

FormID: 0102A379 LingBC21Renrijra 10 0 The Renrijra Krin have hired us for a contract to hunt down and kill a traitor. One of their mages ran off with several stocks of skooma and joined the conjurers residing in Fort Blackboot. I am to go there and kill him. If I find any of the skooma left then I should also bring it back as the Renrijra Krin will probably pay a bonus for it.
__The Renrijia Krinは裏切者の抹殺の為に我々を雇い入れた。魔術師が一名、skoomaを横領の上脱走したとの事。彼はFort Blackbootを根城とするconjurerに仲間入りしたらしい。現地に向かい奴を殺すのだ。途中でskoomaを見つけたら持って帰ろう。きっと報酬を上乗せしてくれるはずだ。
FormID: 0102A379 LingBC21Renrijra 20 0
FormID: 0102A379 LingBC21Renrijra 30 0 I was rewarded for completing the contract to kill the traitor. I also brought back the skooma and decided to turn it over to the Renrijra Krin in exchange for a bonus.
__裏切者の抹殺契約を完了し、報酬を得た。持ち帰ったskoomaもRenrijira Krinの元へ戻し、ボーナス報酬を得た。
FormID: 0102A379 LingBC21Renrijra 40 0 I was rewarded for completing the contract to kill the traitor. I also brought back the skooma but decided to turn it over to the city watch instead of giving it to the Renrijra Krin.
__裏切者の抹殺契約を完了し、報酬を得た。持ち帰ったskoomaはRenrijira Krinには戻さず、街の衛兵に渡した。

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Last-modified: 2009-09-07 (月) 21:11:20