

FormID: 011B8B10 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Novaroma has quite a few things to offer. It's almost like shopping in the Imperial City. Almost. Or.. at least almost almost.
__Novaroma の品揃えは大したものよね。Imperial City の店にも引けはとらないと思うわ。まぁ…その…少なくとも近いレベルではあると思うの。
FormID: 011B8B11 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Take it easy with Skjorta, will you. She probably has a hangover. Unless she is drunk, of course.
__Skjorta には気を遣わなくていいわ。彼女、きっと二日酔いなだけ。もちろん酔っている時は別だけど…。
FormID: 011B8B12 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Jerall View has a very high reputation. I haven't spent that much time here, though, as Olav at Olav's Tap and Tack is a friend of mine.
__Jerall View はとても評判がいいわね。 Olav's Tap and Tack の方が馴染みがあるから私自身はあまり立ち寄った事はないけれど。
FormID: 011B8B14 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I've heard that the Countess of Bruma is the collector of Akaviri artifacts, and that she's always seeking new pieces for her collection.
__Bruma 女伯は Akaviri の古遺物の収集家らしいわ。コレクションに加える一品をいつも探してるみたいね。
FormID: 011B8B15 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I really enjoy the snow here in Bruma. Don't you?
__私、 Bruma の雪景色が本当に好きよ。あなたはどう?
FormID: 011B8B16 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was staying in Bruma, Olfand at North Winds taught me a few things about how to use light armor. He is quite nice, actually, and very helpful.
__Bruma で暮らしてた頃、 North Winds のOlfand から Light Armor の扱いについて多少手ほどきを受けた事があるわ。彼は本当に良い人よ。とても協力的で。
FormID: 011B8B17 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, why don't we pop in at Olav's Tap and Tack and have a drink?
__この街にいる間に Olav's Tap and Tack に寄って一杯飲んでくのも悪くないんじゃないかしら?
FormID: 011B8B18 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I like this place. Not too hot, and the people are all so friendly. Nords, you know...
__私、この街が好きよ。暑過ぎないし、みんな親切だし。まぁ、 Nord の人達だから当然だけど…。
FormID: 011B8B19 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I like the Two Sisters Lodge, and Mog does a good job running the place. She and her sister are both fine people.
__Two Sisters Lodge は気に入ってるわ。 Mog もよく切り盛りしているわよね。彼女たち姉妹は二人ともとても良い人達よ。
FormID: 011B8B1A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 You know that Ugak is the sister of Mog over at Two Sisters Lodge, don't you? I wonder why Ugak prefer horses to humans?
__Ugak は Two Sisters Lodge の Mog と姉妹なのよ。知ってた?でも、どうして Ugak は人間よりも馬が好きなのか、私には分からないわ。
FormID: 011B8B1B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.
__Hassildor 伯爵に関する奇妙な噂なら私も耳にした事があるわ。まぁ、どうせデタラメだろうけれどね。
FormID: 011B8B1C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I once gave Adrienne Berene a copy of ABC for Barbarians. But I don't think she has read it yet. She prefers novels by Casta Scribonia.
__以前 Adrienne Berene に ABC for Barbarians を貸した事があるけれど、きっと彼女、まだ読んでないわね。だってあの子、 Casta Scribonia の小説の方が好きなんだもの。
FormID: 011B8B1D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Sulinus Vassinus knows a lot about conjuration. Maybe he could teach you a thing or two?
__Sulinus Vassinus は Conjuration にとても詳しいのよ。彼から学べる事はいくつかあると思うわ。
FormID: 011B8B1E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, maybe we could practice our skills in the training hall?
__ここにいる間に Training Hall で訓練を積むのもいいんじゃないかしら?
FormID: 011B8B1F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Bernadette is my best friend here in Skingrad. We have had so much fun together while working in the vineyards.
__Bernadette は Skingrad で一番の友達よ。ぶどう畑で一緒に働いてた頃、たくさん楽しい思い出を作ったわ。
FormID: 011B8B20 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Hammer and Tongs is a good place to get your armor repaired. Just don't go early in the morning. Agnete usually isn't feeling so well then.
__Hammer and Tongs は防具の修理にうってつけの店ね。でもあまり早朝に言ったら駄目よ。朝の Agnete は大抵ご機嫌斜めだから。
FormID: 011B8B21 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Agnete reminds me a lot of the people back home in Solstheim. They also like a schnaps or five.
__Agnete を見ると 故郷の Solstheim の人達を思い出すわ。 Schnaps 酒好きな所も同じ。一杯…と言わず五杯くらいは飲んじゃうの。
FormID: 011B8B22 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I used to work for Falanu. But she sacked me, because of an itsy-bitsy-tiny mistake that I made. She hasn't liked me much since then.
__前に Falanu の店で働いてた事があったわ。でも、たった一回のほんのちょっとしたミスでクビにされたの。あれからずっと彼女は私の事があまり好きじゃないみたいね。
FormID: 011B8B23 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 To be honest, I don't want to be here. Falanu doesn't like me at all.
__率直に言って、あまりここには居たくないわ。 Falanu は私の事が全然好きじゃないもの。
FormID: 011B8B24 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 If you want to do some shopping I better leave meanwhile. Falanu doesn't like me.
__ここで買い物をしていくなら、私は少し外した方が良さそうね。だって、 Falanu は私の事が全然好きじゃないんだもの。
FormID: 011B8B25 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was staying in Skingrad, Gunder tried to teach me how to kiss. Ha! I taught him how to smack somebody very hard in the face.
