

FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 10 0 The traitor, Ramus was not among the dead in Arpenia. We can't let him go unpunished. The beggars may be able to assist me in finding him.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 20 0 In the Imperial City Market District, there's a beggar named [QUOTE]Scruffy Bill[QUOTE] who might know how I can find Ramus. I was told that he's in the basement of Slash and Smash.
__Imperial City Market District、そこにRamusの居所を知っているという[QUOTE]Scruffy Bill[QUOTE]という名の物乞いがいるようだ。彼はSlash and Smashの地下に彼がいると告げられた。
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 30 0 It looks like Scruffy Bill has been killed in his sleep! Ramus has been covering his tracks. I'd better take a look around. Maybe I can find some clues that can help me.
__Scruffy Billは睡眠中に何者かによって殺されたようだ!Ramusが彼の痕跡を消したのだろう。注意深く辺りを見渡す必要がある。おそらく、助けとなる手掛かりを見つけることができるはずだ。
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 40 0 I found a letter from another beggar. He may know something about Ramus. I need to find this house and speak to him.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 50 0 The beggar/thief, Johnny has clearly lost his mind. It seems Ramus has murdered the other members of their old gang. He probably knew I would use them to track him down. Johnny will help me if I bring him some rare cheese from the Borderwatch Inn.
__物乞いにして盗賊であったJohnnyは、明らかに狂ってしまっていた。どうやら、Ramusやその仲間は、彼らの古い仲間を殺害していったようだ。おそらく、我々が追跡に彼らを利用すると理解していたのだろう。もしJohnnyの元にBorderwatch Innから珍しいチーズを持ってくれば、助けになってくれるかもしれない。
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 60 0 I found the cheese Johnny is looking for. Now, maybe he'll tell me where Ramus is hiding. I should return to the abandoned house.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 70 0 Johnny told me Ramus has a cabin East of Leyawiin. I'd better move before I miss him.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 80 0 He's not here! I should've known he'd be too smart for that. I'd better report back to Sam and let her know what I found out so far.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 90 0 I just spoke to Samantha. She said she has a plan for taking Ramus down. I just need to give her some time to prepare. I should check back with her in a day or two.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 100 0 It's probably been long enough. I should talk to Sam about her plan.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 110 0 The first part of Sam's elaborate plan involves stealing a very rare and deadly poison from the Lustratorium in the Arcane University. Somewhere in the Bravil Mages Guild building, there's a portal that will take me there. I'd better make sure I do this at night.
__Samanthaの緻密な計画の第一段階は、Arcane UniversityのLustratoriumから非常に貴重で致死性のある毒を盗むというものだ。Bravil Mages Guildの建物のどこかに、教えられたポータルがあるようだ。夜に決行するのがいいだろう。
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 120 0 I have the poison. I need to bring this to Samantha.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 130 0 I need to poison Hieronymus Lex with this diluted poison, so it will appear that someone tried to kill him. I need to sneak into the Royal Quarters of Castle Anvil and add this to his wine.
__誰かが彼を殺そうとしていたように見せかけるために、この薄められた毒をHieronymus Lexに盛らなければならない。そのためにもAnvil城のRoyal Quartersへ忍び込み、彼のワインにこれを混入させなければならない。
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 140 0 I've added the poison to Lex's wine. It's only a matter of time now. I should tell Sam.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 170 0 Before the guards search Ramus' place, I need to go back there and plant this replica of the gray cowl.
__衛兵たちがRamusの小屋を捜索する前に、そこへ戻りgray cowlの複製を仕掛けなければならない。
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 180 0 I planted the cowl. I should get out of here and return to the guild.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 190 0 The trap is set. All we have to do is wait. I should check back with Samantha in a few days.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 200 0 It's been several days. I should see if Sam has any news on Ramus.
FormID: 010558AB AAS1Q15 210 0 The plan worked perfectly. Ramus is in prison and the guards think they've caught the Gray Fox. Maybe I'll go visit him some time.
__計画は実にうまくいった。Ramusは投獄され、さらに衛兵たちはGray Foxを捕まえたと信じ込んでいる。折を見て、彼を訪ねるつもりだ。

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Last-modified: 2011-05-27 (金) 14:36:34