

FormID: 03010E42 bgAQ1Estate 5 0 The Golden Saint Tesserayiel asked me to purchase an Ayleid ruin for her. She tries to set up a place for Daedra stranded in our world, that don't want to cause mischief or set cities on fire. At least that what she said.
__Golden SaintのTesserayielから、Ayleid遺跡を購入してきてほしいと頼まれた。こちらの世界に取り残されたDaedraたちの居場所を作りたいのだそうだ。人間に迷惑をかけたり、街に被害を出したくない連中の為だ。彼女が言うには、そういうことらしい。
FormID: 03010E42 bgAQ1Estate 10 0 Vinicia Melissaeia asks a very high price for the ruin. Either I need to collect a lot of money, or find another way to get that ruin.
__Vinicia Melissaeiaは遺跡の代金に法外なまでの高値を提示してきた。遺跡を手に入れるには、大金を掻き集めるか別の手段を探す必要がある。
FormID: 03010E42 bgAQ1Estate 20 0 I've purchased the ruin. My purse feels empty now. According to Vinicia Melissaeia Merendin should be somewhere east of Fort Teleman, which is northeast of Leyawiin. I should go to Tesserayiel and tell her the good news.
__遺跡を購入した。もう財布は空っぽだ。Vinicia Melissaeiaによれば、MerendinはFort Telemanから東のどこか、Leyawiinの北東にあるそうだ。Tesserayielの所へ戻り、この吉報を伝えよう。
FormID: 03010E42 bgAQ1Estate 25 0 I've persuaded Vinicia Melissaeia to give me Merendin for free. According to her Merendin should be somewhere east of Fort Teleman, which is northeast of Leyawiin. I should go to Tesserayiel and tell her the good news.
__Vinicia Melissaeiaを説得し、Merendinをタダで譲らせた。彼女によるとMerendinはFort Telemanの東に位置し、Leyawiinからだと北東の方角にあるそうだ。さあ、Tesserayielに会い吉報を伝えよう。
FormID: 03010E42 bgAQ1Estate 45 0 I've refused to join this illustrous group of Daedra. If I ever change my mind, I can visit Tesserayel in Merendin.
FormID: 03010E42 bgAQ1Estate 50 0 I've joined this illustrous group of Daedra. According to Tesserayiel it will take some time to set up shop. Also she's asked me to simply do [QUOTE]good deeds[QUOTE], so that her group gets a better reputation.

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Last-modified: 2011-04-30 (土) 08:37:17