

FormID: 0310B4B3 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I have pressing matters to discuss with Zerreshju. Be on your way.
FormID: 0310B4B4 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I carry news from and to other lands that are of interest to the Stranded Light. Do not delay my delivery.
__Stranded Lightに興味を示す所へニュースを運んだり、逆に持ってきたりします。私の配達の邪魔をしないでください。
FormID: 0310B4B5 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 So much to do, so little time. How can Zerreshju even tolerate this world? It is beyond my understanding.
__やる事は多く、時間は少ない。どうやってZerreshjuはこの世界を許容できているんだろう? 私の理解を越えてますよ。
FormID: 0310B4B6 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Unless you're interested in helping to deal with the Morrowind problem, then I suggest you tend to your duties, and not mine.
FormID: 0310B4B7 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 The Stranded Light still has to deal with a number of Aureals who listen neither to them nor to Lord Sheogorath. The situation in Morrowind is critical. I don't have time for idle chatter.
__現下、Morrowindは危機的な状況にある。我々はおろか、Lord Sheogorathの言葉すら聞き入れないAurealたちが大勢いるのだ。The Stranded Lightが導いてやらねばならん。よって無駄話をしている暇はないのだ。
FormID: 0310B4B8 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I am coordinating our efforts in Morrowind. As you may know, Aureals have a certain history there. A great challenge to even deal with the Aureals running wild. None of your business, as far as I was informed.
FormID: 0310B4B9 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 You wouldn't believe what can break in a single day on a farm. Rakes, roofs, bones. What a mess. Let's see what this guild can do about it!
FormID: 0310B4BA bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Travelling here was bad enough. Travelling back? I never thought I would get nightmares while I'm awake!
__ここに来るまでで十分大変だったよ。今度は帰らなくちゃならないって? オラ、悪夢っちゅうもんは起きてる時でも見るとは思ったことも無かったよ!
FormID: 0310B4BB bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Are you the one who ought to help me on the fields? No, you don't look like it.
__あんたがオレのん農場を助けてくれるってぇのか? うーん、そうには見えねぇなぁ。
FormID: 0310B4BC bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I can't believe Karashivuel insisted that I wear this shirt! What kind of place is this? Mortals afraid of some skin? Gah, I remember the good old times when we skinned them!
__Karashivuelがこのシャツを着るように主張した等とは信じられん! ここは一体どういった場所なのだ? 定命の者は皮膚が怖いのか? がぁっ! 我々があるがままでいた良き時を思い出すぞ!
FormID: 0310B4BD bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I'm sick and tired of living under a rock, and there's no turning back to Lord Dagon. Not after his unfair punishment after the Battlespire fiasco. Let's see if Karashivuel can hold to her promises.
__岩の下で暮らすことも、Dagon卿の元へ戻るのもうんざりだ。 Battlespireにおける大失敗の後の奴の不公平な罰の後ではな。 Karashivuelが自分の誓いを守ることができるか、見せてもらうとしよう。
FormID: 0310B4BE bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Mundus is the middle ground. Kind of. Some realms of Oblivion are far better suited, others are just creepy. Ever been to Mephala's web? Oh don't bother! I'd rather be here than there.
__Mundusは中州にあたる。どちらかと言えばだがな。Oblivionのいくつかの領域よりはるかに適しているな。他は気味の悪い所だ。 MephalaのWebに行ったことがあるかだと? ああ、馬鹿なことを言うな! そこに比べたらここにいるのがずっといい。
FormID: 0310B4BF bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 There's so much to do. Rebuilding houses. Planting trees. Digging for water. Raising cattle. And of all tasks I got the one of going here to request some help. Oh dear.
FormID: 0310B4C0 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Once the Imperial Cult helped after what happened in my village. Not anymore. [QUOTE]Oh, we don't have anyone to help you![QUOTE] That's when our elders saw an advertisement for this guild.
__かつてImperial Cultは、私の村を助けてくれました。でももういません。[QUOTE]あぁ、我々には助けてくれるものがいない![QUOTE] そんな折、長老達がこのギルドの広告を見たんです。
FormID: 0310B4C1 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 What a long journey! I've heard of outposts in Elsweyr, but I don't dare to go into Khajiiti land. Not after what happened during the war.
FormID: 0310B4C2 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Jo'aleiku greets you! He is happy to buy some magical services here. The Mages Guild in Elsweyr is under a lot of stress lately, so he had to look for alternatives.
