

povssdocnote2 Edit

原文 Edit

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First we make the potion.  Combine the seeds, gold, horn and vampire dust with my Mortar and Pestle and pour the solution into the vial. When you have the awaken potion, while being careful not to touch him, pour the potion down his throat. Then tell me whether that works.

訳文 Edit

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まずpotionを作る。Seed、Gold、Horn、それにVampire dustを私のMortar and Pestleに合わせ入れ、vailに液を注ぐのだ。目覚まし薬ができたら彼に触れないよう注意してその喉にpotionを流し込みたまえ。それから、それが上手くいったかどうか私に言いなさい。

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Last-modified: 2011-03-22 (火) 00:36:17