FormID: 0102C430 CUOPotionFortifyLuckW ALCH Weak Potion of Luck
FormID: 0102C432 CUOPotionFortifyMagicka ALCH Potion of Magicka
FormID: 0102C434 CUOPotionFortifyMagickaS ALCH Strong Potion of Magicka
FormID: 0102C436 CUOPotionFortifyMagickaW ALCH Weak Potion of Magicka
FormID: 0102C438 CUOPotionFortifyPersonality ALCH Potion of Personality
FormID: 0102C43A CUOPotionFortifyPersonalityS ALCH Strong Potion of Personality
FormID: 0102C43C CUOPotionFortifyPersonalityW ALCH Weak Potion of Personality
FormID: 0102C43E CUOPotionFortifySpeed ALCH Potion of Speed
FormID: 0102C440 CUOPotionFortifySpeedS ALCH Strong Potion of Speed
FormID: 0102C442 CUOPotionFortifySpeedW ALCH Weak Potion of Speed
FormID: 0102C444 CUOPotionFortifyStrength ALCH Potion of Strength
FormID: 0102C446 CUOPotionFortifyStrengthS ALCH Strong Potion of Strength
FormID: 0102C448 CUOPotionFortifyStrengthW ALCH Weak Potion of Strength
FormID: 0102C44A CUOPotionFortifyWillpower ALCH Potion of Willpower
FormID: 0102C44C CUOPotionFortifyWillpowerS ALCH Strong Potion of Willpower
FormID: 0102C44E CUOPotionFortifyWillpowerW ALCH Weak Potion of Willpower
FormID: 0102C450 CUOPotionFrostShield ALCH Potion of Frost Shield
FormID: 0102C452 CUOPotionFrostShieldS ALCH Strong Potion of Frost Shield
FormID: 0102C454 CUOPotionFrostShieldW ALCH Weak Potion of Frost Shield
FormID: 0102C456 CUOPotionInvisibility ALCH Potion of Invisibility
FormID: 0102C458 CUOPotionInvisibilityS ALCH Strong Potion of Invisibility
FormID: 0102C45A CUOPotionInvisibilityW ALCH Weak Potion of Invisibility
FormID: 0102C45C CUOPotionLight ALCH Potion of Light
FormID: 0102C45E CUOPotionLightS ALCH Strong Potion of Light
FormID: 0102C460 CUOPotionLightW ALCH Weak Potion of Light
FormID: 0102C462 CUOPotionNighteye ALCH Potion of Nighteye
FormID: 0102C464 CUOPotionNighteyeS ALCH Strong Potion of Nighteye
FormID: 0102C466 CUOPotionNighteyeW ALCH Weak Potion of Nighteye
FormID: 0102C468 CUOPotionParalyze ALCH Poison of Paralysis
FormID: 0102C46A CUOPotionParalyzeS ALCH Strong Poison of Paralysis
FormID: 0102C46C CUOPotionParalyzeW ALCH Weak Poison of Paralysis
FormID: 0102C46E CUOPotionReflect ALCH Potion of Reflection
FormID: 0102C470 CUOPotionReflectS ALCH Strong Potion of Reflection
FormID: 0102C472 CUOPotionReflectW ALCH Weak Potion of Reflection
FormID: 0102C474 CUOPotionResistDisease ALCH Potion of Resistance
FormID: 0102C476 CUOPotionResistDiseaseS ALCH Strong Potion of Resistance
FormID: 0102C478 CUOPotionResistDiseaseW ALCH Weak Potion of Resistance
FormID: 0102C47A CUOPotionResistFire ALCH Potion of Insulation
FormID: 0102C47C CUOPotionResistFireS ALCH Strong Potion of Insulation
FormID: 0102C47E CUOPotionResistFireW ALCH Weak Potion of Insulation
FormID: 0102C480 CUOPotionResistFrost ALCH Potion of Warmth
FormID: 0102C482 CUOPotionResistFrostS ALCH Strong Potion of Warmth
FormID: 0102C484 CUOPotionResistFrostW ALCH Weak Potion of Warmth
FormID: 0102C486 CUOPotionResistMagicka ALCH Potion of Disbelief
FormID: 0102C488 CUOPotionResistMagickaS ALCH Strong Potion of Disbelief
FormID: 0102C48A CUOPotionResistMagickaW ALCH Weak Potion of Disbelief
FormID: 0102C48C CUOPotionResistPoison ALCH Potion of Antivenom
FormID: 0102C48E CUOPotionResistPoisonS ALCH Strong Potion of Antivenom
FormID: 0102C490 CUOPotionResistPoisonW ALCH Weak Potion of Antivenom
FormID: 0102C492 CUOPotionResistShock ALCH Potion of Grounding
FormID: 0102C494 CUOPotionResistShockS ALCH Strong Potion of Grounding
FormID: 0102C496 CUOPotionResistShockW ALCH Weak Potion of Grounding
FormID: 0102C498 CUOPotionRestoreAgility ALCH Potion of Grace
FormID: 0102C49A CUOPotionRestoreAgilityS ALCH Strong Potion of Grace
FormID: 0102C49C CUOPotionRestoreAgilityW ALCH Weak Potion of Grace
FormID: 0102C49E CUOPotionRestoreEndurance ALCH Potion of Fortitude
FormID: 0102C4A0 CUOPotionRestoreEnduranceS ALCH Strong Potion of Fortitude
FormID: 0102C4A2 CUOPotionRestoreEnduranceW ALCH Weak Potion of Fortitude
FormID: 0102C4A4 CUOPotionRestoreFatigue ALCH Potion of Respite
