

FormID: 010686BF povssICArenaquest 10 0 I have been told that there are two arena hopefuls outside in the Arena District who are in need of help. I was also recommended to watch them spar for a while, because I might learn something.
FormID: 010686BF povssICArenaquest 15 0 I told Branwen that I couldn't help her.
FormID: 010686BF povssICArenaquest 20 0 I am to find the books Ahzirr Traajijazeri, Immortal Blood, The Wolf Queen Volume 2 and Way of the Exposed Palm and bring them to Branwen at the Arena District.
__「Ahzirr Traajijazeri」、「Immortal Blood」、「The Wolf Queen Volume 2」、そして「Way of the Exposed Palm」の4冊の本を捜すことになった。揃えたらBranwenの元へ持っていこう。
FormID: 010686BF povssICArenaquest 30 0 Branwen has rewarded me with the Bands of Kwang Lao.
__Branwenはthe Bands of Kwang Laoで労苦に報いてくれた。

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Last-modified: 2011-03-16 (水) 22:58:34