

FormID: 010558AC AAS1Q15 GREETING 0 Did you find Ramus in the Black Dagger Headquarters?
__Brack Daggerの本部でRamusは見つかりましたか?
FormID: 01055F98 AAS1Q15 GREETING 0 Spare a coin?
FormID: 01056712 AAS1Q15 GREETING 0 Go away!
FormID: 0105671F AAS1Q15 GREETING 0 What is it?
FormID: 0105908D AAS1Q15 GREETING 0 You! I'll get out of here one day and I'm going to kill you very slowly!
FormID: 010558AE AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SSGc1 0 Then, it looks like we have one last item of business. He's probably gone into hiding. You should see what the beggars know.
FormID: 010558B0 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS1 0 Talk to the beggars. They may have some leads.
FormID: 01056DFC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS1 0 You didn't find him? He's smarter than I thought.
FormID: 01056DFC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS1 1 It's ok. While you were gone, I came up with a plan. Just give me a day or two to get things ready. Trust me.
FormID: 01059090 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS1 0 Just give me some time to get things moving. I'll explain the plan soon
FormID: 01055F9A AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Beg1 0 Oh, that Wood Elf boy who worked with you. I heard what happened. Stole something from the guild, did he?
__ああ、あんたと一緒に働いていたWood Elfの坊やかい?何が起こったのかは聞いたよ。彼がギルドから盗んだっていうのかい?
FormID: 01055F9A AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Beg1 1 Don't know much about him, myself, but I know me a fellow who can help you. 25 gold and I'll tell you who.
FormID: 01055F9E AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Beg1cYes 0 Pleasure doing business with you. He's another beggar. He goes by the name [QUOTE]Scruffy Bill. He worked with him a few years back.
__あんたと仕事ができて嬉しいよ。そいつも物乞いなんだ。やつは[QUOTE]Scruffy Bill[QUOTE]って名で通ってる。Ramusと数年前に仕事をしたそうだ。
FormID: 01055F9E AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Beg1cYes 1 Last I heard, he was squatting in the basement of Slash and Smash in the Imperial City. Owner probably don't know he's there. Tell him I said Hi.
__最後に聞いた話だと、そいつはImperial CityのSlash and Smashの地下に住み着いているそうだ。店主はきっと彼がそこにいることを知らないだろうよ。会ったらよろしく伝えておくれ。
FormID: 01055F9D AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Beg1cNo 0 Suit yourself. Good luck.
FormID: 01056714 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1 0 No! They're all dead! Frank, Alice, and probably Bill too. If I tell you, I'll be dead too.
FormID: 01056720 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1 0 You got my cheese! Oh, it smells so good. Give it!
FormID: 01056720 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1 1 Ok, you want to find Ramus. I know he has a cabin in Blackwood, just East of Leyawiin. He doesn't think anybody knows about it.
FormID: 01056720 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1 2 Maybe you can catch him by surprise. Now, go and don't tell a soul where I am.
FormID: 01056716 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1c1 0 No way. Too risky. He..he'll find out I talked and he'll come for me.
FormID: 01056718 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1c2 0 No! Get out of my house.
FormID: 0105671A AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1c3 0 ...You promise he won't find me? Ok, you help me get some Hammerfell Cheddar and you've got a deal.
__…本当に、あいつが俺を見つけないと約束してくれるのか?わかった、もしあんたがHammerfell Cheddarを持ってきてくれたなら、取引しよう。
FormID: 0105671A AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1c3 1 The lady at the Borderwatch Inn collects rare cheeses. She has some imported Hammerfell Cheddar, but I don't know where she keeps it.
__Borderwatch Innの女主人は珍しいチーズを集めてる。彼女はHammerfell Cheddarを輸入したそうだが、俺じゃそれがどこに保管されているのか分からないんだ。
FormID: 0105671A AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15Bum1c3 2 Steal it and bring it back to me. Then, I'll tell you what I know.
FormID: 01057BBC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 0 You're going to love this! We're going to frame him.
FormID: 01057BBC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 1 As you may know, I'm fairly skilled at forgery. I have already written a letter to the Lustratorium in the Arcane University....from Ramus.