FormID: 0102C4A6 CUOPotionRestoreFatigueS ALCH Strong Potion of Respite
FormID: 0102C4A8 CUOPotionRestoreFatigueW ALCH Weak Potion of Respite
FormID: 0102C4AA CUOPotionRestoreHealth ALCH Potion of Healing
FormID: 0102C4AC CUOPotionRestoreHealthW ALCH Weak Potion of Healing
FormID: 0102C4AE CUOPotionRestoreIntelligence ALCH Potion of Insight
FormID: 0102C4B0 CUOPotionRestoreIntelligenceS ALCH Strong Potion of Insight
FormID: 0102C4B2 CUOPotionRestoreIntelligenceW ALCH Weak Potion of Insight
FormID: 0102C4B4 CUOPotionRestoreLuck ALCH Potion of Fortune
FormID: 0102C4B6 CUOPotionRestoreLuckS ALCH Strong Potion of Fortune
FormID: 0102C4B8 CUOPotionRestoreLuckW ALCH Weak Potion of Fortune
FormID: 0102C4BA CUOPotionRestoreMagicka ALCH Potion of Sorcery
FormID: 0102C4BC CUOPotionRestoreMagickaS ALCH Strong Potion of Sorcery
FormID: 0102C4BE CUOPotionRestoreMagickaW ALCH Weak Potion of Sorcery
FormID: 0102C4C0 CUOPotionRestorePersonality ALCH Potion of Charisma
FormID: 0102C4C2 CUOPotionRestorePersonalityS ALCH Strong Potion of Charisma
FormID: 0102C4C4 CUOPotionRestorePersonalityW ALCH Weak Potion of Charisma
FormID: 0102C4C6 CUOPotionRestoreSpeed ALCH Potion of Alacrity
FormID: 0102C4C8 CUOPotionRestoreSpeedS ALCH Strong Potion of Alacrity
FormID: 0102C4CA CUOPotionRestoreSpeedW ALCH Weak Potion of Alacrity
FormID: 0102C4CC CUOPotionRestoreStrength ALCH Potion of Might
FormID: 0102C4CE CUOPotionRestoreStrengthS ALCH Strong Potion of Might
FormID: 0102C4D0 CUOPotionRestoreStrengthW ALCH Weak Potion of Might
FormID: 0102C4D2 CUOPotionRestoreWillpower ALCH Potion of Dedication
FormID: 0102C4D4 CUOPotionRestoreWillpowerS ALCH Strong Potion of Dedication
FormID: 0102C4D6 CUOPotionRestoreWillpowerW ALCH Weak Potion of Dedication
FormID: 0102C4D8 CUOPotionShockShield ALCH Potion of Shock Shield
FormID: 0102C4DA CUOPotionShockShieldS ALCH Strong Potion of Shock Shield
FormID: 0102C4DC CUOPotionShockShieldW ALCH Weak Potion of Shock Shield
FormID: 0102C4DE CUOPotionSilence ALCH Poison of Silence
FormID: 0102C4E0 CUOPotionSilenceS ALCH Strong Poison of Silence
FormID: 0102C4E2 CUOPotionSilenceW ALCH Weak Poison of Silence
FormID: 0102C4E4 CUOPotionSkooma ALCH Skooma
FormID: 0102C4E6 CUOPotionSpellAbsorption ALCH Potion of Absorption
FormID: 0102C4E8 CUOPotionSpellAbsorptionS ALCH Strong Potion of Absorption
FormID: 0102C4EA CUOPotionSpellAbsorptionW ALCH Weak Potion of Absorption
FormID: 0102C4EC CUOPotionWaterBreathing ALCH Potion of the Sea
FormID: 0102C4EE CUOPotionWaterBreathingS ALCH Strong Potion of the Sea
FormID: 0102C4F0 CUOPotionWaterBreathingW ALCH Weak Potion of the Sea
FormID: 0102C4F2 CUOPotionWaterWalking ALCH Potion of Seastride
FormID: 0102C4F4 CUOPotionWaterWalkingS ALCH Strong Potion of Seastride
FormID: 0102C4F6 CUOPotionWaterWalkingW ALCH Weak Potion of Seastride
FormID: 0102D2B5 CUOPotionRestoreHealthS ALCH Strong Potion of Healing
FormID: 0102E060 CUODefaultAlchemyBarrel ALCH Alchemy Barrel
FormID: 010491B0 CUOWitchesPotion01 ALCH Witches Potion of Cripple
FormID: 010491B2 CUOWitchesPotion02 ALCH Witches Potion of Idiot
FormID: 010491B4 CUOWitchesPotion03 ALCH Witches Potion of Wimp
FormID: 010491B6 CUOWitchesPotion04 ALCH Witches Potion of Bad Luck
FormID: 010491B8 CUOWitchesPotion05 ALCH Witches Potion of Weakness
FormID: 010491BA CUOWitchesPotion06 ALCH Witches Potion of Hate
FormID: 010491BC CUOWitchesPotion07 ALCH Witches Potion of Turtle
FormID: 010491BE CUOWitchesPotion08 ALCH Witches Potion of Feeblemind
FormID: 010491C0 CUOWitchesPotion09 ALCH Witches Potion of Ill Health
FormID: 010491C2 CUOWitchesPotion10 ALCH Witches Potion of Magic Drain
FormID: 01056AC6 CUODwemerDrinkAle ALCH Dwemer Ale
FormID: 01056AC7 CUODwemerDrinkBeer ALCH Dwemer Beer
FormID: 01056AC9 CUODwemerMead ALCH Dwemer Mead
FormID: 01056ACF CUODwemerPotionRestoreHealth ALCH Dwemer Potion of Healing
FormID: 01056AD1 CUODwemerPotionRestoreHealthS ALCH Dwemer Strong Potion of Healing
FormID: 01056AD3 CUODwemerPotionRestoreHealthW ALCH Dwemer Weak Potion of Healing