

FormID: 011A11B5 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 I love you too. But there's something I need to talk to you about.
FormID: 011A4871 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 I love you too. But there's something I need to talk to you about.
FormID: 011A11AD 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. You know what I would like? I would like the two of us to do something, well, romantic...
FormID: 011D952A 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 I love you, too. You are the best thing that ever happened to me.
FormID: 011A11B7 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 I love you, too. And I am so happy. There's just one thing that bothers me... That you haven't met my family.
FormID: 011A11B7 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 One day, I hope you will come with me to Solstheim and meet my folks. I'm sure they would love you - and that you would love them
__いつかあなたと一緒に Solstheim に帰って、家族に紹介したいと思ってる。みんなあなたの事を気に入ってくれるはずよ。あなたもきっと彼らの事を好きになってくれると思うわ。
FormID: 011A11B8 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 I love you, too. And I am so happy. You know, if I had had Runar here right now, I would have given him a big hug.
__私も愛してるわ。すごく嬉しい。今もしここに Runar がいたら、全力で抱きしめてあげたい程よ。
FormID: 011A11B8 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 No, I've not gone insane. Just think of it... if it hadn't been for him, you and I would never had met. And I am so glad that we did.
__あ、別に頭がおかしくなったわけじゃないのよ?だって、彼がいなかったとしたら、私はあなたと出会えなかったもの。だから、 Runar には感謝しているの。
FormID: 011A11B6 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 I know you do. And I hope you know that I feel the same way about you.
FormID: 011A11AE 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 The same back at you... but of course, you know this already.
FormID: 011A11B4 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 I love you, too. And I've never been so happy before in my whole life.
FormID: 011A11AF 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. I may not be so good at expressing it in words, but I really do. I hope you know that.
FormID: 011A11B9 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. I may not be so good at expressing it in words, but I really do. The only thing I want is to make you happy.
FormID: 011A11B9 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 Not just today, but for years and years to come.
FormID: 011A11B3 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. You know, last night, when we were out walking, I saw a star falling.
FormID: 011A11B3 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 I closed my eyes and wished... I wished that our life would continue the way it is... you and I, together here in Cyrodiil
__目を閉じて祈ったわ。「あなたと共に Cyrodiil で暮らす日々がこのままずっと続きますように…」ってね。
FormID: 011A11B0 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 Did I ever tell you just how happy I am that we are here together, you and I? It really means the world to me.
FormID: 011BA030 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Did I ever tell you how happy I am for the engagement ring that you gave me?
FormID: 011DA9C0 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it, that we so rarely hear of humans falling in love with Khajiits.
__私も愛してるわ。でもおかしな話よね? Khajiit に恋した女の子なんて、ほとんど聞いたことないもの。
FormID: 011DA9C0 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 I mean, I can't imagine something more attractive than your soft fur, and I wouldn't ever want to kiss someone who hasn't got whiskers.
FormID: 011DA9CA 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it, that we so rarely hear of humans falling in love with Argonians.
__私も愛してるわ。でもおかしな話よね? Argonian に恋した女の子なんて、ほとんど聞いたことないもの。
FormID: 011DA9CA 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 When I started to realize my true feelings for you, it scared me, because I wouldn't imagine you would find me at all attractive.
FormID: 011DA9CA 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 2 After all, I'm just a human, not a beautiful Argonian girl. But then I realized that you could see behind that and love me for who I am.
__結局の所、私は人間であって、可愛い Argonian 少女じゃないものね。でも、あなたなら壁を乗り越えて私という人間を愛してくれるって確信出来るようになった。
FormID: 011DA9CA 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 3 And it made me so happy.
FormID: 011DA9C1 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.. I used to think that all Bretons were snobs who looked down on people with no particular skills in using magicka.
__私も愛してるわ。でもおかしな話よね。あなたに会うまでは Breton ってみんな高慢ちきで、魔法の才能がない人達を見下しているものだって思ってたけれど、
FormID: 011DA9C1 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 But you are not at all like that... You are kind and gentle, and you never scorn me when I make silly mistakes.
FormID: 011DA9C2 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.. I used to think that all Altmers were snobs who looked down on people with no particular skills in using magicka.
__私も愛してるわ。おかしな話ね。 Altmer って魔法の才能が無い人達を見下すものだとばかり思ってたけれど、
FormID: 011DA9C2 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 But you are not at all like that... You are kind and gentle, and you never scorn me when I make silly mistakes.
