

FormID: 03000F1F bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Can I have a moment of your time?
FormID: 030DC749 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 What do you mean? Unusual? No, you must be mistaken. Good bye!
FormID: 030EE3A5 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 What? How is this possible? You're one of us, but we're not allowed here! Do you have some kind of special permission? Well, you have to help your brothers and sisters!
FormID: 030EE3A6 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 What? How is this possible? You're an Ohmes, but like us you're not allowed here! Do you have some kind of special permission? Or are you passing yourself off as Bosmer? Well, either way you can help us!
FormID: 030EE3A7 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Hi! Can I have a moment of your time? Some clan-mates in need require your help. Even if they don't look like you, if you know what I mean.
FormID: 03000F20 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Thank you so much, I can finally be myself!
FormID: 030045E4 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Hey you! Have you read this? This, this, arg! Who's surprised that no one is painting me anymore? Arg! Just... read it!
FormID: 030045E9 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Have you read it? And did you understand it?
FormID: 030045EE bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Aloha hee. Stay calm, stay calm. That cold will pass.
FormID: 03007D05 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 What, what have you done? Eeek!
FormID: 03007D0A bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Thanks again for your help!
FormID: 03007D0B bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Thanks again for your help. Coward.
FormID: 03013288 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Hi there! I'd like to go up north, find a place to live in Bruma.
FormID: 03013288 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 1 The snow, the mountains, the fresh air! We don't have that in Elsweyr.
FormID: 03013288 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 2 Unfortunately I don't have the money for a house. Please help me!
FormID: 03014063 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Thanks for getting me into Bruma!
FormID: 03014065 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Still waiting here, la la la...
FormID: 03020EFF bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Uh, hello? What's there? What does it want?
FormID: 03025AE4 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Hi there! Before I forget! For your service to Elsweyr and all of Tamriel I name you one of our agents. Thanks for your help again!
FormID: 0308E9BE bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Oh. It's you! I've heard of you. You were the one responsible for bringing down the Suthay Decree. Great work, many thanks!
__ああ!あなたの噂はかねがね。Suthay Decreeの廃止に力を貸して下さってありがとうございます。大変な偉業ですよ。本当に感謝します!
FormID: 0308E9BE bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 1 I'm Do'leandra, nice to finally meet you.
FormID: 0308E9BC bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Greetings, fellow agent.
FormID: 030298E4 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 What can this one do for you?
FormID: 0302AD98 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 How are you? Enjoying the views of Blackwood, are you?
FormID: 03043010 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Get lost. Quickly.
FormID: 03042239 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Where is it gone to?
FormID: 030436EF bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Leave this one be.
FormID: 030444BF bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 You've helped us a lot against the Renrija Krin already. I hesitate to say, but again there's an issue you may be able to help us with.
__あなたは今まで私達のRenrijra Krinに対する戦いを大いに手伝ってくれました。この上更にあなたにお願いするのは気が引けるのですが、あなたの力をまた借りたい問題が発生しています。
FormID: 030444BF bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 1 Some things shouldn't be shared with the Imperial Watch. They're, well, not all of them, but, err. Open to gifts. Especially unguarded to be found in the wilderness. Gifts of land, so to speak.
__Imperial Watchには話せないような事もあります。彼らは…えっと、全員がそうではないにせよ贈り物に弱いですからね。田舎勤めの人達はとりわけそうです。地方の名産品と言っても良いくらい。
FormID: 030444BF bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 2 We Khajiit may have the same problem, but with the gift currently out there, we know it's poison. Brought by the Renrija Krin to be spread like disease into the land.
__私達Khajiitにも同じような問題はあります。しかしKhajiitの場合はその贈り物が「毒」である事で問題は更に深刻化します。Renrijra Krinによって持ち込まれた毒がまるで疫病のように国中に蔓延するのです。
FormID: 030444BF bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 3 Alas! None of us can figure out where it lies. We've searched through the whole of Nibeney without success. The riddle does not hold any meaning for us.
FormID: 0304AC14 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Hi there! Willing to spice up some lifes?
FormID: 0305DCF9 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Wait, wait, wait! Don't get any closer! Don't touch the Goblet of Flames!
__ちょちょちょ、ちょっと待って下さい!それ以上近づかないで!Goblet of Flamesに手を出しちゃ駄目です!
FormID: 0305DD03 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Thanks to you we're all going to die. Hope you're happy with yourself.
FormID: 0305E3E4 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Wheee, we're not going to die!
FormID: 0305EACC bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 You no known?
FormID: 0305EACD bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Scalons outside. Invisible scratch scratch ripped?
FormID: 0305EACE bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Who this one is why talking to Arriasha?
FormID: 0305EACF bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Wizard needs food badly!
FormID: 0305EAD0 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 No cows in New Sheoth!
__New Sheothには牛の一頭もいないの!?
FormID: 0307614B bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Welcome to the Bruma outpost of the Stranded Light!
__Stranded Light、Bruma支部へようこそ!
FormID: 0309C316 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Good that you've run along. I've got some news for you.
FormID: 0309C316 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 1 You're not the only helper of our cause who has drawn a bit too much attention onto itself. I've got some good news, though.
FormID: 0309C316 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 2 While you chased after the Elsweyr Agents, others were able to get Pahmar-Claw Hollows running again.
__実はオマエがElsweyrのエージェント達に追われている間、他の奴らにPahmar-Claw Hollowsを再興してもらったんだよ。
FormID: 0309C316 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 3 It's an old outpost of us. Unfortunately it was compromised by our friends from Elsweyr. Not anymore, though. We've stabilized its walls, caved in a new tunnel, and, well, its running again.
FormID: 0309C316 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 4 A few of our associates who really have to keep their heads down stay there. And for you we've reserved a special corner. Consider it our reward to you. Your own little base of operations.
FormID: 0309C316 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 5 With a pawful of help from us available there.
FormID: 0309C316 bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 6 Anyway. It's on the Yellow road northeast of Leyawiin, north and quite near the Ayleid ruin of Arpenia. You can't miss it, really. Just keep your eyes open.
__Pahmar-Claw HollowsはLeyawiin北東のyellow road沿いにある。ArpeniaのAyleid遺跡から北にすぐ行った所だ。探して見つからない事はないはずだよ。よく探してみな。
FormID: 030BE73E bgZOQOhmesDialogue GREETING 0 Hi there! How are you?

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17