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Contract from Count Janus Hassildor.

Reward 500 Gold.
Support:  Additional Members will be sent to help you if they are available.

Count Janus Hassildor has asked us to take care of a Vampire Problem. You are to go to Fort Vlastarus and kill 4 Black Marsh Vampires that have gone in to hiding there. 

Fort Vlastarus is East of Skingrad but south of the Gold Road

Skingrad Fighters Guild Clerk

訳文 Edit

契約主:Janus Hassildor伯爵

報酬:500 Gold.

 Janus Hassildor伯爵は、我々にVampireへの対処を依頼した。Fort Vlastarusに赴き、そこに潜む4名のBlack Marsh Vampireを討ち果たすこと。

 Fort Vlastaruは、Skingrad東部、Gold Roadの南にある。


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Last-modified: 2009-05-06 (水) 23:21:27