FormID: 0102A09C CUOLichStandardFeather3Journeyman SPEL Lich Lighten Load
FormID: 0102A09E CUOLichStandardFeather4Expert SPEL Lich Pack Mule
FormID: 0102A0A0 CUOLichStandardFeather5Master SPEL Lich Beast of Burden
FormID: 0102A0A2 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribAgility2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Agility
FormID: 0102A0A4 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribAgility3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Agility
FormID: 0102A0A6 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribEndurance2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Endurance
FormID: 0102A0A8 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribEndurance3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Endurance
FormID: 0102A0AA CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribIntelligence2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Intelligence
FormID: 0102A0AC CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribIntelligence3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Intelligence
FormID: 0102A0AE CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribLuck2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Luck
FormID: 0102A0B0 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribLuck3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Luck
FormID: 0102A0B2 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribPersonality2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Personality
FormID: 0102A0B4 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribPersonality3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Personality
FormID: 0102A0B6 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribSpeed2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Speed
FormID: 0102A0B8 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribSpeed3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Speed
FormID: 0102A0BA CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribStrength2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Strength
FormID: 0102A0BC CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribStrength3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Strength
FormID: 0102A0BE CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribWillpower2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Willpower
FormID: 0102A0C0 CUOLichStandardFortifyAttribWillpower3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Willpower
FormID: 0102A0C2 CUOLichStandardFortifyFatigue1Novice SPEL Lich Fortify Fatigue
FormID: 0102A0C4 CUOLichStandardFortifyFatigue2Apprentice SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Fatigue
FormID: 0102A0C6 CUOLichStandardFortifyHealth2Apprentice SPEL Lich Fortify Health
FormID: 0102A0C8 CUOLichStandardFortifyHealth4Expert SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Health
FormID: 0102A0CA CUOLichStandardFortifyMagicka3Journeyman SPEL Lich Fortify Magicka
FormID: 0102A0CC CUOLichStandardFortifyMagicka4Expert SPEL Lich Greater Fortify Magicka
FormID: 0102A0CE CUOLichStandardFrenzyTarget1Novice SPEL Lich Frenzy
FormID: 0102A0D0 CUOLichStandardFrenzyTarget2Apprentice SPEL Lich Rage
FormID: 0102A0D2 CUOLichStandardFrenzyTouch1Novice SPEL Lich Touch of Frenzy
