

FormID: 0100168D RoSGSLeyawiinWarrior NPC_ Golden Saint
FormID: 01001696 RoSGSLeyawiinCaptain NPC_ Golden Saint Aurig
FormID: 0100169A RoSDSLeyawiinWarrior NPC_ Dark Seducer
FormID: 0100169B RoSDSLeyawiinCaptain NPC_ Dark Seducer Grakella
FormID: 010024A4 RoSLeyawiinSoldier NPC_ Leyawiin Guard
FormID: 010032B2 RoSLeyawiinMariusCaro NPC_ Count Marius Caro
FormID: 01003D88 RoSAnvilSoldier NPC_ Anvil Guard
FormID: 01003D94 RoSDSAnvilCaptain NPC_ Dark Seducer Grakella
FormID: 01003D95 RoSDSAnvilWarrior NPC_ Dark Seducer
FormID: 01003D96 RoSGSAnvilCaptain NPC_ Golden Saint Aurig
FormID: 01003D97 RoSGSAnvilWarrior NPC_ Golden Saint
FormID: 01003DA5 RoSAnvilMessenger NPC_ Anvil Messenger
FormID: 010040E6 RoSGSLeyawiinGuardEscortCount NPC_ Golden Saint Bodyguard
FormID: 010040E9 RoSDSLeyawiinGuardEscortCount NPC_ Dark Seducer Bodyguard
FormID: 010040EB RoSGSLeyawiinGuardEscortCountess NPC_ Golden Saint Bodyguard
FormID: 010040EE RoSDSLeyawiinGuardEscortCountess NPC_ Dark Seducer Bodyguard
FormID: 01004131 RoSGSLeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01004137 RoSDSLeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0100413E RoSDSLeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay02 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0100413F RoSGSLeyawiinGuardCityPatrolDay02 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01004C0B RoSAnvilGoldenSaintTG11 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01004C0D RoSDarkSeducerTG11 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0100535D RoSGSAnvilEscortCountess NPC_ Golden Saint Bodyguard
FormID: 0100535E RoSDSAnvilEscortCountess NPC_ Dark Seducer Bodyguard
FormID: 01005361 RoSGSAnvilPost NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01005363 RoSDSAnvilPost NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01005368 RoSGSAnvilGuardCastlePatrol01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 0100536B RoSDSAnvilGuardCastlePatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0100536E RoSDSAnvilGuardCityPatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01005371 RoSGSAnvilGuardCityPatrol01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01005373 RoSGSAnvilGuardCityPatrol02 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01005376 RoSDSAnvilGuardCityPatrol02 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0100605C RoSBravilMessenger NPC_ Bravil Messenger
FormID: 0100605E RoSDSBravilCaptain NPC_ Dark Seducer Grakella
FormID: 0100605F RoSDSBravilWarrior NPC_ Dark Seducer
FormID: 01006060 RoSGSBravilCaptain NPC_ Golden Saint Aurig
FormID: 01006061 RoSGSBravilWarrior NPC_ Golden Saint
FormID: 01006062 RoSBravilSoldier NPC_ Bravil Guard
FormID: 01006F5B RoSGSBravilGuardCastlePatrol1 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01006F5D RoSDSBravilGuardCastlePatrol1 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01006F5F RoSGSBravilPost NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01006F60 RoSDSBravilPost NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01006F6C RoSGSBravilGuardCityPatrol01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01006F6E RoSDSBravilGuardCityPatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01006F75 RoSGSBravilGuardEscortCount NPC_ Golden Saint Bodyguard
FormID: 01006F76 RoSDSBravilGuardEscortCount NPC_ Dark Seducer Bodyguard
FormID: 010095D5 RoSMartin NPC_ High Priest Martin Septim
FormID: 01009601 RoSTempleAcolyte1 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 01009E86 RoSTempleAcolyte2 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 01009E89 RoSTempleAcolyte3 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 01009E8B RoSTempleAcolyte4 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 0100B5FB RoSMarilmonRalen NPC_ Marilmon Ralen
FormID: 0100CEB5 RoSTavosMordren NPC_ Tavos Mordren
FormID: 0100CEB7 RoS02Acolyte1 NPC_ Sheogorath Follower
FormID: 0100CEB8 RoS02Acolyte2 NPC_ Sheogorath Follower
FormID: 0100CEB9 RoS02Acolyte3 NPC_ Sheogorath Follower
FormID: 0100CEC8 RoS02MythicDawnAgent NPC_ Mythic Dawn Templar
FormID: 0100D69B RoS03ImperialLegion NPC_ Imperial Legion Soldier
FormID: 0100D6A0 RoS02Acolyte1Replace NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 0100D6A1 RoS02Acolyte2Replace NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 0100D6A2 RoS02Acolyte3Replace NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 0100F528 RoSJauffre NPC_ Crusader Jauffre