__Skingrad で暮らしてた頃、 Gunder から「キスの仕方を教えてやる」と迫られた事があったわね。ふんっ!代わりに強烈な顔面ビンタを教えてあげてやったわ!
FormID: 011B8B26 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I got fired from All Things Alchemical,Gunder offered me to work here.But I prefered the vineyards -at least Tamika wouldn't ever try to kiss me
__All Things Alchemical をクビになった後、この店で働かないかと Gunder から勧められたわ。でも私はぶどう畑の方が良かった。少なくとも Tamika はキスを迫ってこないもの。
FormID: 011B8B27 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is a good store. I just wish that Gunder wouldn't be quite so eager to charm the ladies. I must say I find him rather embarrassing.
__ここは良い店よ。ただ、 Gunder にはあまり女性を口説こうとしないで欲しいものね。恥ずかしいったらないわ。
FormID: 011B8B28 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I know poor Glathir is dead, but I'm still not too comfortable about being here.
__可哀相な Glarthir は亡くなったけれど、ここはあまり居心地の良い場所ではないわね。
FormID: 011B8B29 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't think we should be here. I'm sure you know what a suspicious person Glathir is - what would his thoughts be if he found us here?
__ここに居るべきではないわ。 Glarthir が怪しい人物だって事は分かってるでしょ?見つかったら何をされるか分かったものじゃないわ。
FormID: 011B8B2A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I just love the smell of Salmo's bread!
__Salmo の焼くパンの匂いはたまらないわね!
FormID: 011B8B2B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't think it's the food that smells... I think it comes from Sinderion's alchemical experiments.
__この匂いは料理の匂いじゃないわね…。きっと Sinderion が Alchemy の実験をしている匂いだわ。
FormID: 011B8B2C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Do you know there is a vampire cave practically under Skingrad Castle? I suppose the bloodsuckers want to be somewhere that is handy for the shops.
__Skingrad のお城の 真下に Vampire の住む洞窟があるのを知ってる?思うにきっと、吸血鬼だって買物至便な場所が好きなのね。
FormID: 011B8B2D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I've heard some strange stories about Count Hassildor. I'm sure they couldn't be true, though.
__Hassildor 伯爵に関する奇妙な噂なら私も耳にした事があるわ。まぁ、どうせデタラメだろうけれどね。
FormID: 011B8B2E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I love walking by Salmo's place. The smell of his bread baking is amazing.
__Salmo の店のそばを散歩するのが大好き。彼の焼くパンの匂いにクラクラしちゃうわ。
FormID: 011B8B2F 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was staying in Skingrad I asked Sinderion in the West Weald Inn if he could train me in alchemy.He told me to go and find some odd root first
__Skingrad で暮らしてた頃、 West Weald Inn の Sinderion に Alchemy について教えて欲しいと頼んだ事があるけれど、まずは手始めに妙な根っ子を探すよう言われたわ。
FormID: 011B8B30 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 When I was in Skingrad, Gunder of Colovian Traders tried to teach me how to kiss. Ha! I taught him how to smack somebody very hard in the face.
__Skingrad で暮らしてた頃、 Gunder から「キスの仕方を教えてやる」と迫られた事があったわね。ふんっ!代わりに強烈な顔面ビンタを教えてあげてやったわ!
FormID: 011B8B31 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think we should buy some wine while we are here!
FormID: 011B8B32 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Doesn't it seem to you that Skingrad guards are a very pompous bunch?How dare they tell us to hurry up!They never hurry,unless it is to look pompous!
__Skingrad の衛兵さんってすごく偉そうだと思わない?他人には「早くしろ!」って言うくせに、自分達が急いでいる姿は見た事がないわ。
FormID: 011B8B33 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wouldn't mind going to West Weald Inn for a drink.
__West Weald Inn に行って一杯飲んでくのも悪くないんじゃない?
FormID: 011B8B35 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This place is very damp and rather cold, too. I can understand why the countess seems to prefer the Imperial City to this!
__この街はじめじめしてて、しかも寒いわ。伯爵夫人が Leyawiin よりも Imperial City の方が好きそうなのも頷ける話ね。
FormID: 011B8B36 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 According to the gossip. Dagail, who is the local leader of the guild, is nuts. The sane one is called Agata, you'd better off talking to her.
__噂によると、ここのギルドの支部長をしている Dagail は頭のおかしい人みたいね。Agata っていうまともな人がいるみたいだから、話しかけるなら彼女にした方が良さそう。
FormID: 011B8B37 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 This is quite a big guildhall, don't you think so?
FormID: 011B8B38 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 While we are here, let's see if they have something to offer that will protect us from the bad weather... Capes and hoods or something like that.
FormID: 011B8B39 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I think these people would earn a fortune if they started to sell umbrellas.
FormID: 011B8B3A 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I don't know if you have heard the gossip,but it sounds as if the three sisters aren't that good friends.
FormID: 011B8B3B 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 According to the rumours, the three sisters aren't that good friends. Seems to be a lot of cat-fighting going on here.
FormID: 011B8B3C 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Everyone says Five Claw's Lodge is so nice and clean, but to be honest, I still think this place smells... mould.
__Five Claw's Lodge は素敵で清潔な宿だってもっぱらの噂だけど、正直いってカビ臭いわね…。
FormID: 011B8B3D 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 Let's look around for something to read. Staying indoors reading seems like a good alternative to being outdoors when the rain is pouring.
FormID: 011B8B3E 1emVCPlacethoughts 4emmC2Thoughts 0 I wonder if they have a copy of ABC for Barbarians here? I seem to have mislaid mine...
__この店には ABC for Barbarians は売ってるかしら?どこかに置き忘れちゃったみたいなのよね…。

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Last-modified: 2012-02-18 (土) 11:26:37