

FormID: 010BACFD ANQThievesGuild02 ANQThievesGuildTopic 0 Jinsiraga has no more jobs for you right now. If you seek more work, then travel north, and visit Udakhu of Tardorn Wood.
__Jinsiragaにはお前のための仕事は全て今ちょうど切らしているんだ。もっと仕事が欲しいのなら北へ旅に出て、Tardorn woodのUdakhuを訪れてくれ。
__Jinsiraga様は今、お前用の仕事を切らしててな。もっと仕事が欲しいんなら、北へ行ってTardorn woodのUdakhuに会え。
FormID: 010BACFD ANQThievesGuild02 ANQThievesGuildTopic 1 He owns a small stable and orchard in the forests west of Riverhold. Just follow the road up to Seaplace Fort and you will find it.
__彼はRiverholdの西の森林に小さな厩舎と果樹園を所有している。ちょうど道なりにSeaplace Fortまでたどれば見つけることが出来るはずだ。
__ヤツはRiverholdの西の森に、小さな厩舎と畑を持ってる。Seaplace Fortへの道を辿れば見つけられるだろう。
FormID: 010BACFE ANQThievesGuild02 ANQThievesGuildTopic 0 Welcome to the Tardorn Wood Stables, friend. Its not much, I know. As you can see all I have is one flea-bitten old nag.
__友よ、Tardorn Wood Stablesにようこそ。ワシはつまらない、お主が見たとおりの一匹のノミにたかられている、こうるさい老体、ただそれだけじゃよ。
__同士よ、Tardorn Wood Stablesにようこそ。チャチなもんでな。見ての通り、みずぼらしい老いぼれ馬しかいない。
FormID: 010BACFE ANQThievesGuild02 ANQThievesGuildTopic 1 But I think you can help me. I need you to, ahhh, shall we say, acquire, a few special horses for me.
FormID: 010BACFE ANQThievesGuild02 ANQThievesGuildTopic 2 If you do this, I will see to it that you are promoted in the Guild.
FormID: 010BAD01 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02ChoiceNo 0 Oh well, that is just too bad. Come back another time when you can.
FormID: 010BAD02 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02ChoiceYes 0 Good so! You looked like the reliable sort. Now what I need is for you to bring me a few horses.
FormID: 010BAD02 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02ChoiceYes 1 Not just any old horses, mind you. I have my heart set on a few fine specimens I've seen around the place.
FormID: 010BAD02 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02ChoiceYes 2 The first one I seek is a fine brown mare belonging to the Imperial legionnaire patrolling the road between Darkarn Place and Greenvale Mere.
__ワシが求める最初の一つはDarkarn PlaceとGreenvale Mereの間の道をパトロールする帝国軍の見事なbrown mareじゃ。
__まず欲しいのは、Darkarn PlaceとGreenvale Mereを巡回する帝国兵の見事なbrown mareだ。
FormID: 010BAD02 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02ChoiceYes 3 Do what you must to bring me that horse!
FormID: 010BB52F ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 0 Steal the Darkarn legionnaire's brown mare and bring it to my yard. Then we will talk about your next assignment.
__Darkarnの帝国軍の茶色のbrown mareを盗んできて、ワシの厩舎までつれてくるのじゃ。そうしたら、お主への次の課題の事を話すつもりじゃ。
__Darkarnの帝国兵のbrown mareを盗んで厩舎に連れてきてくれ。次の仕事はそれから話そう。
FormID: 010BB530 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 0 You have it! Good so! Now, what I need is a stablemate for this fine beast.
FormID: 010BB530 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 1 Travel now to Riverhold and steal the stallion of the legionnaire patrolling the road to Faregyl. Good luck!
FormID: 010BDE15 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 0 Good so! Two legion horses! My stud may be a success after all.
FormID: 010BDE15 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 1 Now what I need is something swift. A Black Horse courier travels the road between Leyawiin and Bravil.