__ご存知かもしれませんが、私は偽造の腕に長けています。すでに、Arcane UniversityのLustratorium宛に手紙を送っておきました…Ramus名義でね。
FormID: 01057BBC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 2 I requested a vial of a very dangerous poison called [QUOTE]igneus toxicum,[QUOTE] which the university is not legally allowed to sell for private use.
__私は[QUOTE]igneus toxicum[QUOTE]と呼ばれる非常に危険な毒を要求したのです。これは通常、大学によって法的に個人への販売が禁止されています。
FormID: 01057BBC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 3 Naturally, they wrote back, saying that they can't sell this substance.
FormID: 01057BBC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 4 You need to sneak into the building and steal it. Now that they know Ramus was asking for it, he will be the prime suspect.
FormID: 01057BBC AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 5 You'll have to break in at night, when nobody's around, to be sure you're not seen.
FormID: 01058976 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 0 You have it. Perfect! Now the Arcane University is missing this poison, and the paper trail leads directly to Ramus.
__持ってきたのですね。完璧です!Arcane Universityからこの毒がなくなった今、各記録からRamusのもとに導いてくれるでしょう。
FormID: 01058976 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 1 Next, we're going to make a fake assassination attempt on Hieronymus Lex. The guards will put all their resources into apprehending him.
__次に、私たちはHieronymus Lexに対する暗殺未遂を偽装する必要があります。彼であれば、Ramusの逮捕に全ての衛兵をつぎ込むことでしょう。
FormID: 01058976 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 2 Take this vial. I watered it down a lot. It should be just enough to make him very ill, without killing him....probably.
FormID: 01058981 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 0 Well done. The poison should take effect very quickly and the guards will see that he's been poisoned by a very distinct substance.
FormID: 01058981 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 1 The Arcane University will report that a vial of igneus toxicum was stolen. They keep records of everything.
__Arcane Universityはigneus toxicumが盗まれたことを報告することでしょう、彼らは全ての記録を保管しています。
FormID: 01058981 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 2 They will soon come across the letter from Ramus, requesting igneus toxicum and they'll put the pieces together.
__じきに衛兵たちはigneus toxicumを要求するRamusの手紙に辿り着き、全てを理解するはずです。
FormID: 01058981 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2 3 His cabin will be the first place they search. There's just one last thing to do....
FormID: 010582A2 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2c1 0 Most aren't aware of it, but they have a portal that they use for emergencies. That's your way in.
FormID: 010582A2 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2c1 1 Somebody here, in the Bravil Mages Guild used to work there and I know for a fact that he keeps a portal in the guild hall that connects to it.
__ある人物が以前、Bravil Mages Guildに勤務していました。彼は確かに、ギルドとそことを繋げるポータルを管理していたのです。
FormID: 010582A2 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2c1 2 If you can break into the Bravil guild hall and find where he's hiding that portal, it will take you right to the Lustratorium.
__もしBravil Mages guildに侵入できたなら、彼が隠したポータルを見つけ出してください。それが他でもないLustratoriumへと転送してくれることでしょう。
FormID: 01058980 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS1c2 0 He patrols the Royal Quarters every night and he usually has a glass of wine. That's your best bet. Find his bottle of wine and add the poison to it
__彼らは毎晩Royal Quartersを警備しています。そしてその際、大抵の場合ワインを飲むのです。これが一番確実でしょう。彼のワインの瓶を見つけて、そこに毒を加えるのです。
FormID: 01058984 AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS2c3 0 Take this and plant it in Ramus' cabin. He'll NEVER get out of prison!
FormID: 0105898A AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS3 0 That's great. It shouldn't take more than a few days before the guards search his place, find the cowl and capture him. I'll keep you posted.
FormID: 0105898C AAS1Q15 AAS1Q15SS4 0 Have you seen the latest Black Horse Courier? I think you'll find it to be a good read.
__Black Horse Courierの最新号を見ましたか?それを読んでいただければお分かりになると思いますよ。

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Last-modified: 2011-05-27 (金) 14:36:34