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From Melilene Sansvache
The Tipsy Minotaur
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I'm really very cross with you, Jack!  Not only have you disposed of our source of fresh milk, I have this monstrous great green eyesore blocking the light from my living room.  Of course it was useful to have an addition to the diet at first but with due respect there is a limit to the number of beans a body can take.  If I see another one I swear I'll do a runner.
But this is by-the-by.  Your Uncle Murgatroyd sent you the usual book token for your birthday.  I remember your idea of improving literature last time!   Whilst it is true that increasing your understanding of the female form might prove useful, the 'forms' in those books you had were most certainly not born of nature.  I can see why you kept them under the mattress.  
And they didn't help when it came to Jill did they?  Whatever did you do to her that she had to push you down the hill?  Pity she slipped and knocked herself out.  Her memory of the incident is too hazy but I am sure you would not come well out of it!
So, I have taken the liberty of getting suitable books that are genuinely 'improving'.  Of course, you may already have read them but knowing you prefer pictures to words I doubt it.  These books are very short on illustrations.
As I have no idea where you will next choose to investigate I have given them to your aunt Sidonie.  She is currently staying with friends in Belletor's Folly, a mine to the south of Kvatch.  She's on the upper level so you'll either need to grow another monstrosity to climb or use the attached scroll of temporary corporeal levitation to reach the books.
Perhaps at some point in time you will actually come back to see your old mother.  When you do, be prepared to chop down that terrible growth.  I have a horrible feeling that there is something ghastly at the other end, monitoring everything we are doing down here and waiting its chance.  Come soon or you may find we've all been murdered in our beds.
Your loving (in spite of everything) mother,  Melilene.

訳文 Edit

Melilene Sansvache_から
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あなたが次に調査する場所をどこに決めるか分からないから、あなたの叔母のSidonieにそれを与えたわ。彼女は今、Kvatchの南にある鉱山のBelletor's Follyに友人たちと滞在してるの。彼女は上の階にいるから本を取るために別の巨大植物を育てて登るか、付属のtemporary corporeal levitaton(一時的な肉体浮遊)の巻物を使う必要があるでしょうね。※3
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※1_Jack and the Beanstalk(ジャックと豆の木):牝牛と豆を交換したJackは豆を大きく育てて天に登り…というイギリスの童話と、数年前に流行ったBean Diet(豆ダイエット)のパロディ。
※2_Jack and Jill(ジャックとジル):2人が丘から転げ落ちる様を歌ったイギリスの風刺的古典童謡(ジャックとジルは丘登る、バケツで水汲み運ぶため。ジャックは転んで王冠壊し、ジルも続けて転がり落ちた。…)のパロディ。(のようですが、どうも話の脈絡がよく分かりません。)

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Last-modified: 2011-03-25 (金) 21:08:08