

FormID: 01071A94 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Speak to me again in my haven.
FormID: 01071A97 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 As eager as I am to claim the Archmage for the Arcanists, this is not the appropriate place to initiate you.
FormID: 01071A97 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Please, do not fail to speak to me again when I have returned to my haven.
FormID: 01071A99 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 Your financial accomplishments are impressive. We must discuss your future later.
FormID: 01071A99 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Meet me when I have returned to my haven and we'll see about making you a member of our organization.
FormID: 01071F80 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 True power in society is shown by wealth. You show no signs of even the beginings of wealth.
FormID: 01071F80 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 If you can not provide for yourself, why should we? I have no interest in recruiting dead weight into the clan.
__自らを証明できない者なら、受け入れる理由はあるまい? 私はClanに重荷を雇い入れる気はないのでな。
FormID: 01071F81 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 That you have already obtained a manor is impressive. You may have a future in our organization.
FormID: 01071F81 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Meet me when I have returned to my haven and we'll see about making you a member of our organization.
FormID: 01071F83 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You already bear the trappings of wealth and power, and in such a short time too!
FormID: 01071F83 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Meet me when I have returned to my haven and we'll see about making you a member of our organization.
FormID: 0107246A VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 We've already seen that you're willing and able to fight, and that Oblivion doesn't scare you.
FormID: 0107246A VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 I'd be happy to bring you into the clan once I've returned to my haven.
FormID: 0107246B VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 Our clan has certain ideals of beauty, and I'm afraid that Argonians simply don't meet our standard.
FormID: 0107246C VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You don't appear to have even the most basic of social graces. I'm sorry, but that simply won't do for a Connoisseur.
FormID: 0107246D VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 Our clan has certain ideals of beauty, and I'm afraid that Kajits simply don't meet our standard.
FormID: 0107246E VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 Our clan has certain ideals of beauty, and I'm afraid that Orcs simply don't meet our standard.
FormID: 0107246F VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 I can see in you, the beginings of a true noble, although we have plenty of work ahead of us to get you there.
FormID: 0107246F VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Please, see me when I have returned to my Mansion and we will do this properly.
FormID: 01072470 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 Seek another clan, assassin ...
FormID: 01072471 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You have passed through Oblivion and survived. This shows that you have at least some survival instinct.
FormID: 01072471 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 The Protiva will take you, but not here. Follow the directions I've given you to my haven and meet me there.
FormID: 01072472 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You are strong, but stupid.
FormID: 01072472 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 We seek well rounded individuals.
FormID: 01072473 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You appear to be a qualified candidate, but I will not perform the ritual here.
FormID: 01072473 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Speak to me again when I have returned to my castle, and I will make you one of us.
FormID: 01072474 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You are smart, but soft.
FormID: 01072474 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 We seek well rounded individuals.
FormID: 0107295B VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 We seek candidates that show signs of leadership potential.
FormID: 0107295B VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 While your actions at Kvatch show bravery and initiative, Savian Martius was, in fact, commanding you and the other troops.
__Kvatchでの働きは君の勇敢さと自発性を示してはいたけれど、実際に、君や他の兵士達を指揮していたのは、Savlian Matiusだったからね。
FormID: 0107295B VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 2 If you really wish to join the clan of Kings, show us your potential.
FormID: 0107295C VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You have ended the Oblivion crisis; Your actions in both battles of Bruma, and the breakout attack in the Impreial city were impressive.
__君はOblivion Crisisに終止符を打った; Brumaの戦いにおいても、Imperial Cityへの急襲においても、君の働きは実に見事だった。
FormID: 0107295C VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 I think you have the kind of potential the Regents look for in a candidate. Meet me in my haven and I will embrace you then.
FormID: 0107295D VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You leadership in the guilds has been noted.
FormID: 0107295D VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 I think you have the kind of potential the Regents look for in a candidate. If you wish, I will embrace you when I have returned to my haven.
FormID: 01072E44 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You leadership in the guilds has been noted.
FormID: 01072E44 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 I think you have the kind of potential the Regents look for in a candidate. We can embrace you now, if you wish.
FormID: 01072E45 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You leadership in the guilds has been noted.
FormID: 01072E45 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 I think you have the kind of potential the Regents look for in a candidate. We can embrace you now, if you wish.
FormID: 01072E46 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You leadership in the guilds has been noted.
FormID: 01072E46 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 I think you have the kind of potential the Regents look for in a candidate. We can embrace you now, if you wish.
