

FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 5 0 Yan-Tissam said that she's still searching for a key. In the meantime she suggested that I help Barnard to recover some his paintbrush.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 10 0 Barnard told me that his favorite paintbrush had gone missing - completely with the chest it was stored in. He has no idea where it could be, and just wants it back.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 15 0 Yan-Tissam said that she hasn't Barnard's paint brush, but she suspects one of the demented artists may have taken it.
__Yan-Tissamは彼の絵筆を持っていないと言う。demented artists(dementiaの芸術家たち)の誰かが持ち去ったのではないかと彼女は言っている。
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 20 0 Longius Curio said that he already searched through the Dementia artists' quarter, without success.
__Logius Curioは既にDementia側アーティストの居住区を探してみたが、不首尾に終わったとの事だ。
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 25 0 The Golden Saint guard said that no monster snuck into Zendria after a certain Scalon incident.
__あるGolden Saintによると、Scalonの一件以来、Zendriaにはモンスターは一匹もいないとのことだ。
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 30 0 The Dark Seducer at Zendria told me that while no one left Zendria, some of the inhabitants have a habit of throwing their garbage over the wall, attracting vermin.
__ZendriaのDark Seducerによると、Zendriaが無人なのをいいことに壁越しにゴミを捨てる住民がおり、そのせいで害獣が呼び寄せられているそうだ。
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 35 0 M'ahnisa witnessed that Thollorn sneaked out of the Mania quarter.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 40 0 Thollorn said he didn't care about Barnard's toys.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 45 0 Thollorn said he merely checked out their place, and doesn't have anything with him.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 50 0 Thollorn said that he tossed Barnard's box over the roof, just because he wasn't able to open it.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 55 0 M'ahnisa said that she heard a sound coming from above while eating breakfast.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 60 0 I have found Barnard's box, but it's locked - without a key I cannot open it, lest I destroy his paint brush.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 65 0 Barnard gave me the key to his box.
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 75 0 I've found Barnard's paintbrush!
FormID: 0311CB2F bgPMQ1Misplaced 100 0 I've given Barnard Laelippe his lost heirloom paint brush back. He was very happy.
__Barnard Laelippeに形見の絵筆を返した。彼はとても喜んでくれた。

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17