本文 †
原文 †
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A personal Account of my bid for Immortal Power<br>
Rindsey Actavion<br>
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My Father is an Old Fool. He still thinks of me as his innocent son. Perhaps I was at one point. A fool like my father, full of wild aspirations and meaningless dreams. What does it all matter if I should die. He is nearly dead himself from the rotting disease we call life, and I begin to grow my own gray beard after all these years. While he tinkers like a simpleton I languish here under his 'Tutelage'. What a Joke. I have far outstripped him, and yet for a while I must pretend otherwise. He is still capable of meddling. I must never forget that even though his powers are waning in his old age, he is far from weak. The other 'students' we brought here to learn in this the greatest chapter of the mage's guild, have slowly but surely seen that my father will never give them the full secrets that he holds. He is too wily for that. He pretends to show us all that he knows, but when we question further, it is always 'in due time my boys, in due time.'<br>
AHHH! If I hear him tell me I must wait another moment I think I may scream in his face! I deserve to know. I need to know all the secrets he possesses and selfishly withholds from us.
I have taken it...the key that he has thought he kept hidden so well. The key to the deepness. With it we will delve for ourselves in the deep as he has done, and find the secrets to the undead that he already possesses but refuses to share with us.
It is useless. The deep has already been plundered by my father. There is nothing for us there. We use it for our dark meetings away from prying eyes and little else.
Garion thinks that if we possess the Ayleid tome of the Afterlife that we have seen my father perusing, that we may be able to find the final ingredients we need to perform the ritual.<br>
We had to kill Taylin. He began to have second thoughts. His doubts proved he was too weak to be one of us. His body lies even now at the base of the cliffs. He said that he never really thought we were all serious. That maybe we were all kidding that we wished to possess the undead immortal life, soon he would have told my father how close we were. I enjoyed watching the life slip from his eyes as my dagger took him in the heart. The black soul gem that captured his soul sits even now upon my desk. What a fool!<br>
The book is ours. We have already pieced together most of the groundwork spells, and gathered the materials we require. Soon even my father will falter before our might.!<br>
The women know something is wrong. It has been months since we paid them any mind. The desire has left us... our preternatural essences grow stronger, and the lusts of mundus grow weaker. But they will be needed for the final act of the ritual. Fitting sacrifices as we leave behind our old selves and become our greatest selves! They stay in there quarters and we stay in ours. Not at all like in the beginning. Ophelin thinks they will catch us before we can enact the final stages of the spell and tell my father during one of our practice rituals. I told him not to worry. They will be taken care of in due time.<br>
After the preparation of years, and months of intense study, We are Ready. Tonight we will sacrifice the women we once thought would be our wives, and bring us into the immortal transcendence of lichdom. Great will be our Power, and great will be our vengeance upon the living world! The burning preternatural essences within us have grown too strong, the catalyst must be a human soul; I would use my fathers but his eyes have a suspicious cast to them of late. He will not go easily even after our Lichdom is complete. Instead Tanilda will power my transcendence, her soul will burn steadily for me, unwavering as her love has been for me. I see now why the Ayleid texts cautioned us to use the rituals to burn our human emotions till nothing remained. The small kernel of emotion I have left bids me to spare her...but it is not to be. She will die by my own hand within the hour! <br>
訳文 †
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Rindsey Actavion<br>
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父は老いぼれの愚か者だ。彼はいつまでも私を純真無垢な子供のように扱う。成る程、いつまでも父同様に見果てぬ夢を追い求め続けているという一点においては、それも正しい認識なのだろう。だが私は子供のように死など怖れはしないし、ここ数年は立派にグレーの髭だって伸びて来た。かたや父はと言えば「生」という名の病に侵され魂を腐らせ続けた結果、もはや死人同然ではないか。彼が愚にもつかないような仕事に精を出している間、私はその「庇護下」で惨めな暮らしを続けなければならないのか?いいや、冗談は止めて欲しい。私の実力は既に父を遥かに凌駕しているのだ。だが当面は猫を被らなければならないだろう。彼はまだ私の邪魔をするだけの力量を維持しているのだ。老境に入りかつての力は失われつつあるとはいえ、決して敵に廻して楽な相手ではない。他の「学生」たちも、mage's guildの最有力支部であるこの場所に連れて来られたものの、結局父が全ての秘密を明かす事は無いだろうと徐々に理解するようになった。父のやり口は汚かった。さも私達に自分の持つ全ての知識を披歴するように見せかけ、核心に触れるような質問を投げ掛けるといつも「いつかは教えてやろう。いつか…な。」と言って逃げるのだ。<br>
Garionが言うには、父が使っているAlterlife(生命改造)のAyleid tome(Ayleidの秘儀書)があれば、儀式を執行するに当たって必要な最後の素材が分かるはずだとの事だ。<br>
Taylinは殺さざるを得なかった。僅かでも裏切りの意志を持った者は生かしてはおけない。仲間が仲間を疑う事などあってはならない。その点において彼の意志は脆弱過ぎたのだ。冷たくなった彼の身体は、今や崖下に横たわっている。Taylinは最後まで私達の本気を信じようとしなかった。私達の目的が永遠の不死の生命を得る事だと知っても決して本気にしようとせず、危うく父に計画が知れてしまう所だった。それにしても、心臓を短剣で一突きした瞬間の事を思い起こすと胸がうち震える。あの男の瞳から光が消え、命がこぼれ落ちてゆく様子…。私は彼の魂をblack soul gemに封じ込めた。そしてそれは今私の机の上にある。これが愚かな男の末路だ。<br>
数年にわたる入念な準備と数ヵ月に及ぶ集中的な研究の末、ついに私達はこの時を迎えた!今夜、彼女らを生贄に捧げ(かつては妻に娶りたいなどという愚かな考えもあったが)、Lichに生まれ変わって死を超越するのだ。私達は強大な力を得るだろう。そして定命の世界に対する大いなる復讐を遂げるのだ!超自然的な感覚は研ぎ澄まされるばかり。これを満足させるに足る「触媒」は人間の魂以外にあり得ない。父を殺害して魂を得られれば理想的だが、最近は私達を疑いの目で見るようになった。私達がLichに生まれ変わったとしても、きっと容易には打倒できないと思われる。ならば、身代わりはTanildaだ。彼女の魂であれば私が一線を乗り越える支えとなってくれるに違いない。その命の炎は、さながら私への不変の愛情と同じく、ただ私の為だけに、私の中で煌々と燃え続ける事だろう。今ならば分かる。どうしてあのAyleidの秘儀書が儀式を執り行う者に対して警告を発していたのか?それは、人間らしい感情を全て燃やし尽くしてしまうからだったのだ。僅かに残った良心の燃えかすが私に問いかける…「彼女を見逃せ」と。だがそれは叶わぬ事だ。もうすぐ私は私自身の手で彼女の命を奪う事になるのだろう。 <br>