__Jo'aleikuです、こんにちわ! Jo'aleikuは魔法のなサービスを受けることができて満足です。ElsweyrのMages Guildは遅くてストレスが溜まるので、Jo'aleikuは他の選択肢を探さなければなりませんでした。
FormID: 0310B4C3 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Jo'aleiku says hello! He wandered all the way from Elsweyr to restock some supplies. Unlike the Blackwood Company this guild doesn't seem to be too shady. At least as long as he overlooks the Daedra.
__Jo'aleikuです!こんにちは。はるばるElsweyrから稼ぎにやってきました。このギルドはBlackwood Companyと違ってうしろ暗い所が少なそうですね。Daedraばかりではありますが。
FormID: 0310B4C4 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Jo'aleiku salutes you! It is his most sincere opinion that you need to travel and spread your knowledge, as you need to travel and gain more knowledge. To come back home and spread your new knowledge there.
FormID: 0310B4C5 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I have spent months at sea. What did I see as I came back? A new guild! Guess what! Oh I'm happy about it, don't get me wrong. Anything that helps a freelancing dungeon delver like myself to get some money is great!
FormID: 0310B4C6 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I wonder. If I join up, will I get the chance to explore many dungeons? And take journeys to places far, far away? That's important. No dungeon is like the next, it's always an adventure to enter one!
__思うんだ。 もしオレが入隊したら、オレは多くのダンジョンを探索できるんだろうか? そしてもっともっと遠くへ行けるんだろうか? これは重要な事なんだ。次のダンジョンが無かったりしたら、オレはひとつのダンジョンで冒険し続けなくちゃならない!
FormID: 0310B4C7 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 To be honest I was kind of surprised to see the people in here. As I saw the Ayleid ruin I thought to find some nice loot, but instead there's a working opportunity. Being paid to explore dungeons, that would be my dream!
FormID: 0310B4C8 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Finally a guild that approves of my talents. Frying necromancers day and night or studying moldy tomes is boring! Now innovative use of spellcraft, that's the real game!
FormID: 0310B4C9 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 They call me [QUOTE]stormtempered[QUOTE], because I demonstrated how you can use lightnings to redecorate a room. Afterwards I had to search for a new guild. They just don't have any sense of humor.
FormID: 0310B4CA bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 It's as true today as when I started adventuring: When in doubt, set something on fire!
FormID: 0310B4CB bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I don't care about the Stranded Light! I'm here to explore Merendin, now that the ruin is safe and not full of conjurers and Daedra anymore. Oh well, not full of conjurers anymore, I mean.
__Stranded Lightの事など気にせんわい!わしはMerendinの探索に来ただけじゃ。ConjurerもDaedraもいなくなってくれた事だしのう…。おっと、「Daedra」は余計だったな。
FormID: 0310B4CC bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Those Ayleid ruins you see today? They're marking the place of the old cities, but they're not the old cities itself. They are everything from burial places to fortresses to palaces, but not a place where the old Ayleid citizens lived.
__現代に残されているAyleid ruinsはかつて存在した古き都市の名残りですが、都市それ自体ではありません。これらは陵墓や要塞、宮殿といった建築物ではありますが、Ayleidの民が居住していた場所というわけではないのです。
FormID: 0310B4CD bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Ayleid cities? Lost. They were mostly over the ground, not under it. Only the military or ceremonial parts of their cities survived the centuries. Those that were on the surface are gone by now.
__Ayleidの都市? 消え去ったな。大抵は地面の上にちゃんとあって、地面の下なんぞではなかった。都市の中でも、地下にあった軍事施設や儀礼用の施設だけが世紀を越えて生き残ったんじゃ。表層にあったものは無くなってしまったのう。
FormID: 0310B4CE bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Please, no, don't pay any attention to me. I'm just here to buy some essentials. There's nowhere else I could go.
FormID: 0310B4CF bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I have nothing to do with Mehrunes Dagon. Understand this, and let me continue my existence in peace, as sad as it may be.
__私はMehrunes Dagonとは無関係だ。これを理解して欲しく、また悲しい事であるので、私の静寂を続けさせて欲しい。
FormID: 0310B4D0 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I don't request anything from this guild. I can buy the supplies I need to survive the next winter without being banished through malnourishment and cold, and that's all I came here for. All I can expect. One winter to the next.
FormID: 0310B4D1 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I love to visit places like this! I've seen the towers of Sadrith Mora. The empty crab shell of Ald'ruhn. The Throat of the World, the crystal towers in Summurset, and now also some good old Ayleid ruin.
