

FormID: 0001E730 MQ14 10 0 The Great Gate has opened! I must enter it at once and get its Great Sigil Stone, before the Bruma defenders are overwhelmed.
__Great Gateが開いた! すぐに中へと突入し、Brumaの防衛隊が壊滅する前にGreat Sigil Stoneを手に入れなければならない。
FormID: 0001E730 MQ14 20 0 I have entered the Great Gate. The Daedric Siege Engine is crawling towards the portal! If it exits the Gate before I reach the Sigil Stone, all is lost.
__Great Gateに入った。Daedric Siege Engineが門にゆっくりと向かっている! Sigil Stoneにたどり着く前にあれがGateをくぐってしまうと、すべてが失われてしまう。
FormID: 0001E730 MQ14 30 0 The Daedric Siege Engine has almost exited the Gate! I must reach the Sigil Stone!
__Daedric Siege EngineがGateをくぐろうとしている! Sigil Stoneのところへたどり着かねばならない!
FormID: 0001E730 MQ14 40 0 The Daedric Siege Engine has exited the Great Gate!
__Daedric Siege EngineがGreat Gateを通過してしまった!
FormID: 0001E730 MQ14 50 1 I reached the Great Sigil Stone and closed the Gate. The Battle of Bruma is won! Now to give the sigil stone to Martin.
__Great Sigil Stoneへとたどり着きGateを閉めた。Brumaの戦闘は勝利となった! Martinにsigil stoneを渡そう。
FormID: 0001E730 MQ14 60 0 Martin was pleased to see me return alive from the Great Gate. I gave him the Great Sigil Stone, and he has gone to Cloud Ruler Temple to prepare for the portal-opening ritual.
__MartinはGreat Gateからの生還を喜んでくれた。Great Sigil Stoneを彼に渡すと、門を開放する儀式の準備をするため、Cloud Ruler Templeへと向かった。

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Last-modified: 2010-05-01 (土) 12:57:08