FormID: 0102A0D4 CUOLichStandardFrenzyTouch2Apprentice SPEL Lich Touch of Rage
FormID: 0102A0D6 CUOLichStandardInvisibility3Journeyman SPEL Lich Shadow Shape
FormID: 0102A0D8 CUOLichStandardInvisibility4Expert SPEL Lich Ghostwalk
FormID: 0102A0DA CUOLichStandardInvisibility5Master SPEL Lich Spectral Form
FormID: 0102A0DC CUOLichStandardLight1Novice SPEL Lich Starlight
FormID: 0102A0DE CUOLichStandardLight2Apprentice SPEL Lich Moonlight
FormID: 0102A0E0 CUOLichStandardLight3Journeyman SPEL Lich Candlelight
FormID: 0102A0E2 CUOLichStandardLight4Expert SPEL Lich Torchlight
FormID: 0102A0E4 CUOLichStandardLight5Master SPEL Lich Daylight
FormID: 0102A0E6 CUOLichStandardLightTarget1Novice SPEL Lich Illuminate
FormID: 0102A0E8 CUOLichStandardNightEye2Apprentice SPEL Lich Eyes of Eventide
FormID: 0102A0EA CUOLichStandardNightEye3Journeyman SPEL Lich Eyes of Midnight
FormID: 0102A0EC CUOLichStandardParalyze3Journeyman SPEL Lich Debilitate
FormID: 0102A0EE CUOLichStandardParalyze4Expert SPEL Lich Immobilize
FormID: 0102A0F0 CUOLichStandardParalyze5Master SPEL Lich Paralyze
FormID: 0102A0F2 CUOLichStandardRally1Novice SPEL Lich Inspiration
FormID: 0102A0F4 CUOLichStandardRally2Apprentice SPEL Lich Heroism
FormID: 0102A0F6 CUOLichStandardRallyTouch1Novice SPEL Lich Inspiring Touch
FormID: 0102A0F8 CUOLichStandardRallyTouch2Apprentice SPEL Lich Heroic Touch
FormID: 0102A0FA CUOLichStandardReflectSpell4Expert SPEL Lich Superior Spell Reflection
FormID: 0102A0FC CUOLichStandardReflectSpell5Master SPEL Lich Legendary Spell Reflection
FormID: 0102A0FE CUOLichStandardResistMagic3Journeyman SPEL Lich Minor Magic Resistance
FormID: 0102A100 CUOLichStandardShield1Novice SPEL Lich Protect
FormID: 0102A102 CUOLichStandardShield2Apprentice SPEL Lich Defend
FormID: 0102A104 CUOLichStandardShield3Journeyman SPEL Lich Guard
FormID: 0102A106 CUOLichStandardShield4Expert SPEL Lich Shield
FormID: 0102A108 CUOLichStandardShield5Master SPEL Lich Aegis
FormID: 0102A10A CUOLichStandardShieldTarget1Novice SPEL Lich Protect Other
FormID: 0102A10C CUOLichStandardSilence3Journeyman SPEL Lich Hush
FormID: 0102A10E CUOLichStandardSilence4Expert SPEL Lich Mute
FormID: 0102A110 CUOLichStandardSoulTrap2Apprentice SPEL Lich Soul Trap
FormID: 0102A112 CUOLichStandardSoulTrap3Journeyman SPEL Lich Greater Soul Trap
FormID: 0102A114 CUOLichStandardSoulTrap4Expert SPEL Lich Superior Soul Trap
FormID: 0102A116 CUOLichStandardSpellAbsorption4Expert SPEL Lich Superior Spell Absorption
FormID: 0102A118 CUOLichStandardSpellAbsorption5Master SPEL Lich Legendary Spell Absorption
FormID: 0102A11A CUOLichStandardSummonGhostApprentice SPEL Lich Summon Ghost
FormID: 0102A11C CUOLichStandardSummonLichMaster SPEL Lich Summon Lich
FormID: 0102A11E CUOLichStandardSummonSkeletonApprentice SPEL Lich Summon Skeleton
FormID: 0102A120 CUOLichStandardSummonSkeletonChampionExpert SPEL Lich Summon Ske~le~ton Champion
FormID: 0102A122 CUOLichStandardSummonSkeletonGuardianJourneyman SPEL Lich Summon Skeleton Guardian
FormID: 0102A124 CUOLichStandardSummonSkeletonHeroExpert SPEL Lich Summon Skeleton Hero
FormID: 0102A126 CUOLichStandardSummonWraithFadedExpert SPEL Lich Summon Faded Wraith
FormID: 0102A128 CUOLichStandardSummonWraithGloomMaster SPEL Lich Summon Gloom Wraith
