

FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 5 0 Kanaane told me about her plans for the Stranded Light. She tries to find people with knowledge about how to make your own enchantments and spell, to overcome the Mages Guild monopoly. While she's still searching for someone able to enchant items for the public, I was asked to keep my eyes open for mer survivors of a sea skirmish. Accoding to Kanaane any possible survivors have likely gone into hiding.
__the Stranded Lightの今後に関する計画をKanaaneから聞いた。彼女はenchantやspell作成の知識に長けた人物を招き入れたいと考えている。Mages Guildの独占事業に対抗するためだ。彼女は彼女で人の役に立つためにenchantを行なう人物を探しているが、私もsea skirmishを生き延びたmer(エルフ)の生き残りを探すよう言われた。Kanaaneが言うには、生存者はきっとどこかで隠れ住んでいるだろうとのことだ。
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 10 0 According to Caelia Draconis in Leyawiin some dead bodies were found along the small islands in the Topal Bay. No survivors, and no one came to Leyawiin.
__LeyawiinのCaelia DraconisからTopal Bayの小島で死体が発見されたという話を聞いた。生存者はゼロ。また、誰もLeyawiinに来たことがないとの事だ。
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 25 0 I've found a fellow Maormer on an island, way south of Leyawiin.
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 25 1 I've found a strange Elf on an island, way south of Leyawiin.
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 30 0 Tiridar appears to be hungry for food that she can't find on her isle. Oranges, bread, cheese (a whole wheel!) and boar meat. And she wants at least ten oranges, to have some supplies.
__Tiridarはお腹をすかせているようだ。島では食料が見つからなかったらしい。Orangeとbreadとcheese(whole wheel丸々1個)とboar meatが欲しいと言う。orangeについては最低でも10個は欲しいとの事だ。
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 40 0 As it turned out Tiridar can't create new spells. Although she has another lead.
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 50 0 I was able to persuade Tiridar to get in contact with another mage, able to create spells. She said I should warn the Stranded Light before, because she likes to have a bit of luxury and won't enter without.
__Tridarを説得し、spellを作成できる別の魔術師を紹介してもらうことに成功した。とはいえまずはthe Stranded Lightにあらかじめ断りを入れておいたほうが良いとの事。どうやらその魔術師は贅沢好きで、相応の待遇がなければ加入してくれないらしいのだ。
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 75 0 Kanaane asked me to leave Merendin for a while, while she's going to fetch some [QUOTE]luxury[QUOTE] for the spellmaking mage.
FormID: 03039F8E bgAQ5Spellmaking 100 0 Merendin has changed once again, and is now home of someone able to create new spells.

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17