FormID: 01072E47 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 You're certain you want in then? You're really sure?
__ねぇ間違いなく希望してるの? 本当に確かなの?
FormID: 01072E47 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 1 Even if you are sure, I won't embrace you here. My haven would be a much more appropriate place to destroy your mind! Meet me there.
__もし確かでも、ここじゃ入れてあげない。私のHavenの方があなたの心を潰す場所にもっともっとふさわしいもの! そこで会って。
FormID: 01072E48 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 We're not interested in assassins. Leave me now.
FormID: 01072E49 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Embrace 0 I believe we can make you useful to us. Speak to me again when I have returned to my haven if you wish to join us.
FormID: 01072E4A VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E4B VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E4C VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E4D VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E4E VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E4F VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Fall to your knees and bare you neck.
FormID: 01072E50 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E51 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E52 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01Ready 0 Come closer and show me your neck.
FormID: 01072E53 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E54 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E55 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E56 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E57 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E58 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E59 VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E5A VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 01072E5B VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01NotReady 0 Come back when you are. I don't have all night.
FormID: 0107383F VmpVQ01 GREETING 0 All there is to know about you, we already know it. It is in the buisness of the Wraiths to know.
FormID: 0107383F VmpVQ01 GREETING 1 Skip the introductions and begin with your questions.
FormID: 010750BE VmpVQ01 GREETING 0 You're awake now. Good.
FormID: 010750BE VmpVQ01 GREETING 1 Before you head on your way, I think it would be wise to discuss some basic issues of survival.
FormID: 010750BE VmpVQ01 GREETING 2 We can also discuss some of the powers you can develop.
FormID: 010750CA VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBM 0 We can dominate humans, and other humanoids like elves, with some effort.
FormID: 010750CA VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBM 1 However, vampires that develop beast mastery can dominate animals with pratically no effort.
__それに対して、Beast Masteryの能力を手に入れたVampireは、事実上努力無しで動物の精神支配が可能となる。
FormID: 010750CA VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBM 2 In addition to temporarily commanding creatuers, you will be able to call creatures from range, frenzy creatures ...
FormID: 010750CA VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBM 3 ... turn creatures into willing blood donars and even permanently bring a creature under your sway.
FormID: 010750CB VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBMG 0 The powers we refer to as [QUOTE]blood magic[QUOTE] are not natural vampire powers.
__[QUOTE]Blood Magic[QUOTE]と呼ばれる能力は、Vampireの生来の能力ではない。
FormID: 010750CB VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBMG 1 All magic requires a source of energy that can be shaped and controled by the mind ... blood magic uses vampire blood for this purpose
__全ての魔法には、精神によって形成と制御が可能な力の源が必要…Blood MagicにおいてはVampireの血がそれにあたる。
FormID: 010750CB VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBMG 2 Because these powers aren't natural, you can't develop this power on your own. You will need to be taught by a Recluse or Arcanist.
FormID: 010750CB VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrBMG 3 The powers available include elemental manifestations, weather control, conversion of blood to magicka, and domination of the blood of your enemies.
FormID: 010750CC VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrEP 0 Extended perception is just that; all five natural senses as well as psychic sensation are enhanced.
__Extended Perceptionの作用は単純明快; 五感全てを超能力同様なまでに強化する。
FormID: 010750CC VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrEP 1 Vampires who have advanced this power can project their consciousness and display limited precognition.
FormID: 010750CD VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrMD 0 This is how vampires crush the minds of their enemies. I believe you've already been on the recieving end of this power.
FormID: 010750CD VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrMD 1 At lower levels you can give direct commands by mesmerizing your target in conversation.
FormID: 010750CD VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrMD 2 Advanced mental domination users can dominate vocally, and completely subjugate the will of another human or humanoid.
__Mental Dominationの行使に長けた者は、声によって、他の人間と亜人の意志を完全に支配下に置く事もできる。
FormID: 010750CD VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrMD 3 However, just like a sword requires a strong arm behind it, domination requires a strong will behind it.
FormID: 0107C1CF VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrMF 0 The basic levels of this skill allow for superficial transformations like claws. Further levels will allow you to modify your flesh and blood.
FormID: 0107C1CF VmpVQ01 VmpVQ01PwrMF 1 Imagine being able to turn flesh into muscle, bone into armor, and blood into poison.

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Last-modified: 2009-06-14 (日) 09:54:43