FormID: 011DA9C3 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.. I used to think that all Dunmers were stern and stubborn and almost impossible to get along with.
__私も愛してるわ。おかしな話ね。 Dunmer ってついて行けないほど偏屈な人ばかりだと思ってたけれど、
FormID: 011DA9C3 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 But you are not at all like that... You are kind and gentle, and you never scorn me when I make silly mistakes.
FormID: 011DA9C4 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.. I used to think that Imperials were snotty and pompous and believing themselves to be better than others.
__私も愛してるわ。おかしな話ね。 Imperial はみんな横柄で気取り屋で、他人よりも自分が一番優れていると考えているものだと思っていたけれど、
FormID: 011DA9C4 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 But you are not at all like that... You are kind and gentle, and you never scorn me for my thick accent or the silly mistakes I make.
FormID: 011DA9C5 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.. After Runar, I promised myself to never fall in love with a Nord bloke again.
__私も愛してるわ。でもおかしな話ね。 Runar と別れてからは二度と Nord の男の人と恋はしないと心に決めてたのに。
FormID: 011DA9C5 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 But you are so different from all other Nords guys I have met. You are kind and warm and gentle... and you can even say the words [QUOTE]I love you[QUOTE].
__でも、あなたは今まで会った Nord 男性とは全然違ったわ。優しくて、暖かくて、紳士的よ…。それに、ちゃんと「愛してる」って言ってくれる。
FormID: 011DA9C7 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.. I always felt there was something special with orcs. And I was right...
__私も愛してるわ。おかしな話ね。つねづね Orc には特別な何かがあると感じていたけれど、本当だったわ…。
FormID: 011DA9C7 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 Behind the sometimes harsh surface, you are the most kind and warm and gentle person I have ever met... and you can even say the words [QUOTE]I love you[QUOTE].
FormID: 011DA9C8 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.. I always felt there was something special with Redguards. And I was right...
__私も愛してるわ。おかしな話ね。常々 Redguard には特別な何かがあると感じていたけれど、本当だったわ…。
FormID: 011DA9C8 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 You are the most kind and gentle person I have ever met, and you never scorn me when I make silly mistakes.
FormID: 011DA9C9 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. Strange, isn't it.Back in Solstheim,people often said that Bosmers were unreliable psychopaths without the ability to care for anyone
__私も愛してるわ。おかしな話ね。 Solstheim にいた頃は Bosmer っていうのは思いやりに欠けてて信用のおけないサイコパスばかりだと聞いていたけれど、
FormID: 011DA9C9 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 But you are not at all like that. You are kind and warm and empathic... and you can even say the words [QUOTE]I love you[QUOTE].
FormID: 011DA2EC 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 And I love you. But, there's one thing that bothers me...
FormID: 011DA2EC 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 You are an elf, I am a human. How will that affect us in the long run? I mean... humans have a much shorter lifespan.
__あなたは Elf だけど私は人間だから、これから先どうなってしまうか心配なの。だって、人間の寿命は Elf と比べてとても短いから…。
FormID: 011DA2EC 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 2 Today, I'm a young girl, and you... well, at least you look relatively young. But, this will change.
FormID: 011DA2EC 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 3 One day, I will be an ageing woman, while you will be the same as you are today. What will happen then?
FormID: 011DA2EC 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 4 No... don't try to answer. Both you and I know that there aren't any good answers.
FormID: 011A11B1 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 You do? In that case, I think it is about time that you inform Viconia about it.
__本当に愛してる?だったらまずはその事を Viconia に知らせてあげて。
FormID: 011A11B1 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 I really don't like the way she keeps rolling her hips whenever you are around. It's disgusting if you ask me!
FormID: 011A11B2 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 0 You do? In that case, I think it is about time that you have a serious talk with Saerileth.
__本当に愛してる?だったらまずはその事をちゃんと Saerileth に知らせてあげて。
FormID: 011A11B2 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 1 I know the poor girl is from somewhere... outer space or so, and I know she has some language difficulties, but...
FormID: 011A11B2 1emmQuest1 7emmUsLove 2 ...I get both embarrassed on her behalf and almost a bit jealous when she keeps calling you [QUOTE]My Love[QUOTE] all the time.

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Last-modified: 2012-03-14 (水) 21:34:40