

FormID: 02004F7E MQ09 LingMQ09Directions 0 You should go to the city of Chorrol. From there head out along the orange road to Bruma. Take the first unmarked path to the left. It is at the top of a slope and a bit hard to see so keep your eye out.
__Chorrolの街に行くべきだ。そこから、Orange RoadにそってBrumaへ向かえ。最初の地図に無い道を左に行くといい。斜面の途中にあり、少々見づらいので注意する事だ。
FormID: 02004F7E MQ09 LingMQ09Directions 1 Follow the path along past Shadow's Rest Cavern and across a bridge. As you climb the path you will eventually see the ruins of a fort. These are the ruins of Sancre Tor.
__道を辿ってShadow's Rest Cavernを通り過ぎ、橋をわたるのだ。道を登っていくと、そのうち砦の廃墟が見えてくる。それらがSancre Torの遺跡だ。

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Last-modified: 2010-04-27 (火) 13:01:46