Message 108 0
FormID: 0205CA81 0HOD01MaraInscriptionScript Messagebox 3 0 There are three runes on here, none of them I can actually read. I should use the Translation Spell.
__ここには3つのRuneが書かれているが、どれも読めそうにない。Translation Spell(翻訳魔法)を使うべきだ。
FormID: 0205CA81 0HOD01MaraInscriptionScript Messagebox 5 0 There are three letters carved into the stone: W S J.
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 12 0 Which Shield do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 12 1 Jade Shield
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 16 0 Which Shield do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 16 1 Sun Shield
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 20 0 Which Shield do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 20 1 Jade Shield
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 20 2 Sun Shield
FormID: 0205EB83 0HOD01PlaceShieldDragonScript Messagebox 24 0 There's a strange aura on this pedistal.
FormID: 02060436 0HOD01TurnDragon2ShieldScript Messagebox 33 0 The Shield
FormID: 02060436 0HOD01TurnDragon2ShieldScript Messagebox 33 1 Turn the Shield
FormID: 02060436 0HOD01TurnDragon2ShieldScript Messagebox 33 2 Take the Shield
FormID: 02061CE3 0HOD01TurnMara2ShieldScript Messagebox 31 0 The Shield
FormID: 02061CE3 0HOD01TurnMara2ShieldScript Messagebox 31 1 Turn the Shield
FormID: 02061CE3 0HOD01TurnMara2ShieldScript Messagebox 31 2 Take the Shield
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 10 0 Which Shield do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 10 1 Jade Shield
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 14 0 Which Shield do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 14 1 Sun Shield
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 18 0 Which Shield do you put on the Pedistal?
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 18 1 Jade Shield
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 18 2 Sun Shield
FormID: 02062520 0HOD01PlaceShieldMaraScript Messagebox 21 0 There's a strange aura on this pedistal.
FormID: 02062521 0HOD01TurnDragon3ShieldScript Messagebox 33 0 The Shield
FormID: 02062521 0HOD01TurnDragon3ShieldScript Messagebox 33 1 Turn the Shield
FormID: 02062521 0HOD01TurnDragon3ShieldScript Messagebox 33 2 Take the Shield
FormID: 02062522 0HOD01TurnMara3ShieldScript Messagebox 33 0 The Shield
FormID: 02062522 0HOD01TurnMara3ShieldScript Messagebox 33 1 Turn the Shield
FormID: 02062522 0HOD01TurnMara3ShieldScript Messagebox 33 2 Take the Shield
FormID: 020694BE 0HOD02PlaqueFaithScript Messagebox 3 0 A Leap of Faith.
FormID: 020694BE 0HOD02PlaqueFaithScript Messagebox 5 0 Four Runes adorn the plaque.
FormID: 02071279 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapAxeScript Messagebox 4 0 A word lines the bottom of the statue: TOOL.
FormID: 02071279 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapAxeScript Messagebox 6 0 A set of runes line the bottom of the statue.
FormID: 02071AC9 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapShieldScript Messagebox 4 0 A word lines the bottom of the statue: PROTECTOR.
FormID: 02071AC9 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapShieldScript Messagebox 6 0 A set of runes line the bottom of the statue.
FormID: 02071ACB 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapDaggerScript Messagebox 4 0 A word lines the bottom of the statue: VIPER.
FormID: 02071ACB 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapDaggerScript Messagebox 6 0 A set of runes line the bottom of the statue.
FormID: 02071ACC 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapSwordScript Messagebox 4 0 A word lines the bottom of the statue: ARM.
FormID: 02071ACC 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapSwordScript Messagebox 6 0 A set of runes line the bottom of the statue.
FormID: 02071ACD 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapMaceScript Messagebox 4 0 A word lines the bottom of the statue: SMASH.
FormID: 02071ACD 0HOD02WKStatueNoWeapMaceScript Messagebox 6 0 A set of runes line the bottom of the statue.
FormID: 020B352D 0HODWhiteBootsFinalScript Message 10 0 Debug: Boots Item dropped
FormID: 020B562D HODWeaponSmackdownScript Message 10 0
FormID: 020B562D HODWeaponSmackdownScript Message 11 0
FormID: 020B562D HODWeaponSmackdownScript Message 11 0
FormID: 020018BC 0HODMysticElfStoneScript Messagebox 5 0 The stone made me feel envigorated, but it drained after using it.
FormID: 020018BC 0HODMysticElfStoneScript Message 22 0
FormID: 020018BC 0HODMysticElfStoneScript Message 23 0
FormID: 0200AE5B HOD03 255 0 Message 2 0
FormID: 0200AE5B HOD03 255 0 Message 3 0
FormID: 020160D8 HOD04 230 0 Messagebox 18 0 So the Heart has been destroyed. I came out of this a little bit wiser, a little bit braver, but not with the Heart. Oh well. Sometimes treasure is more than ancient trinkets. With Kat at my side, I'm ready to take on the world.
FormID: 020160D8 HOD04 240 0 Messagebox 18 0 So the Heart has been destroyed. I came out of this a little bit wiser, a little bit braver, but not with the Heart. Oh well. Sometimes treasure is more than ancient trinkets. With Dublin at my side, I'm ready to take on the world.
FormID: 020160D8 HOD04 250 0 Messagebox 18 0 So the Heart has been destroyed. I came out of this a little bit wiser, a little bit braver, but not with the Heart. Oh well. Sometimes treasure is more than ancient trinkets. But now, with Wintermoon at my side, I'm ready to take on the world.
FormID: 020160D8 HOD04 255 0 Messagebox 2 0 So the Heart has been destroyed. I came out of this a little bit wiser, a little bit braver, but not with the treasure. Oh well. Sometimes treasure is more than ancient trinkets. But now I'm ready to take on the world. Let's just hope the world is ready...

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Last-modified: 2011-06-26 (日) 15:21:08