

FormID: 01000CF4 LingBC16Defend 10 0 The Champion of the Fighters Guild with over twenty men is attacking Glademist Cave! I'll have to perform a fighting retreat while falling back. I can make use of the traps that I purchased in order to even the odds in our favour. They cannot be allowed to kill Ajum-Kajin (and myself as well obviously).
__Fighters GuildのChampionが、手勢20名を引き連れGlademist Caveに攻め込んで来た!撤退しつつ応戦せねばならない。戦局を有利に運ぶ為、事前に調達しておいた罠を使う事も出来る。Ajum-Kajinを殺させてはならない(そして勿論自分自身も)。
FormID: 01000CF4 LingBC16Defend 20 0 I finally succeeded in killing the Fighters Guild Champion...but there are more Fighters Guild members in our outpost. I'll need to eliminate them and then discuss what just happened with Ajum-Kajin and plan our next move.
__ついにFighters Guild Championを倒した。…しかし拠点にはまだまだ多くのFighters Guild員が残っている。奴らを倒し、Ajum-Kajinに事情を聞かなくては。次の作戦についても相談する必要がある。
FormID: 01000CF4 LingBC16Defend 20 1 I finally succeeded in killing the Fighters Guild Champion. I'll need to discuss what just happened with Ajum-Kajin and plan our next move.
__ついにFighters Guild Championを倒した。Ajum-Kajinに事情を聞かなくては。次の作戦についても相談する必要がある。
FormID: 01000CF4 LingBC16Defend 5 0

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Last-modified: 2009-09-08 (火) 06:54:14