

FormID: 00081990 KOAGnarlTirielenteranceSpawnerNewSCRIPT Message 39 0 The chrysalis appears to be empty.
FormID: 010081E7 KOADruidltarScript Message 15 0 Mother Natures Embrace fades away.
FormID: 010081E7 KOADruidltarScript Message 8 0 You free Nature embrace you as the green mists enter your body.
FormID: 0100A6BB GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6BC GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6BF GREETING Message 2 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C0 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C1 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C2 GREETING Message 2 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C3 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C4 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C5 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C6 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C7 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 0100A6C8 GREETING Message 1 0 Current Bounty: %.0f
FormID: 010128B4 koablacksmithringsScript Message 22 0 You try and make Silver Ring but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128B4 koablacksmithringsScript Message 25 0 1 Silver Nugget needed to make Silver Rings
__Silver Ringを作るのにSilver Nuggetが一つ必要
FormID: 010128B4 koablacksmithringsScript Message 38 0 You try and make Gold Ring but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128B4 koablacksmithringsScript Message 41 0 1 Gold Nugget needed to make Gold Rings
__Gold Ringを作るのにGold Nuggetが一つ必要
FormID: 010128B4 koablacksmithringsScript Messagebox 7 0 What type of item do you wish to forge
FormID: 010128B4 koablacksmithringsScript Messagebox 7 1 Silver Ring
FormID: 010128B4 koablacksmithringsScript Messagebox 7 2 Gold Ring
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Message 22 0 You try and make a Silver Bow but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Message 25 0 2 Silver Nuggets needed to make a Silver Bow.
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Message 38 0 You try and make a Silver Long Sword but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Message 41 0 3 Silver Nuggets needed to make a Silver Long Sword
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Message 53 0 You try and make a Silver Mace but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Message 56 0 3 Silver Nuggets needed to make a Silver Mace Sword
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Messagebox 7 0 What Weapon do you wish to forge
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Messagebox 7 1 Silver Bow
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Messagebox 7 2 Silver Long Sword
FormID: 010128B7 koablacksmithweaponsScript Messagebox 7 3 Silver Mace
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 101 0 3 Silver Nuggets needed to make a Shield
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 22 0 You try and make a pair of boots but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 25 0 2 Silver Nuggets needed to make a pair of boots.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 38 0 You try and make a Cuirass but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 41 0 5 Silver Nuggets needed to make a Cuirass.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 53 0 You try and make a pair of Gauntlets but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 56 0 2 Silver Nuggets needed to make a pair of Gauntlets.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 68 0 You try and make a set of Greaves but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 71 0 4 Silver Nuggets needed to make a set of Greaves.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 83 0 You try and make a Helmet but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 86 0 2 Silver Nuggets needed to make a Helmet
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Message 98 0 You try and make a Shield but end up with a mangled mess.
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Messagebox 7 0 What piece of Mithril Armour do you wish to forge
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Messagebox 7 1 Boots
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Messagebox 7 2 Cuirass
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Messagebox 7 3 Gauntlets
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Messagebox 7 4 Greaves
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Messagebox 7 5 Helmet
FormID: 010128BB koablacksmithArmourScript Messagebox 7 6 Shield

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Last-modified: 2010-01-01 (金) 18:40:07