__こういう場所に来るのは大好きなんですよ!今までにもSadrith Moraの塔やAld'ruhnの蟹の甲羅で出来た建物をはじめ、The Throat of the WorldやSummursetのcrystal towersなどを見てきました。そして今はAyleidの遺跡に興味があるというわけです。
FormID: 0310B4D2 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 While it was worth coming here, I cannot fail to notice that Dwemer ruins in Morrowind are even more interesting. On my scale from one to ten, these Ayleid ruins are a good six. Not more.
__この遺跡は見るべき価値のある場所だとは思いますが、考えてもみればMorrowindのDwemer 遺跡の方がもっと刺激的でしたね。私の基準では10点満点中せいぜい6点程度です。
FormID: 0310B4D3 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I love visiting interesting places. Now laws or borders will stop me from doing so, ever. There has to be some good in being born at the right time of the year, don't you agree?
FormID: 0310B4D4 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I remember the time, not even a decade ago, when the Tribunal Temple had an open ear for everyone needing charity and help. Not anymore. Now my trust lies in this new guild.
__Tribunal Templeが救済や助けを必要としている人全てに耳を傾けていた、10年ほど前の事を思い出しますね。今では最早ありませんが。今、私の信じているものがこの新しいギルドに広がっていますね。
FormID: 0310B4D5 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 No, no, no, I don't need anything. I just wanted to see the headquarters. My donations were well spent.
FormID: 0310B4D6 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 The Imperial Cult? They don't do anything anymore. I don't know what happened to them, but they didn't even try to step in and fill the hole that the crumbling Tribunal Temple left.
__Imperial Cult? 彼らは何もしませんよ。彼らに何があったかなんて知りませんが、彼等は崩れたTribunal Templeのホールに足を踏み入れることなく去ったんですよ。
FormID: 0310B4D7 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 There was a choice to make, and I think I made the right one. The payment is alright, could be better, could be worse. At least I can look into a mirror the next day. Can't say this for everyon.
FormID: 0310B4D8 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Sometimes it's not so much a decision, but question on how far you're willing to go. I didn't want to go where I was heading to. So I ended up here. Could have been worse.
FormID: 0310B4D9 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Don't mind me. I'm doing some low profile jobs when they're available, nothing more, nothing less. You know, like collecting twenty pieces of copper, hunt ten bears, and the like.
FormID: 0310B4DA bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I have given up trying to understand this guild. There are things they don't do, and things they do, but I haven't seen any clear logic or guidelines behind it.
FormID: 0310B4DB bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 What I hate? Finding out how far this guild is willing to go. They have talents that aren't in the Blackwood Company, but for tasks they're more choosy than the Fighters Guild.
__このギルドの気に入らない所だって?そうだな、先の見通しが見えない所か。ここはBlackwood Companyよりも仕事は出来るがFighters Guildよりも仕事を選ぶじゃないか。
FormID: 0310B4DC bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Always this haggling, haggling, haggling! As if I've got all week to spend here!
__いつもいつもいつも交渉だ! まるで私がここで一週間ずっと交渉しているみたいだ!
FormID: 03142A41 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 The paintings here are very inspirational. So much blood! So many wounds to close. Way to make a living!
__ここの絵は、非常にインスピレーションを与えてくれるよ。大量の血! 沢山の塞がった傷。生の道筋だな!
FormID: 03142A42 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Old healer secret: To be healed, you first must be bloodied for good.
__老いたヒーラーの秘密: 癒やされるために、あなたはまず見事な血まみれにならなければならない。
FormID: 03142A43 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Dar'aloha wonders: Why is he drawn to paintings of a land he sees day after day?
__Dar'alohaは不思議だ: なぜ、Dar'alohaは、毎日見る土地の絵に引きつけられるのか?
FormID: 03142A44 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Dar'aloha will not donate to this gallery's Hungry Kitten Font!
__Dar'alohaは、この画廊ののHungry Kitten Fontに寄付しない!
FormID: 03142A45 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I'm coming here for inspiration. To know what to build next. Ever thought about living in a house formed like a brain? That would give you more thinking power!
__私はインスピレーションを得る為にここに来ています。 次に何を構築するべきか知ること。 これまでに脳みたいな外観の家に住む事を考えたことはあります? それはあなたにより思考力を与えるでしょう!
FormID: 03142A46 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 Don't mind me, I'm here for paintings, not for the talking.
FormID: 03142A47 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I wonder if the paintings are glued on the wall. Or free for the taking?
FormID: 03142A48 bgZHQHiddenDialogue GREETING 0 I had wished to see more paintings of buildings. Like the interior plans of shops and banks. Now that would have been nice!

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Last-modified: 2012-02-06 (月) 00:51:45