

FormID: 02001752 OMGBrumaRestoration OMGRomonBruma 0 Julienne Fanis is the best person to talk to about this, but not here, I'll tell her to meet you in the council Chambers at 8am.
__この事はJulienne Fanisとお話しするのが良いでしょう。今ここにはいないので、午前八時にCouncil Chamberにいるよう、伝えておきます。
FormID: 02001754 OMGBrumaRestoration OMGBrumarestoration1 0 Hello Archmage, I understand you want to restore the Bruma Guild Hall ?
__こんにちは、Archmage。Bruma Guild Hallの再建をお望みなのですね。
FormID: 02001756 OMGBrumaRestoration OMGBRumarestore1yes 0 Well first you need a new Guildmagister, J'skar is perhaps not the best choice but given what happened. I think he is the only choice.
FormID: 02001758 OMGBrumaRestoration OMGJskarsGuildMaster 0 I saw him this morning on the University grounds. Find him and Promote him to Guildmagister for Bruma.
FormID: 0200175A OMGBrumaRestoration OMGJuliennewhere 0 I'll be here at 8am and 4pm for a couple of hours each day until Bruma is restored. We should always conduct our business in the Council Chambers.
__再建が終わるまで、私は毎日午前8時と午後4時から数時間ここにいるようにします。Council Chambersで仕事をせねばなりません。
FormID: 0200175F OMGBrumaRestoration OMGPromotingJSkar 0 Me, Guildmagister, I am Honoured. I will go to Bruma and start rebuilding the place. Please send the supplies I need as soon as possible.
FormID: 02001761 OMGBrumaRestoration OMGBrumaGuildSupplies 0 Now you need to talk to Ogier Georick at the The Main Ingredient and ask him to send out Alchemy supplies to J'skar.
__あとはThe Main IngredientのOgier Georickに注文して、錬金術用の備品をJ'skarに送るよう手配して下さい。
FormID: 02001763 OMGBrumaRestoration OMGOrderingsupplies 0 That should be no problem at all, I have what Bruma needs out of the back. I'll dispatch them right away.

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Last-modified: 2009-03-26 (木) 03:29:04