

FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 5 0 Karashivuel asked me to banish a dangerous Xivilai, which resides somewhere west of Bruma. According to her the Xivilai was [QUOTE]tainted[QUOTE] by something, which gave it some unexpected boons.
FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 10 0 A resident of northern Colovia told me that the Xivilai was seen on a road between Bruma and Sancre Tor, high in the Jerall mountains.
__北Colovia地方の人々から聞いた所によると、そのXivilaiはthe Jerall mountainsの高地、BrumaとSancre Torをつなぐ街道筋に現れるとのことだ。
FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 15 0 One of the Hermaeus Mora worshippers told me that they keep the Xivilai with Turn Undead at bay. How's that possible?
__Hermaeus Moraの信徒はTurn UndeadのスペルでXivilaiを退けているとのことだが、果たしてそんな事が可能なのだろうか?
FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 20 0 I've spotted the Xivilai near the Hermaeus Mora shrine. It instantly turned invisible. I'll better get ready for whatever is in store for me here.
__Hermaeus Moraの祠の近くで件のXivilaiを発見したが、すぐに不可視の魔法を唱えられてしまった。何か役に立ちそうなものがあれば、何でも店から仕入れてくるべきだろう。
FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 30 0 The Xivilai immediately attacked.
FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 35 0 The Xivilai muttered some nonsense, then did cast a spell on herself. I get the feeling that I should run away quickly.
FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 90 0 Ulasza has been banished. I should report back to Karashivuel.
FormID: 03017728 bgXQ1Ordered 100 0 Karashivuel thanked me for banishing the Xivilai. Didn't make her any friendlier, though.

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17