__今、必要なのは迅速な奴じゃ。Black Horse courierはLeyawiinとBravil間の道を旅しておる。
__次に欲しいのは速いヤツだ。Black Horse courierの一人がLeyawiinとBravil間の道を走ってる。
FormID: 010BDE15 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 2 Capture her horse and bring it back to me.
FormID: 010BDE16 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 0 What a fine black horse this is. Well done!
__これはなんと見事なblack horseじゃ。よくやった!
__こいつは見事なblack horseだ。流石だな!
FormID: 010BDE16 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 1 I have just one more task for you. Travel to Leyawiin and steal for me the horse of Count Marius Caro.
__ワシにはちょうどもう一つ仕事がある。Leyawiinに行って、ワシのためにCount Marius Caroの馬を盗んでくるのじゃ。
__あとの仕事は一つだけだ。Leyawiinに行き、俺のためにCount Marius Caroの馬を盗んできてくれ。
FormID: 010BDE16 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 2 It is said to be the finest white stallion in the whole of Cyrodiil and would look great standing here in my stable.
__それは、Cyrodiil中でも最も見事なwhite stallionであると言われておって、ここの厩舎でも見事ないでたちを見せるじゃろう。
__Cyrodiil中でも最高のwhite stallionって話だ。我が厩舎の誇れとなるだろうよ。
FormID: 010BEEE9 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 0 You've done it! What a prize this is. The white stallion of Marius Caro himself! Thank you, friend, my horse stud is now complete.
__やりおったな!なんと言う贈り物じゃ。Marius Caro自身のwhite stallion!友よ、感謝するぞ。ワシの厩舎は今、完成したのじゃ。
__やったか!とんだ上物だぞ。Marius Caroのwhite stallionは!同士よ、ありがとう。厩舎は今、完成したのだ。
FormID: 010BEEE9 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 1 And as promised I now promote you to Horse Thief in the Elsweyr Thieves Guild. I also cannot let you leave without a horse.
__それから、約束したようにワシは今、ElsweyrのThieves GuildのHorse Thiefにお主を昇進させる。また、ワシはお主を馬が無い状態で去らせる訳にはいかん。
__約束通り、今ここにElsweyrのThieves GuildにおけるHorse Thiefの称号をやろう。それと馬なしで帰らせるわけにはいかないな。
FormID: 010BEEE9 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 2 How would like that old flea-bitten nag of mine sitting in the yard? I'm sure that'll do for you.
__厩舎に座っているノミにたかられている年寄りはどんな小言を言おうかの? ワシはそれがお主のためになると思っているのじゃが。
FormID: 010BEEE9 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 3 I jest! Forget the nag! I have something very special for you -- a zebra mount!
FormID: 010BEEE9 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 4 Travel south to the home of the shaman Ysaani. I have put in a good word for you and she has agreed to train one of the beasts.
__南のshaman Ysaaniの家に行くのじゃ。お主のため、彼女が獣の一体の訓練を承諾してくれるよう口添えしておくぞ。
FormID: 010BEEE9 ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02StolenHorse 5 Farewell, my friend. Come back and see me whenever you're in the neighbourhood.
FormID: 010BEEEA ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02ZebraMount 0 Ah, this is the one Ubakhu spoke of. Yes, Ysaani has said she will train a wild zebra of the plains for you to ride.
FormID: 010BEEEA ANQThievesGuild02 ANQTG02ZebraMount 1 Travel back to Tardorn Wood stables in a little while, and iyou will find it waiting. Ysaani will train it to always return there should you ever leave it in the wilds.
__すぐにTardorn wood stableへ戻れば、iyouが待っているはずです。あなたが荒野で彼から降りた時、Ysaaniは常にそこへ戻るよう訓練されるでしょう。
__すぐにTardorn Wood stablesへ戻るといいサ。馬が待ってるサ。Ysaani、荒野に残しても必ずあそこ戻るよう仕込んどいたサ。

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Last-modified: 2011-03-22 (火) 02:17:29