FormID: 0100FF6A RoS04Acolyte4 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 0100FF71 RoS04Acolyte3 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 0100FF72 RoS04Acolyte5 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 01010717 RoS04Acolyte6 NPC_ Temple of Mad Acolyte
FormID: 01010ECC RoSDarkSeducerStrat NPC_ Dark Seducer Strategist
FormID: 01010ECF RoSGoldenSaintStrategist NPC_ Golden Saint Strategist
FormID: 01010ED9 RoS04Blade NPC_ Blades Knight Brother
FormID: 01010EE4 RoSDS04Warrior NPC_ Dark Seducer
FormID: 01010EE5 RoSGS04Warrior NPC_ Golden Saint
FormID: 01011E2C RoS04Martin NPC_ Martin Septim
FormID: 01011E31 RoS04Jauffre NPC_ Jauffre
FormID: 01012C9B RoSGSChorrolWarrior NPC_ Golden Saint
FormID: 01012C9C RoSGSChorrolCaptain NPC_ Golden Saint Aurig
FormID: 01012C9D RoSDSChorrolCaptain NPC_ Dark Seducer Grakella
FormID: 01012C9E RoSDSChorrolWarrior NPC_ Dark Seducer
FormID: 01012CA1 RoSChorrolSoldier NPC_ Chorrol Guard
FormID: 01012CAD RoSChorrolArrianaValga NPC_ Countess Arriana Valga
FormID: 01013C06 RoSGSChorrolGreatHall NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01013C07 RoSDSChorrolGreatHall NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01013C10 RoSGSChorrolGuardPatrol01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01013C13 RoSDSChorrolGuardPatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01013C1A RoSGSChorrolGuardPatrol02 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01013C1C RoSDSChorrolGuardPatrol02 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01013C22 RoSGSChorrolGuardPatrol03 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01013C23 RoSDSChorrolGuardPatrol03 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01013C2D RoSGSChorrolPrivateQuarters01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01013C2E RoSDSChorrolPrivateQuarters01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01013C31 RoSGSChorrolPrivateQuarters02 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01013C32 RoSDSChorrolPrivateQuarters02 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01013C35 RoSGSChorrolGuardCountess NPC_ Golden Saint Bodyguard
FormID: 01013C36 RoSDSChorrolGuardCountess NPC_ Dark Seducer Bodyguard
FormID: 01014014 RoSDSICPalacePatrolNorth NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01014015 RoSGSICPalacePatrolNorth NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01014018 RoSGSICPalacePatrolSouth NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01014019 RoSDSICPalacePatrolSouth NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0101480C RoSGSICTalosPatrolNorth NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01014817 RoSDSICTalosPatrolNorth NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 0101481D RoSGSICTalosPatrolSouth NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 0101481F RoSDSICTalosPatrolSouth NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01015080 RoSGSICMarketPatrol01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01015081 RoSDSICMarketPatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 010158C5 RoSGSICTemplePatrol01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 010158C6 RoSDSICTemplePatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 010158D9 RoSGSBrumaCaptain NPC_ Golden Saint Aurig
FormID: 010158DA RoSGSBrumaWarrior NPC_ Golden Saint
FormID: 010158DB RoSDSBrumaWarrior NPC_ Dark Seducer
FormID: 010158DC RoSDSBrumaCaptain NPC_ Dark Seducer Grakella
FormID: 010158DD RoSBrumaSoldier NPC_ Bruma Guard
FormID: 01016907 RoSGSICArboretumGuardPatrol NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01016908 RoSDSICArboretumPatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01016941 RoSGSICElvenGardensPatrol01 NPC_ Golden Saint Guard
FormID: 01016943 RoSDSICElvenGardensPatrol01 NPC_ Dark Seducer Guard
FormID: 01016E50 RoS09GoldenSaintCaptain NPC_ Golden Saint Aurig
FormID: 01016E51 RoS09GoldenSaintWarrior NPC_ Golden Saint
FormID: 01016E52 RoS09GoldenSaintArcher NPC_ Golden Saint Archer
FormID: 01016E63 RoS09ImperialWatchSoldier NPC_ Imperial Watch
FormID: 01016E64 RoS09DarkSeducerCaptain NPC_ Dark Seducer Grakella
FormID: 01016E65 RoS09DarkSeducerWarrior NPC_ Dark Seducer

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Last-modified: 2010-07-23 (金) 23:57:58