

FormID: 01028991 LingBC20Talwinque 10 0 I have a contract to claim the bounty on a bandit lord in the Ayleid ruin of Talwinque. If I am a member of a bandit group such as the Black Bow Bandits then I may be able to convince him to hand over an item of his to 'prove' that I killed him. Talwinque can be found by first travelling to Kvatch and then travelling directly north west.
__Ayleid遺跡『Talwinque』には賞金首の山賊の首領がいる。今回の契約は、奴の首に掛かった賞金を手に入れる事。Black Bow Banditsのような山賊団のメンバーであれば、話し合いの上で『殺した証拠』を入手出来るかも知れない。目的の遺跡はKvatchからまっすぐ北西に進んだ先にある。
FormID: 01028991 LingBC20Talwinque 100 0 I was rewarded for completing the contract.
FormID: 01028991 LingBC20Talwinque 20 0 I was able to convince the Bandit Lord to hand over his ring peacefully. I will need to take it back to Ajum-Kajin to claim the bounty.
FormID: 01028991 LingBC20Talwinque 20 1 I was able to convince the Bandit Lord to hand over his ring peacefully. I will need to take it back to Ja'Fazir to claim the bounty.
FormID: 01028991 LingBC20Talwinque 30 0
FormID: 01028991 LingBC20Talwinque 40 0 I wrote down in my journal that I killed the Bandit Lord and also wrote a reminder that I will need to take his ring from his body as proof that I killed him.

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Last-modified: 2009-09-07 (月) 21:26:25