

FormID: 0102F557 AAS1Q0 10 0 The guild has a job for me. I should see Armand.
FormID: 0102F557 AAS1Q0 20 0 The client wants me to steal a very valuable ancient sword from the Fighter's Guild. The problem is I don't know which city it's in. I should ask around as see what I can find out.
__依頼人は、Fighters Guildから非常に貴重な古代の剣を盗むことを望んでいる。問題は、それがどの都市にあるのかが分からないということだ。それを見つけるために、辺りを聞いて見て回るしかないだろう。
FormID: 0102F557 AAS1Q0 30 0 That beggar wasn't as helpful as I had hoped, but I got a little information on the sword's location. It's in Bruma, Bravil, or Cheydinhal. I guess I'll have to check all three.
FormID: 0102F557 AAS1Q0 40 0 I found the sword. I need to get this back to Armand.
FormID: 0102F557 AAS1Q0 50 0 I've completed the contract. Maybe he'll have more work for me later.

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Last-modified: 2011-05-27 (金) 14:36:34