

FormID: 0018B2F6 ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 The Emperor is dead, and so are his heirs. We're a Legion without a leader. The Blades were trusted with our Lord's protection... and they failed.
FormID: 0006691B ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Truth is, the Legion doesn't know who was behind the Emperor's murder. We've already ruled out the Dark Brotherhood. So is this something... worse?
__皇帝暗殺の黒幕が誰なのか軍団も真相をつかめていないのだ。Dark Brotherhoodは白だった。まさか…もっと恐ろしい組織が?
FormID: 0006691A ImperialLegionDialogue INFOGENERAL 0 Emperors have been assassinated before, but this time... I don't know. It's different. Can't you feel it? A shadow has fallen across all of Tamriel.

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Last-modified: 2011-11-02 (水) 19:37:55