FormID: 0102A12A CUOLichStandardSummonZombieApprentice SPEL Lich Summon Zombie
FormID: 0102A12C CUOLichStandardSummonZombieHeadlessJourneyman SPEL Lich Summon Headless Zombie
FormID: 0102A12E CUOLichStandardWaterBreathing2Apprentice SPEL Lich Water Breathing
FormID: 0102A130 CUOLichStandardWaterWalking2Apprentice SPEL Lich Sea Stride
FormID: 0102A132 CUOLichStandardWeaknessFire2Apprentice SPEL Lich Weakness to Fire
FormID: 0102A134 CUOLichStandardWeaknessFrost2Apprentice SPEL Lich Weakness to Frost
FormID: 0102A136 CUOLichStandardWeaknessMagicka3Journeyman SPEL Lich Weakness to Magicka
FormID: 0102A138 CUOLichStandardWeaknessPoison2Apprentice SPEL Lich Weakness to Poison
FormID: 0102A13A CUOLichStandardWeaknessShock2Apprentice SPEL Lich Weakness to Shock
FormID: 0102A80F CUOLichSEStdSummonShambles3Journeyman SPEL Lich Summon Decrepit Shambles
FormID: 0102A810 CUOLichSEStdSummonShambles4Expert SPEL Lich Summon Shambles
FormID: 0102A812 CUOLichSEStdSummonShambles5Master SPEL Lich Summon Replete Shambles
FormID: 0102AEE7 CUOLichRaiseDeadMaster SPEL Lich Raise Dead Master
FormID: 01040EBA AbDwemerGhostNPC SPEL Ghostly powers
FormID: 01048AAD CUOWitchCurseWimp01 SPEL Curse of Wimp Minor
FormID: 01048AAE CUOWitchCurseWimp02 SPEL Curse of Wimp
FormID: 01048AB0 CUOWitchCurseWimp03 SPEL Curse of Wimp Major
FormID: 01048AB2 CUOWitchCurseAntiMagicka SPEL Curse of Anti Magicka Minor
FormID: 01048AB4 CUOWitchCurseIllHealth SPEL Curse of Ill Health
FormID: 01048AB6 CUOWitchCurseIdiot SPEL Curse of Idiot
FormID: 01048AB8 CUOWitchCurseFeebleMind SPEL Curse of Feeble Mind
FormID: 01048ABA CUOWitchCurseTurtle SPEL Curse of Turtle
FormID: 01048ABC CUOWitchCurseCrippling SPEL Curse of Crippling
FormID: 01048ABE CUOWitchCurseExhaustion SPEL Curse of Exhaustion
FormID: 010491CD CUOABWitchesCatAbility01 SPEL Cats Protection
FormID: 02004158 MGCurse SPEL Evil Curse
FormID: 02004160 MGCurse2 SPEL Evil Curse
FormID: 02004161 MGCurse3 SPEL Evil Curse
FormID: 02011E85 OMGDamageMagicka2Apprentice SPEL Sever Magicka
FormID: 02014ABE OMGTeleporterSickness SPEL Teleporter Sickness
FormID: 0202FAB8 omgdaedricteachjingaid SPEL Daedric Lure Ability
FormID: 0202FAB9 omgDaedricTeachingSpell SPEL Summon Daedra Teaching Aid
FormID: 02035A82 omgSummonScampApprentice SPEL Lure detected Scamp
FormID: 02035A83 OmgSummonDaedrothExpert SPEL Lure detected Daedroth
FormID: 02035A85 OmgSummonDremoraJourneyman SPEL Lure detected Dremora
FormID: 02035A87 OmgSummonDremoraLordMaster SPEL Lure detected Dremora Lord
FormID: 02035DDB OMGBirthsignAyleid SPEL Aylied Birthsign
FormID: 02037062 omgayleidteachjingaid SPEL Ayleid Insight
FormID: 020444C1 omgskeletonresistflame SPEL Resist Flame
FormID: 020444C2 omgskeletonresistfrost SPEL Resist frost
FormID: 020444C4 omgskeletonresistshock SPEL Resist shock
FormID: 02044BA0 omgskeletonresistflame2 SPEL Resist Flame
FormID: 02044BA1 omgskeletonresistfrost2 SPEL Resist frost
FormID: 02044BA3 omgskeletonresistshock2 SPEL Resist shock
FormID: 02044BA5 omgskeletonresistsnormal SPEL Resist Normal Weapons
FormID: 02056BC0 OMGSummonMary SPEL Summon Mary
FormID: 02071494 omgtrainingspell SPEL Training Spell
FormID: 0208DBF6 OMGSummonDaedrothExpertVamp SPEL Summon Daedroth